I Lost Him Forever How Do I Find Peace & Another?

There was a time when I knew a man of wonder and surprise. Not to mention, his to die for blue eyes. He and I clicked from the very start. God, for me he'd an open heart. We visted back and fourth. I would often take the bus. It was so romantic for us. At nite we talked on the phone about any and everything. He even gave me an engagement ring. I regret still to this day that I did not say yes. But, we both knew He was much older than I and often times people see that as a bad thing. I wish I would have gone with my heart and not listened to my friends.

When we would come back from a romantic dinner and dancing, he loved oh so much to sing too. So, we are out in the rain with a broken umbrella splashing all around and he starts singing "Dancing In The Rain" LMAO! SERIOUSLY! Then, we started skipping and I joined in with "We're off to see the Wizard". I wished you could have been there to see how the two of us could be.

The man had fought in two wars, was a baseball player for the old Washington Warriors. He had such a great sense of humor that I was laughing on the floor many times.

Anyway, I am sorry for going on too long and this been about my second blog. But, I needed to talk to someone who may know what I am going through. Maybe my days as a poet are through, that's how it seems now. So, I thought I try to write a blog and met somemore friends. I only hope you all won't mind.

One day a several years ago, it was evening and he'd not called me. I kept trying his number too and along with it just prayed he would pick up the phone. I tryed until late in the nite. The next morning I get a call from his best friend. He told me of the death of my love. He told me that my dearest friend had fallen and bleed out. Suddenly, in all my sadly and grief, I was singing his song, my favorite one that I never even knew the words to. I think it was him comforting me. Do you too?

I don't feel like I have any hope finding someone here. Not that I have not tried, but they all have lied or some headgames and scams. I pray you will not find my blog too silly. I will try to do better next time if you don't throw me out.

I would appreciate any feedback on how to get through this anniversary and to move on. Thank you for being so kind. Blessings and Hugz, Pink.
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Comments (14)

Hi Dejavu4u the pain does go away it just takes time do something you like to do to take your mind off the pain.And don t be sorry for wanting to share your pain that's how we heal.My heart go out to you.hug teddybear
Let the pain hurt so much that it couldnt hurt you more. Til then there's no other way for the pain but fade away... Maybe not complletely, but at least, mch less.. Hope you get over your heartbreak sooner than you could endure.. wine comfort
Deja, no one can replace your blue eyed Beloved. I am glad you had with him the time you had. I am glad you learned from him that this sort of love can be. I hope you KNOW that your love will ALWAYS be. Love has one dimension: Always.

You did not love him.
You do love him, Always.
You were not together.
You are together, Always.
You did not have each other.
You have each other, Always.

You cannot be apart FROM the one you are apart OF.

Just thinking of him brings you Joy because Love is Real Always.

Eventually your body will cease to function and you will know then he has never left you. He is with you Always.

You can think about missing his hands in your hair and you will cry. You can think about missing him singing and dancing in the rain with you and you will cry. You can think about seeing the love you feel for him reflected back at you in his dazzling blue eyes and you will cry.

Or, you can REAL-ize that what you had with him you HAVE with him Always. There seems to be but a little time when you appear to be apart FROM him. But he is apart OF you and so you can think about the fact that this love is yours Always and then you will smile because you have found something Eternal and it is yours, no matter what else may happen, Always. And, because of what you have with him, you know how to love others: how to encourage and cheer and teach them what love looks like and acts like and feels like and, best of all, you can teach them and show them, by your joy, that Love is Always. This is blessed because it is useful, and that is especially so in this world where so much is fleeting. YOU can show people what Always looks and feels and acts like. It is fitting tribute to this wonderful man and to wonderful you and to the wonderfulness of Always.

He would surely be proud and feel blessed to have that function in your life (and in the world through your life.)

You are a living tribute to Always. (Well done. Bravo.) applause

Meanwhile, I love your tender, and courageous heart, Always. teddybear heart wings bouquet
It is a tragic loss but you have good memories.
Love appears in different forms, u are an attractive lady..Yes its not easy to find someone here. Im thinking
sites charging are safer and more secure as they have been identified..
Dont be a hermit putting all yr eggs in one basket.
Go out, be seen, take classes and yes Yoga does wonders for mind.
Good Luck and never give up yr dreams!
Live a full life, the kind of life he would want you to live.
I have loved, and lost and loved and lost again. Don't look back...it is only full of regrets....Stay in the now and move on. Think of only happy times you had with him. Death is not forever....he is in your heart and will always stay there. Get a new bunch of friends, also.conversing comfort
It's not silly. It's very sweet.

Yeah, too bad you listened to your friends. But don't regret it because you had fun when it was happening!
What ever happens, it is always a reason behinde.
You are Soulmates and whether in the physical or not, you are ALWAYS together in spirit... From the other side, He might send you someone to comfort You, until You meet again.

Memories are always with you tucked safely in your heart...hug wine

Sorry for the hurt and pain you've sufferedsad flower sad flower hang in there, I'm sure you'll find someone. Good Luck!!
handshake handshake
welcome to the blogs.wine
wave Very touching. I don't know how long ago that was,
but you will move forward.
THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING ME AND ALL YOUR GREAT ADVICE AND UNDERSTANDING! I so appreciate all you have said. May you be Blessed! Thanks again, P. cool dancing Have a Great Weekend!
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by Dejavu4u
created Oct 2013
Last Viewed: Apr 30
Last Commented: Nov 2013
Dejavu4u has 4 other Blogs

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