Still Single

Recently, I had a group chitchat with my high school and college friends via facebook. And I noticed that they all have one common question for me. Not quite the exact words, but all implies to: "Are you still single?" They give advice like: "don't be too cold" and "be a little more open" and "be nicer" and "just try, nothing wrong with trying blah blah" etc. And just this morning, 2 co-workers trapped me with almost similar topic, this time, "why are you single?" They have almost the same things to say with my old friends, telling me to be more open to guys, be nicer to them, entertain new people for friendships for one of them might be the one for me. They even checked their phonebooks to search for a possible match. And ask their male friends of their other male friends that are single. Seriously? They're more concerned of me having a lovelife than I, myself. If it were possible, they'd surely have me go on a blind date every week.

They say life is better when you have one person you can share everything to. Because they say, they noticed that I don't talk too much of personal problems and feelings to them, that I might open up to a boyfriend. That real life friends and blogging, and chatting won't be enough. I understand their concern and appreciate that they want to look after me, since I'm one of the youngests here. But they make me sound desperate and frustrated. I don't need someone else to take care of things that I lack for me. I recognize that I don't have the love life but that doesn't mean that my life is less joyful of less satisfying. When I feel the need, I'll get it for myself. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but really, I can and will take care of myself.
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Comments (78)

i talk every day to my own cheers
That's healthy Jarred.. cheers
i don t trust strangers better trust your own thumbs up
people have many faces but witch one is the realy one wave
Hi KNenagh! wave Thanks! I really don't search. Whoever comes, comes. And I won't force myself to like someone when I don't. Maybe that's picky for some people. I abide by my own rules. Because it's my satisfaction I'm thinking, not others..
@ Jarred I always trust my gut on trusting people. But I still observe for a period of time before I start opening up.. Most of the time, my gut is right. wine
Hi NMT, not picky, just the smart thing to do. wave
I agree KNenagh. wine
im home laugh
Hi NMThandshake
The same issues that happened to mecheers
I just keep smiling and told them I enjoy my life eventhough I am singleyay
Hi Francie! wave
I do that, and they'd say, "you know, life is different with a guy around.. Even just for the romantic moments." Whatever I say, they'd always have rebuttals. mumbling Haha they won't even let me change topics.
Indeedmumbling scold
sigh Sometimes friends are frustratingly annoying. laugh laugh
Babe Miss, my humble opinion is that most men would try to control you in all kinds of ways and unless you are mad in love with them, it won't be pure bliss.

Don't let them rush you. As KN said, it'll happen when the right time comes.
Babe Miss, my humble opinion is that most men would try to control you in all kinds of ways and unless you are mad in love with them, it won't be pure bliss.

Don't let them rush you. As KN said, it'll happen when the right time comes.
NMT, you make me miss my annoying friend here actually they are such as good friend, I love them kiss
Shouldn't you be telling them that?
Stefff, I don't think I'd ever want to be controlled in any way. There are things that I'd do willingly, but that is if I agree, if I don't, I won't. Not even with reluctance. And I'm also not sure if I'm capable of that "madly in love." I just can't imagine myself like that.
Francie, I miss them too! annoying or otherwise. blues
@CapNemo I told them. But being friends, they think it's somehow their responsibility or something to be concerned of me. And I try not to be too harsh to the people I love.
Oh what a faulty impression Dedo! laugh laugh
Part of our freedom we willingly surrender when we enter a relationship. It shouldn't be too much though. laugh

I bet you can be madly in love wink But he can't be just anyone.
@ NotMissTaken - How come is it that a beautiful Girl like you is still single..... doh dunno confused ..... comfort hug wine
@Stefff One thing I hate most is surrendering my freedom. laugh Not even to my parents. But it happened to people, so my guess is it could happen to me too. And I don't know if I will be able to handle that. Chances are: I might let go for a period of time but get tired of it easily, or push the person right away..

Madly in love what?! laugh It sounds so foreign.
Hans.. Are you going to match me to one of your contacts too? Or are you planning a blind date for me? laugh My reason before was not being ready. Now it's... something else.. wave
forget what people say. do what you think is right for you... my suggestion.
@ NotMissTaken - rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing I'm in the same situation as you, Girl.... friends are always trying to get me hooked up, they can't understand why I'm still single.... laugh laugh .... hug wine
...but I also see your friends' point: to take chances in life and live it to the fullest.
Thanks Bogart.. wave I agree with you. But I'm concerned that they're concerned with things they shouldn't be concerned about..
Hans, annoying friends, aren't they.. haha But we love them anyway.. grin
I believe in taking chances too Stefff. But I only take calculated risks. If I think there is going to be nothing, why give it a chance? Don't you think it's a bit stupid?

Rather alone than be with a wrong person.
If u had accepted my proposal to be my 3rd wife,u wouldnt e single now.blame urself.devil snooty
too much "concerned" stuff... i would not think too much about it !
Leo, If happy sees this, and she will, you'd have your face scratched. LOL You've proposed to her for your third wife. If she had accepted, I'd be the forth! Goodness! You'll have your hands and feet full with happy, you'd like to add me? tongue
Bogart, I was not really very concerned about it.. But these [past few days, it has been the topic most of the time.. And it's very surprising that they really are concerned about it. uh oh
I'm going for my 2nd shift. I'll see you all later guys.. wave
It's different for me: I can identify a few CS girls that ain't the "wrong person" and I'd be thrilled to get to know better, had I been single.

Maybe I'm too easy laugh
I know that feeling of being asked why I am not in a relationship. normally the person who is asking is really trying to flatter you — with the implicit suggestion being that someone as gorgeous and wonderful and funny, etc., etc., as you should be in a relationship.

But they don’t really want you to answer that question, and you don’t answer to have to answer it, unless Shakespearian monologues on the subject are allowed.

One person cannot complete you. The only person who completes you is you. so enjoy your life and forget "concerns"

Notmisstaken, i am always asked by the same question as u and feel they have a right to ask, but i sometimes feel annoyance and frustration.

i think i don't need to give them a perfect answer, only have a perfect answer for myself peace
Hello Miss,

Keep thinking on your friends positively like you appreciate their attention because you're the youngest. Keep good advice and forget the annoying ones from them. Keep enjoying what you have got and what you do now.

I personally understand that nowadays women in your age want to do and to see a lot of things before taking a serious commitment to live with someone else for life. Enjoy your communication and relationship with your family back home, enjoy your job, enjoy your friendships: enjoy your life! yay bouquet
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by Unknown
created Sep 2013
Last Viewed: Apr 29
Last Commented: Sep 2013

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