Mr Roger's Whole Thing Vs You can Trust Me

Oswald Chambers: But every theory or thought that raises itself up as a fortified barrier "against the knowledge of God"is to be determinedly demolished by drawing on God's power, not through human effort or compromise. (see Corinthians 10:4)

Matthew 23:27 You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but the inside they are full of greed and self indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee!
First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

Hear alot of different people with different preaching and certain points to tackle. But ask yourself one ?, want someone real with you and you can trust them or some Mr Rogery man kissing your bum, waiting to stab your backside.

Me personally the real person is the winner, hey Mr Rogery snake get to stepping no one is buying it. Jesus pin pointed certain sin's and character traits that ruin us as people and deceit is the worst. King David said, they speak words of peace with their lips, with war in heart.

That's a condemning to do list people, I don't care who you are, if everyone likes you, if you are the pretty pretty one , ya aint pretty inside and stand condemned to your creator. Deceit is satan's whole thing, and I mean you expect the Lord to honor such choices? ((((NO))).

I'm a Spiritual and I know those choices separate me from the Lord, and I know is condemning, hey don't like go to the Boss. Can't face the LIGHT, we can't claim Him, its that simple, we have to face Him in His presence daily, and Lord please testify.

The thing is the Lord isn't impressed with our righteousness and never will be, Key in pleasing a perfect Lord, is one thing, Himself:)
can't be your own couch, He has to be Lord of our lives to grow and understand His ways.

It's like when I go to a job, I can see someone now walking in and making your own rules, they will fire your hindpot. Same thing with the Lord, can't claim Him as Lord and serve the enemy, common sense there goodness.

We are not called to Mr Rogers, passive pushovers, but we are called to be loyal, trustworthy, heartfelt people that show His love to the world, what they NEED TO SEE.
Not some guy fake smiles no Love of the Lord not testifying reading a Q card, telling you to buy some tap water and you'll ok, yeah sure.

Fakes with deceit in their heart are not of the Lord. People who use you are not of the Lord, people who reject you for no good reason are not of the Lord, so don't care if that happens. Acceptance is a confusing thing, shoot for the people with a conscience is a start.

So you have I'm going to act you to Jesus, good luck with that. Or hey, His Love floods my soul, I can't wrong you, my conscience won't allow it, that's salvation people and that's LOVE. Know it believe it and live it.
God Sense 101
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I'm going to confiscate your access to knowledge if I ever visit your house.
Well go ahead Ill go purchase the same books lol.
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