Celestial Readings Astro Update for Feb 12-19 201

Note: Fierce February, coldest and shortest month in the northern hemisphere, is the most obvious attempt of our Gregorian calendar’s system of synchronizing the solar year with that of the astronomical (or seasonal) year. Because the earth’s annual orbit around the Sun is actually closer to 365.25 days, every 4 years we end up with an extra day (a 366 day- year) ~ happening this year and this month, with that rare February 29th.

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being. ~Carl Jung ~ How appropriate was Jung’s adage at this waning point of winter…Here on the week that celebrates Valentine’s Day and Love, the reason and purpose for Life. And so with my heart wide open for all, let me wish everyone a warm and heart-felt Happy Valentines Day! These short days of the briefest month of the year can seem the longest, and we all know why… Because, like eager children awaiting the long night before Christmas morning, we know that just around the corner comes the beautiful gift of enchanted Spring, with it’s virgin green unfurling everywhere to the eye’s delight and the immaculate blue skies warming the earth and coaxing new life from the long-dormant soil.

And up above in the twinkling night sky the planets dance out their patterns around us, also with their own promises of new life emerging. Moon (in deep Scorpio) is at it’s eagle’s-best as harmonious trines to the Sun, Mercury and Neptune starts the week off.

On Valentines Day, the Moon moves into lofty and idealistic Sagittarius and trines Venus/Uranus (in Aries). This is a very energetic pattern for Love and promises to be a most stimulating moment for most couples. For those who have been dating someone steadily, you can surely expect a hitch in the tempo, things heating up easily. Midweek offers a most unusual compendium of aspects, with (almost) ALL of the planets in the signs sweeping from Aries through to Libra, sitting in a ‘bowl-type’ pattern of concentrated energy. What is particularly powerful and wonderfully positive is the positioning and nature of the many trines aspects, to compliment the dynamic (challenging) ones. What this means is that we will quickly be able to right what is wrong, to pull ourselves ‘up by the bootstraps’ should we fall, and swiftly find the light again. Deepak Chopra wisely spoke of this human attribute when he said: “Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort. This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony in everything you do.”

With such illuminating aspects as Venus and Uranus trining the Moon, and the Sun, Mercury and Neptune trining Saturn, help-meets are set up all along the way. So should we find ourselves momentarily feeling lost, we only need to retreat a moment to that quiet place where Source/Love resides within our hearts. Here we will find the strength to light the candle again.

We do this unconsciously, with the the substance of our very own Faith, for we inherently trust what we know brings us to that place of inner peace. Like the ‘magic carpet’ that lifts and carries us to where we need to go, it is faith that returns us home time and time again. It was Jesus, the Master healer, himself, who loved us so much, that He lay down his life for HIS belief in US, that said, “Go thy Way, Thy FAITH has made thee whole.” Mark 10:52

Trust in yourself and in the ones that your heart knows truly love you. Most of all, trust in your own heart-intution, that place where the Soul resides.
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Comments (2)

can you read palms?
around here, the old women read the tea leaves, although i think its just an excuse to call, and have tea, and cookies, laugh
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Lisbon Falls, Maine, USA

Guided by a gentle inner spirit, I believe life is a sacred journey in self-improvement, a gift of time and an opportunity to become a more evolved being than the day before. We are here as intitates in Love, to serve others in the name of Love. Our [read more]

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created Feb 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 26
Last Commented: Feb 2012
starfire_girl has 37 other Blogs

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