
Is there something wrong with me that guys don't seem to be interested in me as a potential partner? I have had my fair share of male friends but they don't seem to think of me as someone who can be more than just their friend. They seem to be looking for qualities in a woman that I do not possess. Am I going to spend the rest of my life alone (not counting my family of course, since they are always with me)? I have seen guys who might share the same things as me but it seems that I am not the one they are looking for. I know that I am trying my best to loosen wight because they seem to prefer ladies with slimmer bodies and I know that I am succeeding but still the same. I am trying to make myself look prettier by way of clothes but still the same. If I go back to the way I dress, I know that all the more nobody will look at me.

What am I doing wrong??????doh dunno confused blues yawn
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Comments (25)

Hi ,why should you change ,you should be excepted for who you are not what someone would like you to become .
As long as you are happy in yourself someone will come along
Stay happy bouquet
Thank you so much guys. Well maybe I am just too hard on myself. I think the important thing here is that I am happy.

head banger
I agree with the gentlemen! When I hear/feel such worries I remember that one of the prettiest women ever were unhappy in love (Merilyn Monroe and others), so it's not (only) about the look. And you look great, I love your second photo! You look very feminine.

So yes just be happy with yourself and I'm sure the right man will appreciate you hug bouquet
Thank you Jana 28
You have to love yourself 1st... And for the record i think you look rather luvly.teddybear
Hi Stormy,
There's nothing wrong with you; you look greatsmitten It's only about " a right man in the right time" so be patient, gitu loch, ok? Semua akan indah pada waktunya hug God bless you
that's really weird stormy ........ maybe the guys that you are around aren't all that bright . just from my personal opinion i don't think you should change anything .
Thank you adamiskwave
Stormy, I see by your profile that you are a Leo. Most of the "Leo" people I know are outgoing, strong personality types. Many men are put off by strong minded, educated women. Don't change who you really are, but be cautious about having to have the "last word" or being "over-whelming", you might be scaring off your suitors.
You are obviously intelligent, take your time and study the male "animal", they are not all that elusive, but they do scare easily. Be the "fox" and let them be the "chicken"...
Rowdy!...thats some useful advise there! Comngrat!! Most people would be afraid of giving such advise and end up saying stuff like dont change a think you are great blah blah! This is true...dont change who you are....but it takes a real friend to point out some little bad habits (in demeanour or appearance) that we may not be aware of and no one will tell us from fear of hurting us! But of course sometimes...all the person need is some reassurance! Thats true too! Life and peoples feeling can be complicated sometimes...sigh :) :) :)
Stormy; When the right "Guy" comes along for you, he will adore how you look and your personality, all he will see is you. Just keep up what you are doing and it will happen for you when you least exspect it.bouquet
Stormy; When the right "Guy" comes along for you, he will adore how you look and your personality, all he will see is you. Just keep up what you are doing and it will happen for you when you least exspect it.bouquet
Thank you so much for the nice pieces of advice.head banger
seriously if i lived in Bandung Indonesia you would be blogging about the bald white guy that won't leave you alone . lol.
hahahaha...thanks adamisk
The only thing wrong is that you assume there's anything wrong with you!
And don't try too hard, like loosing weight for anybody else than yourself because men can smell a desperate woman from afar and it makes them run wink
just be yourself stormy,u just havent found the right guy yet???
Its almost like finding a job???laugh may go to alot of interveiws? but one will pay off sooner or later!:):):)
And never think its just u that feels like that?:) there are lots of people that feel the same way 2,:)i know i do :):):)
Thanks Meanwhileinbali and boncapricorn
stormy you have a great profile,its just a matter of time,hang in there because you,re lovely...handshake
I don't think all men are searching just for the looks , you just not meet the right guy , keep looking and hope you gonna find him soon !!! hug hug hug
don't change anything stormy, you're wonderful and great the way you are. and if a guy couldn't or wouldn't love you this way, forget about him, cause he's not worth it! hug

I am in the same boat as you. I seem to be more of the friend than girlfriend material. Like you, I'm trying to lose weight (for the health benefits but also to look better too). I don't think that you are doing anything wrong.
Stormy..there is nothing wrong in your picture nor profile that scares the people out there rolling on the floor laughing. As always it takes time to let our life in the groove to set it sailing, but as long as you are happy there is no major cause of concern. As far as the part of weight and looks, it does not matter, since at the end of the day it is only about you and your partner and how you understand each other. Looks may change after some years and people gain weight too.
doh Sorry, this happened again!mumbling frustrated
Thanks alonerdo....
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by stormylady81
created Nov 2011
Last Viewed: May 1
Last Commented: Nov 2011
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