it's over

i'm tired of trying, i wish i was dead! this is the only place i can come to to get frustration out. no one really knows my heartache and pain, no one. but they throw stones like they think they do, i don't need help i need to be loved and cared for like i try to love and care for them but all i get is told that i'm mean and get ignored. i can't wait to go to work in the morning give me something to do to get my mind off the depression and loneliness of my life, i won't lose another job to this bastard! i should have known i was not speacial just a thing to be used and thrown away. i would love to be happy again but all i see is what a waste my life has been. i feel like i'm drowning and no one is there to pull me to the surface. i hope he never comes back here i don't think i can go another day seeing his face
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Comments (19)

Of course you need help. You are bitter and sad and you mention depressed.
i wisch i was god for one day cheers
Love, I am concerned about your situation and I hope our comments will cheer you up or at least know that you are not alone. You, like Glatgol, confirmed, need help. Now. Please if you can, go to a nearest clinic and have an assessment. Your last words are so powerful. You wish he wouldn't come back. Please, you owe it to yourself that no one can make you do anything without your consent, including him not coming back.

I have been once where you were, and wrote about 300 or so poems published in the Poetry Corner which is a part of this site. Check it out and your writings can be, like me, most cathartic and make you feel better.

God bless and keep being here as it allows you to express as much as you want. You are not alone.teddybear teddybear bouquet bouquet
feel ya moping but sometimes, things are meant to be grin
One must frist love one-slef before we can love another,

If he has gone then that,s his bad luck, try to look at what is before you ,make the good things about you stronger,ask friends to dinner and you cook , maybe a sport school might help with the depression and frustration or just write it down on the blog in this way thay are no longer in your head.
Dont worry Be happydancing dancing cheering
PS ,You could go dancing with some friends and paint the town Pink.dancing cheers yay cheering
I will do the Full Monty for you in my EDDY MURPHY swimming strings, lf it makes you laugh.peace yay yay
Yes Bambie, there are certainly times in this life when we cant handle it alone and I think for you this is one of those times...
Its nothing to be ashamed about, happens!handshake Hope you will get help.comfort
It's obvious you are very depressed and need to seek some help.
Depression is a state-of-mind
Get a new perspective girl, be Glad you are fit and well and not say in a serious situation

Try eating fresh good food instead of packet/pizza etc, drink fresh water instead of beer, breathe fresh country air instead of toxic city smog, get out and about , LIVE LIFE today IS the last day... of the REST of your life! Only you can break out of this

If you do only ONE of these suggestions you are On the way to breaking the pattern of recurrence!
It takes one small step towards recovery, I learnt that getting out of the I.C.U the first time later I decided I wake so I wanna live and enjoy living!

Small things are the best in life the rest happens as you go along
It happens because YOU and I actually decide what sort of life we are going to have!
Sounds crazy? No its real!

A smile makes All the difference,then life "adapts" itself to the new situation, good or bad it is out words AND actions that dictate the consequences.
Think a boutit and while you are thinking; sing a lil song, singing is the proven way to BREAK the sad feelings, even a sad song helps oddly enough then you feel different, felling different you realise YOU have made that Change!
the rest is a follow on
Wake , smile, a glass of water, fresh fruit for breakfast,

a fresh outlook and sail thru your day!

In a club some time ago a lass looked at me and said " I want what he`s on!" I laughed and told her the Plain-Truth.." I said " girl, im high on LIFE!"

..and Loving every living minute of it good Or bad its life!
take care be glad its the Least we can GIVE ourselves :)

oh and bambie?
Mail me and i`ll send you a helpful link to get you started on the road to recovery, one you will use for the rest of your days if you are smart, which i believe you are.
Your posts are full of blame and the expectation of someone else making you happy. NOBODY else can make you happy...happiness comes from within YOU. Time to take responsibility for your own role in whatever has happened and start taking steps to fix you.
I wish you well and hope that you get the help you so obviously need.
Open your mind and learn to swim! hug

@lovebambie with all respecttip hat happiness comes within yourself. No one else , but YOURSELF.

handshake handshake handshake
As far as im concerned, its not over till I say its over grin thank gawd my new guy loves me for me rolling on the floor laughing
Ah but would you be on a singles site if you loved him butterfly.
Summer/nice weather is around the corner, and in most places, even already here. It is amazing what a nice peaceful walk in nature could do for somebody. Hope you start feeling better.

let this completely over, then his appearance never can threaten you again, just move on slowly with the time wave
Work often if this makes you happy or if it creates a diversion to thinking about your situation...and yes seek help...nothing wrong with asking for help...anti-depressants like the kind that can increase your seratonin levels which in turn, increase your motivation and help you feel may not need to take this medication long term...just until your body produces enough naturally...see your family will feel better!!wine
how much is it to have someone shot these days....get a loan.
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grove city, Ohio, USA

i am easy going shy at first but don't let that fool you. oppinionative at times but a real cuddle bug to. i want to try new things and experience life instead of just sitting around [read more]

About this Blog

created Apr 2014
Last Viewed: May 5
Last Commented: Apr 2014
lovebambie has 15 other Blogs

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