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Newest Politics Blogs (943)

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The first Tuesday in November...

Election Day and reported to be the biggest voter turnout in American history...

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A friend from Paris called me yesterday. He was so worried Trump will not win. He wished there's a Trump to fight terrorism in France, believing Trump is good not just for the USA but the world! For the first time, he's praying for a president, (not for Macron but for Trump). I assured him of Trump's victory because the fraudulent activities and plans of massive cheating won't work. It's too glaring! The true intelligent honest Americans want freedom and liberty, not chaotic oppressive socialism, so they go for Trump. If you'd see his rallies, mega crowds support him, in Arizona 97 miles of cars for his MAGA rally was unbelievable!

On the other hand, Biden crowd has been too small, that they have to invite the corrupt journalists and presstitutes to misinform the public on how he could win with fake polls, statistics and hide all his crimes, too difficult not to surface. Delusional deranged Trump haters will accept lies but the truth will still be there for everyone to see! And I told him, America will not approve of an old creepy disgusting politician with progressive dementia as a doormat puppet for the Demonrats. There are not enough stupid people fooled by the print and broadcast media industry to vote for him. Sorry for the Trump haters ... another four years of whining and crying!! sad flower
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Good Morning America!

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

An extract from the beautifully worded declaration of independence.

Go in Peace, Go with God.

Give your consent. Cast your vote.

All the best America.

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The right to vote...

It's more than embarrassing explaining to an immigrant about voter repression... something that's clouded American History for decades when they expected to see the United States as the leader of the free world.
The right to vote...
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With over eighty million votes already cast(a number that is historically THE largest,I believe), the outcome of the vote tally on Tue,(some think it may be up to two weeks before all of the numbers are in) will not only determine who runs the Country but,.....whether we retain our CHRISTIAN values! The God-given rights of self-governance,built into the Constitution,Bill of Rights,and Declaration of Independence our Founding Fathers staked their lives,wealth and futures on and fought a war to free us from the tyranny of Englands' King George! There are those in the USA who want to DESTROY every single principle of morality,honesty and freedom every single veteran who fought and died in this Countrys' wars to preserve! Big tech and the lamestream media have struck a devils' bargain to hide and CENSOR every single comment they disagree with and PUSH this diabolical plan of allowing the leftist scum and....eventually our sworn enemy CHINA,(those who shipped the deadly covid virus around the globe,killing millions),to occupy and JUST MOVE IN AND TAKE OVER,without a shot being fired! If we,as a Country,squander and just allow this to happen,....then, we don't by ANY stretch of the imagination deserve the wonderful blessing our Heavenly Father gave us! YOUR VOTE COUNTS! Do your patriotic duty and exercise the God-given priviledge of deciding who,and how your future is decided! God Bless the USA,President Trump and all of you.angel choir boxing
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How to win an election

There are 2 basic ways. The classic way which everybody is familiar with is to get out in front of the public and shake a lot of hands, kiss a lot of babies, spend a lot of money on TV ads, brag about how great you'll be as the new whatever, bad mouth your opponents etc. That's the way most people believe elections are won or lost, whoever does a better job at all that stuff.

Then there's another little known scheme which works remarkably well that nobody talks about, at least not in public and never where the opposition can get wind of it. It's very effective, in fact, it's so effective it actually works too well sometimes and the worst outcome can happen and in fact has happened at least twice in the last 20 years. The scheme worked perfectly in 2004 and got George Bush re-elected for a second term. The scheme worked so well in fact it was employed again in 2008 and backfired because Obama won the presidential election and that was not supposed to happen. The scheme couldn't be employed against Obama's re-election for reasons you'll understand later.

Here's the basic idea of the scheme: If your candidate is weak, make every effort to assist a worse candidate from the opposing party to win the nomination in the Primaries prior to the main election thus enhancing your candidates chances for a win. In other words, move up by pushing the opposition down.
If the opposing candidate is strong there is nothing you can do but revert back to the classic method including name calling and launching a smear campaign. This was employed by the Right against Obama by inferring he is a Muslim, casting doubt on his citizenship, mocking on his name, yada, yada, yada. It had been employed on Ms Clinton attacking her use of a private email server, Benghazi, and mocking her name IE "Hitlery".

The scheme is possible whenever there is an “Open Primary” meaning voters of any party can vote for anybody regardless of party affiliation. The scheme is most effectively employed in the Iowa primaries because that is the first one in the country and whoever wins Iowa will almost certainly be the candidate in the general election. This is why John Kerry won the Iowa primary in 2004, the Right figured with his Anti-War activism which they colored as Anti American and cadaver like appearance it would be easy for their candidate to defeat him in the general election. Therefore in Iowa, they went all out by getting their party loyalists to vote for John Kerry (a Democrat, instead of voting for their candidate) thus assuring George Bush would have an easy win.
This scheme was most effectively used in the currant cycle when Kenye West was conned into throwing his hat in the ring to steal the black vote from the Democrats. I guess he woke up to the scam and to his credit, dropped out.
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Wow !!

FiveThirtyEight has Biden up BIG TIME !

They give Biden an 89% chance of winning the election applause
and only 11 percent for Trump.

Now THAT'S more like it should be. thumbs up

See for yourself;

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Biden's small crowd in Georgia, and yet, Biden and Trump are neck and neck in Georgia? lol

Don't believe a lot of the polls in battleground states, folks.

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For all of you who are hoping and praying President Trump will be reelected,the Republicans retake the House and..... S A N I T Y reigns once, again, after a long forced Democrat induced hiatus, take hope! One of MANY lawsuits against Google was filed today,(isn't it coincidental, after ACB was just confirmed). If, all of the former happens we can only hope the mental wizards at DOJ will get up off their fat asses and actually PROSECUTE these lawbreaking scum! Just think of all the CONSTRUCTIVE things the President can actually get done for the GOOD of the country when he doesn't have to fight these,RABID, foaming at the mouth dems who do not care about their constituents wishes,just stopping Trump,or...slowing him down! Maybe we can finally end the SATANIC practice of murdering unborn infants, actually EXECUTE sick,psychopathic murderers, stop the diabolical practice of confusing young children about their Gender, and....hope against hope, actually replace prayer in school (voluntary,of course). Believe it or not, all of this is possible,IF.... IF we, as a country, a multi-ethnic collection of citizens actually pay attention to what originally made this Country the greatest and MOST blessed Nation on earth! The simple realization we are ALL a part of something and SOMEONE much larger than ourselves and all HE wants is our love,attention and our acknowledgement of HIM as our CREATOR. If we can manage to do that we will be a part of ETERNITY and all of the indescribable joys, peace and contentment that goes with it. Conversely, freedom of choice allows us to turn our back and go our own way. Thereby becoming the instruments of our eternal destruction and condemnation!
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