Turkey are not fair in how they play

My friends, please forgive me for the sin of prophecy. All has come to pass as foreseen by me.

The turkey who vanished utterly during the week they were legal to shoot, now that week is over have come back to dance around me as I sit on the chair of my front porch sipping coffee.

Sadly I lacked the shotgun because because deer season requires black powder here this week and my old Spencer Carbine is not capable of shot. frustrated

I went inside for the camera and this time upon noticing me standing up they did not take flight or run. The end result is they were still close enough to photograph by the time I found my phone and unhooked it from the charger then came back outside.

<YES, it was indeed very, very tempting to just grab the shotgun at the front door, about face and begin blamming away. Initially they were literally just below the air conditioner and it would have been a shot even the incompetent could have probably accomplished. Range 10 feet. However, I try to be more or less law abiding, so I went for the camera instead. moping >

They have moved away a little distance (heading for my forest) but this would still be quite doable with my 870. Tom turkey is playing rear guard.

Embedded image from another site

Embedded image from another site

You may wish to zoom for better detail. For ease of uploading I grabbed the droid phone instead of a camera.

[I can barely wait for the day we get some really decent cameras built into these phones, but even this one ain't too bad and beats my circa 1998 SureShot for pic quality.]
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Comments (14)

i guess they knew they were safe in your yard ken
I know. This insanity on the part of the local game animals has taken all of the challenge out of hunting.
scold All those turkeys!
Why! Am sure that you can at least caught 5 of them. And invite us, to your house for Thanksgiving! ALL the bloggers & Forumer's
nah peps live the turkeys alone as it would not eel right for me any way as i live in turkey,,now wild boar that would be some thing else what you say ken !!!
Oh! My Bad........rolling on the floor laughing
wave Bye bye! Butter.
..............drinking Ssshhhittt!
Edison, there are wild boar, but really most of them are just someone's pig escaped and gone feral. They readily cross breed with the real Wild Boar and the thicker fur coat comes in just one or two generations so you can't tell them apart, if apart they be. The like rooting up corn fields and when a big part of VA's tax income came from corn sales that meant they were a problem not wanted. We do have folks hereabouts who raise hogs for slaughter. Once in awhile one will escape and 3 years later 'boar' are sighted not too far away. I would describe them as a bottom tier game animal (if hunting them was legal here). Really boar hunting took a black eye with the Hogzilla scandal a few years ago. What fun is there in hunting someone's pet?
Hi Ken, wave in no way related to your topic and I posted it on the international forums - you had a FB topic and I had to think of this song when I read it:

It might give you a laugh, hope your foot is better. bouquet
Thanks Kn. Yeah, it is healing. Been hobbling on it sans boot or cane. Still get twinges in some steps, but much better. Can see bones to the toes still exist because the swelling has greatly receded. In truth kind of dreading next month when the doctor says, 'go back to work.'
Hi Ken, Nokia lumia 1020 has a good camera built in it. Wow!! wish you went for the better camera.
Sure, but I wish the better camera was already built into the cheapest phone. I think in 2 or 5 years all of the phones will have lots better cameras. I can wait. Note also I could have just as easily grabbed a real camera, the kind with film and lenses, but that would have been a pain to transfer to the computer because first I would have to develop it. laugh
Ken, but you are very lucky to live in an area where you are visited by such lovely birds.!!!grin
Ken it is not a case of insane gaming animals. I think they are getting smarter than us. have you tried to give them a treat? I hope you will get your wild turkey this year without having to dance around much. cheers Hope your leg is fully healed.cheers
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