So don't buy into religious law, I believe all religion should be based on a persons personal convictions. As long as a person who has religion obeys the laws of the land shouldn't be forced or pressured by Government. When this happens there is no freedom and we are not who we say we are. As far as the terrorist alerts we are facing I believe they are needed and people attacking our Home Land Security seems like they maybe planning something?? Just a hunch and we are free to have hunch's amen to that. Hunch's keep my *** alive so yeah sometimes being safe rather than sorry sounds like a good idea.

A great plan for all us people who love freedom is to have this common bond and work together to stop radical religion based on exposing their leaders as frauds. When you take the religion away from the cons and people's love for their faith and you expose them for cons and interest in greed and power they loose a following and than they are nothing but exposed con artistry and profiled organized crime.
Be aware, safe, alert and please people don't be gullible or ruin your lives for something that doesn't even matter. God Loves you and His main desire for us all is to Love us. Everything else people throw doesn't matter. Common Sense<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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