Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

A certain man was walking along a beach
and pondering his life of where it has
led him up to the present and wondered
about his future.
Walking he kicked up some sand and he stumbled
upon a treasure chest. Excited by his find
dug it out of the sand and was thinking
what could possibly be in it.
Gold gems rubies diamonds pearls and coins
everything that would make him rich.
As his excitement mounted he saw an old rusty
lock corroded that it would have easily
been broken off by a stone.
So he looked for a large stone nearby
and smashed it open. He then opened
the lid and all he found were books
of poetry, artist materials and a old bible
and old maps from the 12th and 13th century he presumed.

So he thought how odd and what was he going to do with
this stuff and who buried it in the beach for
what seemed like centruies.
He thought is must have washed ashore from an old
spanish galleon or merchant ship.
Nevertheless he gathered everything and took the chest
home and studied all the things in it for a time but
became distraught and even bored with checking things over and over.
He read the poetry and most of it was about someone who loved many people but was sad due to much thoughts of rejection by them.
He looked at the old artist materials of brushes and pallet knifes along with scientific instruments and measuring tools.
Overall he had no clue of what to do with it.
He saw no way of how to use it for he could not think of himself
as skilled enough to make any use out of it.
So he locked it up with a new lock and put it away in a closet
and thought maybe one day he might find a use for it.
Over time he would think about the chest he found and he
would even tell a few friends about it but nobody took interest in it
of him for they looked at him to ask what he intends to do with his discovery he said he did not know but he did not just want to give it away to some museum or sell it to an antique store.
Then one night in a dream he heard a voice say unto him
"My son why do you not take what was freely given unto you and work with it?" "These things are yours they are meant for you yet you refuse to use or work with what has been given to you."
He told the voice he just does not have the vision or belief in himself to deal with it. The voice said to him "Don't be such a fool and waste this opportunity or the things given to you. Do not take it for granted for one day as easily it was given it can be taken away."
"One day when you least expect it the hour will come that you will be held accountable for what you did or not do with what has been given, what then will you say for yourself?"
He thought about it and understood that life on earth is too short to throw away that which was given.
People and the talents we are given if not used to benefit ourselves and others is a waste of life.
Time waits for no one.
We all may have treasure chests to be opened I wonder how many are lost and put away in dusty closets and have yet to be opened.
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Comments (3)

Did you find that old photo as well? Maybe you should leave it... in the past... where it belongs...?dunno
Hi Ziu.

Good blog! Lot of food for thought in it!thumbs up
Like your new pic!thumbs up

I don´t have any "treasure chest" burried away as I have always used all my talents and gifts - not only for myself, but also to help many people in this life - and am still continuing to do so as life gives us gifts every day for us to use...wave
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About this Blog

by Ziusudra
created Sep 2014
Last Viewed: 11 hrs ago
Last Commented: Sep 2014
Ziusudra has 14 other Blogs

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