God exists

I am making this blog in response to the good questions that wafwotam he has raised regarding the existence of God.

Something exists

This seems to me to be undeniably true. Anyone who says nothing exists,would have to exist order to say that. In which case,he would be defeating his own arguement. I think it's obvious by the fact that we're here,that we can believe that something exists.

Nothing does not produce something

Julie Andrews sang it best in the Sound of Music...Nothing comes from nothing,nothing ever could.Lol. Even David Hume who was one of the greatest skeptics of all time stated...I never asserted such an absurd thing is that, things arrise without a cause.

It's the premise that says,every event has a cause. That nothing does not produce something.

From these two premises a rather interesting conclusion logically follows.

That something always existed!

Why? Because if something exists,and nothing can't cause something,then something always existed. From this, we have already concluded an eternal being,to say nothing of the question of weather the being is intelligent or beyond the universe.

If something exists

And nothing cannot produce something

Then something must have always been.

The fourth premise in the arguement,is that the space time universe is not eternal.

That is,the universe as we know it, as it is known to modern science is not eternal.

In his book God and the Astronomers, Professor Robert Jastrow gives the scientific evidence that demonstrates that universe had a beginning.

The second law of thermodynamics says, that the amount of available energy is decreasing. The fact that the universe is running down shows that it could not be eternal.

This being the case,the universe will sooner or later run out of usable energy. Now if the universe can run out of energy, then it's energy cannot be infinite,since infinite energy cannot run out. And if the universe is not infinite or eternal,then the universe must have had a beginning.

If everything that has a beginning has a Beginner(law of causality),and nothing can't cause something,then something must have always existed(God).

The bottom line from an agnostic astronomer:

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason,the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance: He is about to conquer the highest peak: As he pulls himself over the final rock,he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."(God and the Astronomers,116)

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth,their words to the ends of the world(Psalms 19:1-4).

Jesus loves you! God bless!

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Comments (28)

I do believe that there is a higher being aka God yet I cannot state that there is one, more than one, or none at all
Well there you go again using Thermodynamics to promote a religious statement . Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that concernes heat and it's relation to mechanical energy . It primaraly is concerned with the conversion of one to another . What this has to do with your God theory I don't know .

Perhaps you should learn a little physics before you start using it to confirm your argument. . . .professor
YOU KNOW WHAT SERENDIPIDY, I am almost in love with you , simply because you propose such a convincing argument contained within your seemingly understanding demeanour.
I doubt there has ever existed in the history of this blog land place such a person who can with such an amazing sense of comprehension of us common place people in our doubtful arguments , send forth such an undeniable positive and supportive message . i thank you for the level of respect you maintain for all of us who are heathen . saskia
God exixts,that's it. You don't have to justify or prove anything It's a fact, It's matter of faith and faith goes beyond science. handshake
Saskia, If you love Serendipity so much then I think you should buy him a science book for his birthday . Try to get one of the basic ones that are not too advanced for now . As he progresses then you can try the more advanced physics ones . . . .

PS : Maybe if you do then the next time he will not get an " F " in science .
Frankie as much as i do love you , your past comment is a little below the belt my darling angel.
The option of science has little in comoon with the religious and faithful mind... There is no use offering such a thing to those of faith.
It is not a matter of us being non believers or doubtful of the existence of some kind of deity that created us, it is a matter of respect for those who have a belief, such as we do , all be them differing to ours, dare we be arrogant enough to deny a god exists ???? i don't think we should , for in our hearts we have the right and sense to believe as we will . for each of us is different , we will have our faith or lack of it as we please , at the end of the day , are we so different as the man with faith? we have a level of acceptance within ourselves to find contentment with. , as individuals , that is what is important. I respect reason, we will naturally all have our own level of reason within ourselves. mans right is to believe as he will. Who are we to deny anyone for having either faith or lack of it? saskia
God only exists for those, who were raised believing that he exists.
To me a good blog. It still remains to ponder on where god came from.. ehh did he tread water somewhere...lol and why 'on earth' ( laugh ) did he create us? hmmmm dunno.. but i'm truly glad he did!

To me the most important point in this descussion is: if god started it all or it just appeared out of thin air so to speak (big bang theory) then both those options are equally "stupid" explenations. I'd say 50/50 dumb since we can not say where god came from just as little as where some gasses forming a giant ball that later exploded came from.

So we can safely believe in a creator as none less plauseable explenation nomather what the scientists come up with of theories and 'proves' leading back to a big bang. Besides god could have started the big bang if it happens to be how life came about, but i think he did it in a different way.

wine wine
Dear Saskia, Well my comments where not to tell the OP what to belive in as religion, I just want him ( and others ) to do one simple thing . That one thing is as follows . If you are going to use science, or themodynamics or any physics to try and prove a non related or remotely related point , then at least know a little about it .

There was another religious posting about how histories bad guys ( Hittler, Stallin, etc. ) used selected truths and scientific principles to foster there agenda . This is exactly what is being done here . If this guy wants to belive in something then so be it . He doesn't have to twist a non related theory then expect to have " proven " his case .

I'm still not convinced he got anything more than an " F " in physics .
Hi Ariel! wave

Of course you are right, we are free to decide later whether we continue to believe or not. But I have yet to meet one atheist, who found god later in life, whereas I know many, who were raised with a strong belief in the divine, only to later give up on that.
Susanne you have already met one: me wave
I know to many it's completly backwords to first make up a god and then explain observations we have done about life, nature and soforth based on that.

Funny thing is though that since it all is such a complete nonsense the whole 'life on a ball floating around in a huge endless kosmos' thing anyway God suddenly makes not any less sense after all, imo.


A thought i'd like to share as we're on the religous topic, and i must say i don't like this thought, but i'm ok with it at the end of the day if God can be there with us forever securing our endless happiness.
And that is: let's say we live forever. In a happy place, make it earth or heaven... ehh, isen't it undeniably meaningless... life... nomather what angle you see it from?
Ah, that is very interesting, Ariel! Thanks for clarifying - I thought that you may have implied that, but was not sure. cheers
Serendipity you are a good person i dont agree with your beliefs but you havent dogged anyone for not believeing. Your the first one ive come across that hasnt.All the religious people on here have the same reaction when you question there belief they get defencive and try to talk down to you even though they make no sensible statements,or they delete you.cheers thumbs up wave
Here's a good argument....if one cannot "see" someone else's brain.....perhaps they do not have one????laugh rolling on the floor laughing professor
the more you talk to faithless people;the more evil raise up to attack the truth!so is best leave the faithless people to not speak to them much,also Abraham told to rich man that if they didn,t listen the law and prophets they will not listen even if it come someone from dead to preach to them!
so you too don,t listen the law and prophets but you believe in grace without law to be saved,you :such christians of bible!
simply one thing to say about existence of God,and need no more than this:IF THE HOME IS BUILD BY MEN AND CAN,T BE BUILD ITSELF,SO GOD CREATED HEAVENS AND EARTH AND CAN,T BE CREATED OF ITSELF!


This is a good question in regards to weather God is one or many?

There is an infinite God,and that every finite being needs a cause, and that the ultimate cause must be infinite, because if it were finite it too would need a cause.

So you ultimately have to get back to a infinite bases for the finite. And you can't have two infinite beings because...

If you had two beings who are absolutely perfect as the Christian theistic God is,then in order to differ,one would have to have some perfection the other one didn't have.

But if one lacked the perfection,it would not be absolutely perfect!

Therefore,He wouldn't be God.

One can only have one infinite being. One infinitely perfect being. You can only have one ultimate. That's why there can't be many!

God bless you!

The first law of thermodynamics is sometimes stated:"Energy can be neither created nor destroyed."

In this form the law is often used by nontheists(Atheists)to show that the universe is eternal and therefore,there is no need for God.

However,a more accurate,way to state this law of conservation is that "The actual energy in the universe remains constant."

This says nothing about how energy came to be in the universe. It has no power to theorize about wheather God could bring new energy into the system if he so wished.

It is a statement of obeservation that energy does not disappear,and no more has been seen popping into existence from nonexistence.

The statement "Energy can neither be created or destroyed" Is a philosophical assertion,not a scientific observation. For this statement expresses a philosophical dogmatism,for it is not supported by observation.

As far as we can observe,no new energy is coming into existence,and no actual energy is going out of existence.

As such,the first law supports neither a theistic or nontheistic worldview. It does not claim that energy is eternal,so God is unnecssary. But neither does it claim that God endowed the system with energy at any point.

It simply affirms that right now the actual amount of energy,(however long it has been here) is not changing.

But the Second Law of thermodynamics is a whole other story. It can be stated:

"The amount of usable energy in the universe is decreasing."

It is being changed,the dynamics part of thermodynamics,into unusable heat energy,the thermo part. Notice that this law does not infringe on the First Law;it amplifies it.

If energy is constant,why do we keep needing more electricity?

The answer is that entropy happens. The second law states that "overall,things left to themselves tend to disorder." Overall,the disorder is increasing.

The entropy -that is,the disorder of an isolated system can never decrease. When an isolated system(such as the universe) achieves maximum entropy,it can no longer undergo change,for it has reached equilibrium. We would say it's run down.

So if the universe is running down, then it cannot be eternal. Therefore, the universe had a Cause.

The fact that the universe is running out of usable energy and heading toward disorder is not even up for debate.Lol.

God bless you, gentleman!

Inspite of our differences,I apprecite the fact that you humbly seek to try to understand someone, by giving them the benefit of the doubt. This certainly,makes you unique from everyone else,for I can't help but have respect you!teddybear
Thanks, wafwotam:

Though we may have different perspectives,I appreciate your kindness and level of respect you have shown. For your comments are always welcomed in these discussions. thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

I get the reasoning behind what you are saying.Lol.

For we use induction to investigate God the same way we use it to investigate other things we can't see,by observing their effects.

For we can't observe the human mind directly,but only it's effects. From those effects we make a rational inference to the existence of a cause.

I actually had a guy one time try to deny that he had a mind,because he didn't want to believe in things we can't see.

Then I said to myself,if this guy doesn't believe he has a mind, then let me talk to someone else who does.Lol.

Yes,some people deny the obvious. Thanks for your input!

rolling on the floor laughing
It is interesting and disturbing, the deformation that your intellect, constructed to justify the existence of that which you call God, I must admit that you are a person, cultured and educated, who exploits the situation by posting on a site where Christians, of any of its sects, are the majority.

Your words have brought to my memory a character from The Magic Mountain, I'm sure you know what I mean!
Serendipity - You are correct, as usual. Wisdom such as you display can come from only one source, and that can only be God.

Takeme - I prefer to believe that you are not of the devil , but that you are truly seeking the truth. angel Your demeanor in this blog is exemplary, and I commend you for that. Perhaps someday you will reach the point where you accept the total truth of what Serendipity is saying, and what a joyful day that will be. Then, perhaps, we might joyfully be able to greet you in heaven when the time comes.

By the way, the first two verses in the Bible state, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Gen. 1:1-2. The last verse in the Bible says, "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." Rev. 22:21

Amen, brother!peace
Hear Ye Children,

Only I exist, and in Me all of you and this universe of many universes. I always was, I always am, and I shall always be. My true nature is to constantly work to create, sustain it, and then destroy it to renew it to a next fresh start. Just like a river must constantly flow to prevent its water from becoming muddy and stagnant, and all life forms in it to die. I must constantly work without any rest or the whole universe will come to a standstill. Enjoy your time I have bestowed upon you to your fullest and the best...in Me while you can. You are in good and very capable hands. You are always in Me. You have no other place to go to. As for Me...I am, I am, and I am for eternity.


I am
Hear Ye Children,

Only I exist, and in Me all of you and this universe of many universes. I always was, I always am, and I shall always be. My true nature is to constantly work to create, sustain it, and then destroy it to renew it to a next fresh start. Just like a river must constantly flow to prevent its water from becoming muddy and stagnant, and all life forms in it to die. I must constantly work without any rest or the whole universe will come to a standstill. Enjoy your time I have bestowed upon you to your fullest and the best...in Me while you can. You are in good and very capable hands. You are always in Me. You have no other place to go to. As for Me...I am, I am, and I am for eternity.


I am
No needed me to prove His existence.
God decides personally how / when / where ...............
to reveal His existence of every chosen God s child.
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Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA

I would describe my personality as someone who is friendly, honest, easy going, respectful, and thoughtful, with a great sense of humor. I'm easy to get along with and have a positive perspective in how I veiw life, from a realist standpoint. I'm cer [read more]

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created Sep 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 20
Last Commented: Sep 2012
serendipity615 has 103 other Blogs

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