GOATEE'S Goatee is a Fraud Are You?

Oswald Chambers: No power, except the power that comes from being filled with the Holy Spirit, can change or prevent the inherent consequences of sin.

Oswald Chambers: If we walk in the light as He is in the light. For many of us, walking in the light means walking according to the standard we have set up for anther person. The deadliest attitude of the Pharisees that we exhibit today is not hypocrisy but that which comes from unconsciously living a lie.

It's funny I needed a verse or some Chambers kinda help me with this devotion. I opened my Chambers book once and wow there it was. To the point yes I'm a fraud, no in myself am I any good according to the Lord's standard.

I can waste my time trying to please men and women into thinking I'm the real Christian yes I am the man etc. I don't want to be your god and I don't want you to follow me or even see me as a example. My point and where my teachings lead to is for you to find yourself in the presence of the Lord and if that happens you have no need for me.

Everyone wants to be important and everyone wants to feel needed. There is nothing wrong with that unless you try to become god in people's lives that's when you are 100% wrong.
True followers of Christ lead people to Christ because that is what we need anyway. I don't want to be your example I want to be the guy you can trust and the guy you can turn your back on and feel safe.

I take you off the wheel of life when I demand you to be like me. My job as a Believer is to lead you to that wheel and let the Lord do the molding. The Lord doesn't need men and women examples He needs teachers of Grace and ((everyone)) getting on the same page in the Spirit of Grace.

And you people who teach love in total comfort, watch yourself honestly. Some people live in dangerous places with dangerous ticked off people that don't understand love. We have many tools to reach the lost for Christ we don't have to risk our lives and be super Christian. If the Lord has put that in your heart have a game plan, don't be a fool.

So bottom line is this, apart from the Spirit of Grace I'm a fraud and the Spirit of Grace is the only goodness and perfection that's in me. So yes without the Spirit of Grace I'm nothing as Jesus said I was apart from Him. In Him I can have purpose in Him. It's that simple.
God Sense 101
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