The New Testament Writers Trustworthyness Part 4

6. The New Testament Writers Include More Than Thirty Historically Confirmed People In Their Writings

This is a critical point that bears repeating. The New Testament documents cannot have been invented because they contain too many historically confirmed characters. The N.T. writers would have blown their credibility with their contemporary audiences by implicating real people in a fictional story,especially people of great notority and power. There is no way the N.T. writers could have gotten away with writing outright lies about Pilate,Caiaphas,Fetus,Felix,and the entire Herodian bloodline. Somebody would have exposed them for falsely implicating these people in events that never occured. The N.T. writers knew this,and would not have included so many prominate real people in a fictional story that was intended to deceive. Again,the best explanation is that the N.T writers accurately recorded what they saw.

7. The New Testament Writers Include Divergent Details

Critics are quick to cite the apparently contradictory Gospel accounts as evidence that the Gospels can't be trusted for accurate information. For example,Matthew says there was one angel at the tomb of Jesus while John mentions two. Isn't this a contradiction that blows the credibility of these accounts? No, exactly the opposite is true: divergent details actually strengthen the case that these are eyewitness accounts. How so?

First,let's point out that the angel accounts are not contradictory. Matthew does not say there was "only" one angel at the tomb. The critic has to add a word to Matthew's account to make it contradict John's. But why did Matthew mention one angel if two angels were really there?

For the same reason two different newspaper reporters covering the same event choose to include different details in their stories. Two independent eyewitnesses rarely see all the same details and will never describe an event in exactly the same words. They'll record the same major event (i.e.,Jesus rose from the dead),but may differ on the details(i.e.,how many angels were at his tomb). In fact,when a judge hears two eyewitnesses giving exactly the same word-for-word testimony,what does that judge rightly assume? Collusion-the witnesses got together beforehand to make their stories agree.

So it's perfectly reasonable that Matthew and John differ-they are both recording eyewitness testimony. Maybe Matthew mentioned only the angel that spoke(Matt.28:5)while John described how many angels Mary saw(John 20:12). Or maybe one angel was more prominate than the other. We don't know for sure. We just know that such differences are common among eyewitnesses.

In light of the numerous divergent details in the New Testament,it's clear that the N.T. writers didn't get together to smooth out their testimonies. This means they certainly were not trying to pass off a lie as the truth. For if they were making up the New Testament story,they would have gotten together to make sure they were consistent in every detail. Such harmonization clearly didn't happen,and this confirms the genuine eyewitness nature of the New Testament and the independence of each writer.

Simon Greenleaf,the Harvard law professor who wrote the standard study on what constitutes legal evidence,credited his own conversion to Christianity as having come from his careful examination of the Gospel witnesses. If anyone knew the characteristics of genuine eyewitness testimony,it was Greenleaf. He concluded that the four Gospels "would have been received in evidence in any court of justice,without the slightest hesitation"(Simon Greenleaf, Testimony of the Evangelists 9-10).

The bottomline is: agreement on the major points and divergence on the minor details is the nature of eyewitness testimony,and this is the very nature of the New Testament documents.

I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Norman Gesiler

God's love and blessing to everyone at CS! Serendipitypeace
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Comments (24)

You mean AthenaNike had something to do with this? laugh

Who are you referring to?confused


Nice to see you,my friend. God bless!
Who? Why whoever wrote the bible of course.

Really? How do you know?
You have interpreted my post in much the same way you seem to interpret the bible. Is that just your opinion? Lol.

I thought you read the Bible? Lol. The authors of the Bible were eyewitnesses. Matthew,Mark,John,and Luke carefully interviewed the eyewitnesses(Luke 1:4).

Secondly,your observation is just mere opinion. Along with everything else.grin

I believe the Bible is based in fact,not opinion. For the eyewitnesses were telling the truth. Add to that confirmation from non-Christian sources and archaeology,and we can know beyond a reasonable doubt that the New Testament is based on historical fact.

God bless!
I suppose some object to the truth of the gospels due to the fact that it is written by men as opposed to women. The writers of the texts were men. That is a fact. But the author of the books of the bible is God and God is neither male nor female.

Some truths are "inconvenient", but nonetheless true.
Hi Chame

Well you already know how I feel about that one :)
Yes, Glatlol, I know this is a subject we don't see eye to eye on. grin

Still, don't you ever wonder how this world and all of us came to be? To me it just doesn't make sense that we could exist, live for a time and die and that is just it. It doesn't make sense to me.
I agree Chame1eon.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God(2 Timothy 3:16). And God cannot inspire error.

Prophecy never had it's origin in the will of man,but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit(2 Peter 1:21).

God is the source, of all that is written in Scripture,and man is merely the instrument used by God to produce, His inerrant Word.

God bless,my friend!teddybear
Sure I wonder about it at times. But there is no way we all descended from one man and one woman who had two sons, that makes no sense at all. More likely that we are an alien experiment than that lol
Im with you Glatlol Serendipity knows that i would still like to shout him a beer one day -of course that is unlikely. I hear what your saying too Chamelion thats why i have my own thoughts on things but i honestly cant see how or why any all powerful being would create creatures that kill each other it doesnt make sense.cheers thumbs up wave
There are definitely those who seem like they came from a different planet or are the result of a scientific experiment run amok.

Waf, if our souls are immortal (just imagine it for a moment) and our time on earth was but a moment in our actual lifetime, would the death of our physical body be the worst thing that could happen to us, including my murder? I'm not in any way saying that killing is okay. I'm just asking a question...
Yes its painful and unneccesary and i wouldnt wish it on bouquet handshake
Glatlol, I don't think there's anything in the bible saying that Adam and Eve had only 2 sons. It's a good question and I've wondered about it myself. In fact, you may recall that Abel was killed by Cain so that left 1 son. It makes sense that Cain probably married a younger sister.
Waf, I think the majority of us feel the same way because we hold life as something to protect and to fight for. And if that life were eternal, don't you think we should feel even more strongly how important it is?
Well Chame, now that I think about it there is mention of another son Seth, and then simply sons and daughters, mind you it also says that Adam and Eve lived to be between 700 and 900 years old, really likely eh
*Correction...telomeres are not copied in full, which is why they decrease with each cell division.
You see i can kill anything that is going to dye painfully in a quick and humane way, your doing it a favour thats a whole lot different to murder. Ive listened to a thousand people whove had back from the dead experiences, apart from the family dog ive never heard one mention any other life form on the other side i find that very interesting.handshake wave
One more thing i watched a documentry where they D.N.A. tested people from all races around the world and traced every human on the planet back to Africa. Im not going to argue with D.N.A. so this would mean that the first humans were black africans and if your God made humans in his own likeness he would have been a black man are we all good with that? thumbs up wave
I bet ya there was even an Adam cat and an Eve cat and so on and so on etc etc frustrated
PS..The Author..
The Milky Way Kid..grin laugh laugh peace
This is an interesting subject really. I've pondered the question before, but I think that was before the internet made it so easy to research things. Anythings.

We know that the bible often speaks of sin (inequity) being passed down from parents to children, and yes the implication that such sin could emerge in a physical way, but genetically as in DNA? And yet it makes sense.
Dear brother serendipity,
I have a testimony for you. The last week i heard a lie witness against me is dead too early. I cannot describe how we felt after this slander and effect on us, but we succeed to overcome that, to forgive and continue with the Holy Spirit. If there are no justice from the system, there are God s supreme justice. Now my child suffers from this slander yet 6 years later.

False accusations and distorted truth lead to the hell and these apostles /writers to the Bible have knew it.

One must be really crazy, if they want to go in the eternal fire. So sorry about the lost souls...

Please, brother do not pay attention to your attackers, because God cares. They cannot accept the Truth without God s Spirit inside / newborn and baptized/.
Obviously, who want and need the living Words, they accept / drink via the HS.
Blessings to you and thank you for this blog.
It's great to see you Mia.

I will keep you and your son in prayer. For ultimate justice will prevail,in the end. For an all powerful all just God,assures us that it will be done.

I agree,that the Holy Spirit is the only one who can convict someone of their sin,so that they can embrace the truth.

God bless,sister!teddybear
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Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA

I would describe my personality as someone who is friendly, honest, easy going, respectful, and thoughtful, with a great sense of humor. I'm easy to get along with and have a positive perspective in how I veiw life, from a realist standpoint. I'm cer [read more]