StonyStony Most Liked Blogs (23)

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The pet name 'Baby' that is given to some women by the men in their lives comes a long way. Where does this originate from? A helpless baby, as h...
885340Jan 2012Jul 2012May 2


I have returned home about one hour ago and poured myself a glass of wine. What are you doing around this time of day? (apart from being online)...
763260Jan 2012Jan 2012Apr 20

TRUE???? hehe

Hello My name is Mrs. J... W....Citizen of United State of America but married to a South African. I am not suppose to be telling you this on inter...
704140Jan 2012Jan 2012Apr 29

I'm curious

To know if mood swings can be connected to the moon phases. Its not full moon here, but I'd like to know if anyone has experienced some form of mood s...
726250Jan 2012Feb 2012May 4


A Cessna 172B pilot in Mexico had to save his plane after his airplane propeller detached in flight. Yes, detached. Plonk. You can see the action from...
628120Feb 2012Feb 2012Apr 28

Would you...

say it to the person's face? Writer and Macintosh evangelist Guy Kawasaki tells a story about getting email from some fellow he's never met. Online...
795130Mar 2012Mar 2012Apr 27

NZ vs SA

I drink a toast to the South African cricket team that is doing so well in New Zealand.... :appl...
783190Mar 2012Mar 2012May 4

Electric Storm In Cape Town

My nieces husband encountered this storm in the early hours just before going for a jog.
2,11260Mar 2012Mar 2012May 2

John and Jack went to a rugby match.

During the game drinking beer, eating nuts and cheering ,John nudges Jack and sez: " I need to pee, but the game is reaching a climax and I...
697150May 2012May 2012Apr 29

Life is sweet.

There's a South African man sitting in the front row at the Rugby World Cup Finals, but amazingly, there's an empty seat beside him. Another man spots...
62360May 2012May 2012Apr 28

World Happiness Report 2012:

Denmark has taken the top spot on the United Nation's first ever World Happiness Report, followed by Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. The 158-p...
1,935550May 2012May 2012Apr 27

Today !!

I thought I'd begin by reading a poem by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine. On cable TV they have a weather...
844340Jun 2012Jun 2012May 1

God knows I love my country..... EISHHH

You know you are a South African when You produce a R100 note instead of your driver’s licence when stopped b...
792230Jun 2012Jun 2012Apr 30

Realistic Wishes.. If I could make a wish

I'd wish I was in Durban for the Top Gear Festival this weekend...
729150Jun 2012Jun 2012May 2

Another Beautiful Sunday.

The sky is blue, sun is shining the birds are out in force. Sundays I use to tidy up my apartment and do the things What I could'nt do during the week...
793380Jun 2012Jun 2012Apr 28

Rancher John

Old ranch owner John farmed a small ranch in Montana. The Montana Wage and Hour Department claimed he was not paying proper wages to his workers and...
59880Jun 2012Jun 2012May 4


Yes I need someone to lean on, Someone to understand, Someone that I can depend on, Someone to hold my hand. What are the three best thi...
866250Jul 2012Jul 2012May 4


A Swiss guy, looking for directions, pulls up at a bus stop where two Englishmen are waiting. "Entschuldigung, koennen Sie Deutsch sprechen?" he sa...
1,334450Jul 2012Jul 2012May 4

Decency does not cost a cent!!

I'd rather make a friend than an enemy!
678150Jul 2012Jul 2012May 1

2 Day week

My week exists mainly of 2 days. Mondays and Fridays. Where does all the other days disappear to? I need more time. See ya later. Do you...
62780Jul 2012Jul 2012May 4

The Soldier Stood And Faced God

The soldier stood and faced God, Which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shining, just as brightly as his brass. "Step forward now,...
776110Jul 2012Jul 2012Apr 28

Heavy Storms

Snow, rain and strong wind is currently the order of the day here. Part of a song that warms my heart....
75070Jul 2012Jul 2012May 4


Today was such a beautiful day that I could have mistaken it for a warm Spring day. Took my bike and went for a spin and while wallowing in t...
742140Jul 2012Jul 2012Apr 29

This is a list of blogs created by Stony, ordered by Most Liked. Click here for Stony's Full Blog

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