This is a list of random comments on All Blogs - ordered by date. Click on the blog title to view the blog. Click here to create a Blog.


RE: Speed dating

Don't put yourself down hug

To this day I still scratch my head wondering why people need technology to find ways to meet the opposite sex Did you know you can be asked out whilst grocery shopping? laugh

I will never trust technology for meeting up with a man ever

I end up chatting with men when power walking On the bus On the train Grocery shopping The gym

At the club At the tavern Have been asked out at all the places I have mentioned even power walking the streets for exercise Couple of years ago I made a a final decision to stay single I'm happy as is but if I was into dating I wouldn't turn to technology I would stick to the real world & for the life of me I don't know why others don't stick to the real world

RE: The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

Fly to Australia 2028 & witness our eclipse

RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Can you tell me how he will actually accomplish these things.

"They believe he will destroy the constitution."


"Trump will force dictatorship onto a once land of the free."
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

You'd need a lot of stamina alright lol. He puts a lot of effort into his posts but his conclusions are absurd.
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RE: The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

I live in Dallas...right in the path. But having seen several of them over the years, I wasn't much interested in this one. Laid down on the sofa and after a few minutes realized the room was totally dark... like 10pm dark. As it began to lighten some, I stepped out on the south facing front door and there was this strange image on the concrete. It was shadows of the that freaked me out!! I have no explanation... so if you do... go ahead.

RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

This question is still unanswered.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Wrong again. The pope tried as hard as he could, behind the scenes, to moderate what the dictatorship was doing to the people.
As this is not your blog you can't just delete any view you disagree with, as is your want.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Morning Gs.

I'm not pro-Trump or anyone else.

When I don't condemn Trump people seem to assume that I'm pro-Trump which is why I pointed out that I'm not pro-Trump.

I hope I've clarified that.

I am solely addressing the issue, not the person. Specifically the accuracy of the statement that Trump could change the Constitution.

I pointed out that it is unlikely he could "destroy" the Constitution and I gave reasons for my opinion.

If you still can't understand then I'm done here because the reactions from some are ott.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Comedy? he already has tried to carry out a coup on losing once, in doing so he has displayed his true colours. Unfortunately nearly half of Americans will continue to vote for him as they either don't know what kind of person he is or don't care.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I have already posted true copy of evidence in this thread, that Trumps legal council put together, that evidence has not been put before a credible court.
What one person e.g. Ken Block who founded the Rhode Island's Moderate Political Party and ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2010. Who then switched to the Republican Party in 2013 and made an unsuccessful run for Rhode Island Governor in 2014. Says or alleges is a complete nonsense in my opinion
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Ken Block, whom the Trump campaign hired in 2020 to find voter fraud in the election, penned an op-ed Tuesday stating unequivocally that the 2020 presidential election was not stolen and that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election.

“Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo overcome the truth?” the USA Today op-ed began. “In November 2020, former President Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.”

“I am the expert who was hired by the Trump campaign,” Block wrote.

Block, who owns Simpatico Software Systems, said his company’s findings were communicated directly to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and transcripts of depositions taken by the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol “show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election.”
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Trump’s speech that ‘incited’ Capitol violence:
However Conrad I of course can't post it as the full transcript is 21 pages long.emmmmmm oh well.

Donald Trump is facing the imminent prospect of becoming the first US president to be impeached twice following an extraordinary breach of the country’s Capitol in Washington, DC, by his supporters.

Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi are pressuring Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to strip Trump of his power by declaring him unable to fulfil his duties. If Pence refuses, as expected, the group will move forward bringing the impeachment case to the floor as soon as Monday.

Trump is accused of “incitement of insurrection” after giving an incendiary speech on January 6 in Washington DC before a mob violently attacked the heart of the US government. At least five people were killed in the assault.

The media will not show the magnitude of this crowd. Even I, when I turned on today, I looked, and I saw thousands of people here, but you don’t see hundreds of thousands of people behind you because they don’t want to show that. We have hundreds of thousands of people here, and I just want them to be recognised by the fake news media. Turn your cameras please and show what’s really happening out here because these people are not going to take it any longer.

They’re not going to take it any longer. Go ahead. Turn your cameras, please. Would you show? They came from all over the world, actually, but they came from all over our country. I just really want to see what they do. I just want to see how they covered. I’ve never seen anything like it. But it would be really great if we could be covered fairly by the media. The media is the biggest problem we have as far as I’m concerned, single biggest problem, the fake news and the big tech. Big tech is now coming into their own. We beat them four years ago. We surprised them. We took them by surprise and this year, they rigged an election.

They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before. By the way, last night, they didn’t do a bad job either, if you notice. I’m honest. I just, again, I want to thank you. It’s just a great honour to have this kind of crowd and to be before you. Hundreds of thousands of American patriots are committed to the honesty of our elections and the integrity of our glorious republic. All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical left Democrats, which is what they’re doing and stolen by the fake news media. That’s what they’ve done and what they’re doing. We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.
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RE: The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

Embedded image from another site
and some Morons probably calling in that they can't see too well!

Useless trivia

Music deemed to be too fast or too slow has been banned in the Russian Republic of Chechnya — effectively silencing pop and techno songs.

All music — including vocal and choreographic compositions — will now be limited to a tempo between 80 and 116 beats per minute.

RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Morning Merlot,

I'm sometimes at a loss to come to terms with your comments.Do you find it acceptable that Trump could change America to suit his own purpose ,whatever that might be ?

Trump’s claim about not being allowed “to talk” is self-defeating, given that he never shuts up.His latest Truth post comparing himself to Nelson Mandela is an insult to a great man who empowered his people not himself as Trump continues to do.sigh
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RE: Embroiled...

What does Majority Shareholder have to do with Insider-Trading?

RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

it actually has,but the Courts hid behind the flimsy "No Standing"-issue,and refused to look at the evidence!
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Grandsiozzie was told years ago not to comment on my posts. It seems he need a yearly reminder. He is band FOREVER.

Grandsiozzie do not comment on my posts. Speak when you are spoken to. very mad very mad

@ merlot22 I don't know much about you but if you are like Grandsiozzie then don't comment on my post. If you are different from him then maybe other topics can be discuss but NOT politics. dunno
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RE: Speed dating

I’ve not done it but I would give it a try if I’m in the dating scene grin

RE: Become an organ donor age is not an issue

Embedded image from another site

Not sure if any of my organs are of any use giggle

Hi Jenny wave

Where is Patti Benzschewal.

Yes, I was active then.
The only difference is that I keep a low profile now a days.handshake

Where is Patti Benzschewal.

But the point is, where has she disappeared. As far as I know, she was fond of this platform.confused

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

No, you need something beyond that.
You actually need to have the living presence of God with you and in you.

You need to actually have him in your life, spiritually, in you, on the inside of your life. You need Jesus. That's where the oil is such a powerful item in this parable. The oil represents always throughout the Bible, as far as I know, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit.

And a person gets the Holy Spirit only after what? Repenting of their sins and turning and placing all their faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus, laying down everything to give their lives to following Christ and receiving everything that he's done for them, and the moment that a person does that for the first time, the spirit of the living God, the spirit that hovered over the waters of creation, the spirit that rose Christ from the dead, comes to dwell you, lives inside of you and you.

Now in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye, become a temple of the Holy Spirit. God himself dwelling in you. Then and only then do you have the oil that you need in order to be ready for when Jesus comes back, that's the divide. Jesus is the divide. He's always the divide. Jesus, it's very possible. And according to our text, even common for a person to call themselves a Christian and not actually be a Christian because it's possible to call yourself a Christian and not have Jesus.

So does Jesus give us a way to tell who has the Holy Spirit in them and who doesn't? Yes. Those are the next two layers of Matthew 25 masterpiece that Jesus paints for us, and we're going to look at that question more carefully over the next two weeks.

But now I want to give you some takeaways from this text as you leave here tonight. I got four takeaways I want to leave you with. And these are going to be the last four fillings on your outline. Take away no one from our text. Jesus alone is the readiness you need to enter the kingdom. Jesus alone is the readiness you need to enter the kingdom, because this is not a parable that teaches that only some Christians will enter the kingdom.

This is not saying that all ten bridesmaids are Christians and some Christians are just really prepared and eager and ready. And they're going in and some genuine Christians are just having a nap and they're not ready and they don't care and they're not going. And that's not what this parable is teaching. It's not saying everyone's a Christian is saying that everyone professes and some are and some aren't. But the only thing that you need to have is Jesus and him alone. This is in every genuine Christian will enter the gates of Kingdom in that day.

If you have Jesus, then you're ready to go. When it's time take away. No to. Jesus is the one size fits all kind of readiness you need for eternal life. Jesus is the one size fits all kind of readiness you need for eternal life. As we look at our parable, our text, we have some things, we have a marriage feast, we have a bridegroom, we have bridesmaids with something glaring is missing from this parable in a wedding feast in a marriage.

What's what's missing? There's no bride like the star of a normal weddings is not here. How many times are you going to have a wedding without a bride? The bride is noticeably absent from this parable. And some Bible teacher suggests, though we don't need to or shouldn't make too much out of this omission and that we shouldn't read too much into every part of every parable that's given to us. Well, they're wrong, as Jeff says, and I quote and I to say, I'm not one of those Bible teachers, I'm not one because how do you have a marriage celebration without a bride?

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Utterly useless. And this is the only difference between the two groups of bridesmaids in our Perabo having oil or not having the oil. And so what does this mean for us today? What do we draw, what are these similarities and these differences mean for us today? Well, all 10 of the bridesmaids, as we've seen, were aware, invited, included, had made some preparations and they were expecting the bridegroom, but only some ended up actually going into the marriage feast.

I believe this paints a picture for us of the group of people that exists right now all over the world today who would profess to be followers of Jesus Christ.

The world is full today and will be at the time when Jesus comes back of people who profess to be Christians, there are so many and this group of people who profess to be Christians is actually made up of two subgroups. There are those who are actually what they profess to be. I'm a Christian and I actually am one. But in this group of professing believers is a group of people that profess to be Christians and they aren't actually Christians.

And it's very difficult to tell the difference between the two groups and why is it so hard? Because like in our text, they all look the same. They all look the same. All of the 10 bridesmaids look the same.

And here's what this looks like in the gathering of people who profess Christ today in the church today, what this looks like, every person who professes to be a Christian is aware that Jesus is coming back in some form. Everyone who professes to be a Christian is invited to enter the kingdom. They're invited. Everyone everyone is included in the plans. And and everyone who professes Christ is making some form of preparation themselves. The bridesmaids all had their torches. We have our version of torches in the church today, and that includes outward forms of religious practices, attending church, reading the Bible, singing worship songs, giving money, telling others about Jesus and any other religious things that you can think of any other exterior outward forms of religious practices.

I believe that this is the symbol that the torches are conveying to us. But the entire group of people who call themselves Christian, only some are actually going to enter the kingdom when Jesus comes back and some are going to hear what the bridegroom says to the five foolish bridesmaids, In verses, 11 to 12 says this.

Afterward, the other virgins came also saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

But he answered, truly, I say to you, I do not know you, and so what's the difference then?

What's the difference between those who profess to be Christians and are going into the kingdom when it comes and those who profess to be Christians and are not going in? What's the difference if they all look the same outwardly? In our parable, what was it what was the difference between all of the bridesmaids, the only difference, the oil, the wives, the five wives had the oil and the five foolish didn't have the oil. This is so important. What's the oil for us?

Before you answer out loud, then we think about this with me.

What's the only thing the only thing that a person needs to have in their life in order for them to enter the kingdom of heaven? What's the only thing I heard mouth in? Whispered Jesus, the Holy Spirit.

You need to actually have Jesus. You need to have Jesus. A person needs to have him in order to be in his kingdom with him forever. You need him. That's it, and having him this goes beyond something, this goes beyond simply believing that Jesus exists or believing that he's got this goes beyond simply believing that he died and rose again. This goes beyond simply believing that he's coming back one day. The devil believes all those things I just listed for you and trust me, the devil is not going to be in the kingdom with us when Jesus comes back.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And then they would consummate the marriage in this time as well, and then live their lives for the rest of their lives, hopefully happily ever after. And this is what we see in our text. This is the scene that we see in our text. The groom is coming back any moment and the wedding party is getting ready to meet him. And the wedding festivities are about to begin. And if the bridegroom came in the middle of the night like he did, torches will be necessary to walk through the streets on the way to the celebration.

You might notice in your Bible, it uses the word lamps. The better translation is actually torch is a different word and it's a torch that they would use.

And this is the picture Jesus paints for us of his coming back. So he's already come once already. And when he came that first time, he paid the bride price for his bride, he gave his life up for her on the cross, shed his blood for her, and then he went away for a time to get things ready. But he's coming back. He's coming back. And when he does, we party. And when he does, we party.

And this is the picture of the coming kingdom. This is what we long for as his church. This is what we long for as his people come, Lord Jesus come. We're tired of what is happening right now. We're tired of living in the apocalypse every day. We're tired of the moths. We're tired of the fire. We're tired of all the politics. We're tired of injustice. We're tired of death and murder and corruption. We're tired of it all.

And our hearts long and beat for the king to come back because when he comes back, this is done. And its pleasures forevermore at his right hand, do it. Lord, we pray. Now, in the parable, Jesus gives us here when the bridegroom finally comes. Do all the bridesmaids go in? To the wedding feast, no, only some of the bridesmaids go into the marriage feast again, I know it says virgins in our text, but they were really bridesmaids of the bride.

Unmarried girls who are friends or family of the bride made up the bridal party. So virgins here are bridesmaids. Might you choose to use that word moving forward.

But only five of the 10 bridesmaids got to go to the wedding, and that's kind of a big deal. Because of this, I want to spend some time noting some of the similarities and some of the differences between all of the bridesmaids and our text, because doing this, I think, is going to help shed some light for us on who ends up going into the kingdom when it comes and who doesn't. Now, there are a lot of similarities between all 10 bridesmaids.

They were all aware that the bridegroom was coming. Eventually they were all invited to the marriage feast. They were all included in the wedding plans. They all made some preparations to go. They were all together waiting in the same place. They all had torches. They all were expecting to go when he arrived. And they all slept at appropriate times in the day, like at night, when people normally sleep, they all did this. There's only one difference, one main difference between the five wise bridesmaids and the five foolish ones, only one.

Verse is, two to four in our text, says five of them are foolish and five were wise, four when the Foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. Five Broadway with them and five did not bring a single drop of oil with them, so that they could actually use their torches at night, no oil, no fire, nothing. The foolish didn't bring any, not even a little bit.

And how are they ever going to light their torch? When the groom came having their torches was useless without having any oil?

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. But at midnight there was a cry. Here's the bridegroom come out to meet him. Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish said to the wise, give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out. But the wise answered same, since there will not be enough for us and for you. Go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves. And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with them to the marriage feast and the door was shut.

Afterward, the other virgins came also saying Lord Lord opened to us. But he answered, truly. I say to you, I do not know. You watch therefore for for, you know, neither the day nor the hour. The scene of this parable that we're looking at is a wedding scene is a Jewish wedding if you're unfamiliar with Jewish weddings. I'm going to compare them to the weddings that we know in our culture today to see if we can learn a little bit more about them.

There are some similarities and some differences. The things that we keep in common with our marriage and the marriage of the Jewish custom is this is the highlight of the calendar year is the highlight of the week, the highlight of the month, the highlight of the year. The most joyous and festive celebration that comes around is exciting people pouring time, energy and money and joy to celebrate weddings. And that's what they have in common around the world. When people get married, there's a there's a common thread.

It's an exciting time. It's not a downer. But here's where they differ. Marriage in our culture today has only two main parts to it. Part number one, the engagement. That's the surprise in the ring and Instagram posts. That's engagement today, part one. And then part two is the wedding. And that's a big to do. That's the family, the friends, the ceremony, the pictures, the food, the party, everything.

So two parts for our marriage and our culture. But marriage in the Middle Eastern culture has three main parts. Part number one, they have an engagement, but it's also known as it's called it's an arrangement. Parents are involved with the engagement process in other parts of the world. And usually in this exchange, there would be financial transactions that go back and forth, including a bride price.

When I was younger, I was quite put off by the idea of arranged marriages, I thought they were savage, loving, and then I got older and then I had a daughter and I noticed that if you can read in between the lines.


So. That's part one, the engagement, which is also the arrangement, here's part two, then they had the ceremony or otherwise known as the betrothal period.

This would include all the vows and all the legalities that will be a legally binding part of the engagement. Not fully married yet, but binding by law. You would actually need a divorce certificate to break off the marriage process at this stage at betrothal. If the groom died at this stage, the woman would be considered a widow at this point and the party hasn't happened yet at betrothal. The marriage hasn't been consummated at this stage yet. But this is part two.

Between the time of the betrothal and the time of the wedding celebration, the groom would go away for a period of time to prepare for their new home together, usually built as an addition to his father's house. And when that was all done, he would come back for his bride to take her part to. Which brings us to part three. The wedding celebration. The Jewish wedding celebration would celebrate with and party with family and friends. And the celebration would last for days.

How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Foolish statements will elicit a response the owner may dislike.

It’s named “Freedom of Speech”.
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RE: The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

After The Eclipse Have We Missed The Rapture?!

Embedded image from another site


The feeling the rest of the world has when all the self-righteous, religious fundamentalists disappear off the face of the earth at the same time.

"Holy shit, it's the Rapture! They're all gone! Let's party."

by D-Dubb October 18, 2013


RE: Embroiled...

Wrong, Trump is the majority shareholder, therefore he has controlling interest.

You are just looking though rose tinted glasses.

But that’s ok, even fools have the right to believe whatever’s they want.

The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

As expected, the best view was in the South around Texas and Arkansas.

Follow this link and you will see children who were delighted to be part of 'eclipse fever' that they will remember for the rest of their lives!

thumbs up
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The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

Okay... who got married during the eclipse?
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Useless trivia

US woman checked out of a Florida hotel and told staff that she was going on a God-directed shooting spree because of the solar eclipse, then allegedly shot two drivers on Interstate 10.

She was arrested and charged with attempted murder today, according to the Florida Highway Patrol

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Jesus isn't here anyway. Yes, he's in our hearts spiritually, but he's not physically here. The king. You can't have a kingdom without a king. And so that's one reason we know that the literal kingdom is not here yet.

But reason number two, things like disease, addiction, corruption, abuse, injustice, racism, poverty, death, divorce, sorrow, regret, temptation. And on and on and on. These things all exist in abundance right now. And we know that when Jesus comes, he's going to undo all of those things. And so we have a taste of the kingdom, the spirits in us now.

But we're waiting for the finality of the king coming and the establishing of his kingdom here on Earth, his literal kingdom, which a rule and reign over it all come, Lord Jesus, we pray.

And when this kingdom comes, there's going to be both an entrance into it and an exclusion from it. This is part of the painting, too, that Jesus paints for us in Matthew 25 in our Verse is tonight we're going to see in Matthew twenty five verse is one to thirteen. We see the wise bridesmaids going into the kingdom, but we also see the foolish ones not going in next week. As we look at Verse is 14 to 30, we're going to see the faithful servants are going in, but the wicked servant is not.

And then finally, in verses thirty one to forty six of the same chapter, we're going to see that the sheep are going in, but the goats are not going in.

All of this is the picture Jesus has painted for us in Matthew 25. Which forces us to ask a gigantic question. Who are these ones who are actually going to be the ones going into the kingdom of heaven when it comes, and who are the ones that are going to be kept out? When it comes to this question, asking it and answering it. Literally, nothing else matters in our lives, nothing else matters. We have so many things going on in our life right now, and I and I care about them all.

I care about all the the great victories and the successes that you get to experience in this life before Jesus comes. And I care about all the heartache and the sorrow, the unanswered promises that people make, the disappointments, the pain, the suffering, all of it. We care and we care for one another. The scriptures say that we're sorrowful, yet always rejoice. And we're holding these things in the balance. And as brothers and sisters in Christ, we care about each other's lives.

And these things are real problems right now. But what I want to highlight for you is that in that day, in that moment when the king's feet touches down and the kingdom is established and entrance is granted and you're standing and people are standing and you're either going in or you're going out in that moment, none of your problems today are going to matter. None of them are going to matter. And you're not going to care about them and they're not going to be registered in that moment.

All you're going to care about in that moment is, am I in or am I not? Period. Period. So who are going to be these ones going in when Jesus comes back?

This brings us to the first layer of the painting that Jesus is giving us here in Matthew 25. And it's going to be the next fill in on your outline. A person must be ready for Jesus when he comes back. If they are going to enter into his kingdom, a person must be ready for Jesus when he comes back if they're going to enter into his kingdom. Let me read our text for us, Matthew. Chapter 25, verses one to 13.

Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like 10 virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. For when the foolish took their laps, they took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.

RE: Embroiled...

The company's stock closed 8.4% lower at $37.17 on Monday, a far cry from the record high of $79 it had notched during its debut on March 26. It is down about 40% so far in April.

Heading towards yet another Trump business venture failure
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