Eminem is not your friend brothers

Obviously the Black males seen behind Eminem during his “freestyle” on the BET Hip Hop Awards and those who are praising Eminem for the contents of his freestyle have either forgiven, forgotten, do not care or may be ignorant of his 1988 and 1993 racist recordings, which were exposed by The Source Magazine in 2003.

The Source distributed a cd of Eminem’s racists recordings with one of their publications. Eminem can be heard calling black people “moon crickets” and “porch monkeys”. He also called black women “bitches” countless times, accused black women of being materialistic and warned men never to date black women. Yet, he called Trump a racist? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

Lastly, just because Eminem expressed his disdain for Trump does not mean he is your friend or ally. In the words of Dr. Amos and Dr. John Henrike Clarke, “We have no friends”.

Here is the recording:

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