Celestial Readings Astro Update-Feb 26-March 4 201


Peering between dust clouds towards the central bulge of the Milky Way, our galactic home, the Hubble Space telescope focused on a rare clear region in the Sagittarius Star Cloud, very near the center. These Sagittarius stars formed at different times, with most being our older than our Sun (about four and a half billion years old…) ~about middle age as far as Suns go; they sparkle like an assortment of gems on a jewelers velvet pad.

Ours is a barred spiral galaxy, whose concentric arms are actually named. Closest to the center is the 3 KPC arm, then the Norma and Scutum Arm, the Sagittarius and the Crux Arm. These preceding 2 pair, almost overlap each other. Closest to us (on the inside) is the Carina Arm. And the band we see that stretches across the entire night sky, on those rare brilliant starry nights, is our own: the Orion-Cygnus Arm. Beyond us is the Perseus Arm, and further still, the last and greatest in circumference is simply named the Outer Arm.

We are literally and figuratively held within the Arms of our Milky Way galaxy, whose total sparkling numbers are estimated to be between 200-400 billion. Add to the equation that recent estimates ascertain that there are 500 billion galaxies in the Universe (a recent German supercomputer simulation) ~which contain anywhere only a few billion stars, to larger galaxies consisting of more than a trillion.

If this doesn’t give you pause to contemplate the miracle we live amidst, consider this: the Earth is spinning on its axis at about 1000 mph, while the galaxy itself is clipping right along at an almost incomprehensible 483,000 miles per hr or 134 miles per second!

The Sun moved into Pisces last week on the 19th of February, (1:18AM EST); this spiritual, emotional mutable deep-water sign. These combined factors often give the appearance of dualism…and indeed it is true, Pisces can play the role of victim or healer. And while one Pisces may be organized to the point of OCD, another may be completely unconcerned with the domestic appearance of their home. But whether Pisces is a type-A or type-B personality, the expression of the Pisces energy is unconsciously and specifically emotionally driven. Remember, as the human species, we are Emotional Beings first, which is also why this pervasive water sign, in its most evolved state, is considered the Healer of the Zodiac. A highly evolved Pisces (in emotional command of themselves) have the greatest capacity for compassion and psychic Healing. Edgar Cayce is an example.

While the Sun travels through this emotionally dynamic sign, (Feb 19th -March 20th) it can be said that all aspects made to the Sun during this time are more emotionally driven (regardless of your own sign). And depending on your sign, this emotional ‘charge’ is being decidedly played out in some area of your life. Therefore, aspects to the Moon (and other planets) also have this emotion ‘charge’ behind them and our respondent actions.

The Moon moves approximately every two and a half days. So it is also important to note: the position of the Moon has enormous impact for whatever sign it occupies (for that particular two and a half day lunar transition). In other words, if the Moon is in Taurus, (then any and all people under Taurus influence are specifically impacted. (This includes your Ascendant and natal Moon position (if they are in Taurus ) for instance.

This UPDATE starts with the Moon in Taurus, (Feb 26, 9:29 AM, EST) where we find the Sun in Pisces making an easy sextile to the Moon, enhancing communication lines. The Sun also forms a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, increasing our own sense of confidence, impelling us to communicate with our loved ones. No surprise, with such aspects, if this week the conversations are concerning household finances, ~~ cont.
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Comments (2)

beautifully detailed almost visualizing the arms..could you explain if the ides of march are relevant.i read the previous post but may have overlooked a portion.confused
Hello there, we have not arrived at the ides of March yet, (Mar 15) but that date would only have relevance should some specific astrological aspect is occurring... these updates are weekly, (posted every Sunday) and relevant to the only the week coming up. Most of the updates are not in their entirety, due to formatting limits on this site, so in order to read the end of each astrological update you would have to go to site address I provide at the end of each post. I do appreciate your commentary and am pleased you are enjoying the posts.
Blessings of Light, Take Care,
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Lisbon Falls, Maine, USA

Guided by a gentle inner spirit, I believe life is a sacred journey in self-improvement, a gift of time and an opportunity to become a more evolved being than the day before. We are here as intitates in Love, to serve others in the name of Love. Our [read more]

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created Feb 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 18
Last Commented: Feb 2012
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