Due Thanksgivimg

There's many twists and turns in life
There's sometimes love, and sometimes strife
And many people lose their dreams
Amid the currents of life's streams
They stumble here, they get lost there
Then find a dream beyond compare
It doesn't seem to make much sense
At least to my intelligence
But even though I'm not too smart
I put the horse before the cart
I think of all God gives to me
And bow my head most thankfully
For every day I hear a song
That helps me move my life along
I hear a whisper on the wind
Amid the hustling bustling din
Just listen close and you may hear
Some special sound that you hold dear
The laughter of some joyful child
A ballgame where the fans go wild
The sounds of mother making tea
Just warms the very heart of me
Songs of the birds there in those trees
The buzzing of the honey bees
The splashing fountains where I walk
And listen to the old folks talk
The waves that break on yonder shore
Yes, all these things and many more
These things are sounds that I know well
The music of life's carousel
So when I get to feeling low
I jump right up and off I go
To where the wind is blowing free
And speaks of all these things to me
Then life, it doesn't seem so sad
I hear the good mixed with the bad
And if I listen long enough
I hear beneath that other stuff
That joy and laughter still abounds
Beneath all of life's other sounds
So as I strive to earn my way
I thank my Lord for each new day
I live in God's calliope
Where blowing winds can speak to me
And when there's time I think about
What I may have, or do without
And so, my friends, I finally learned
Life's not about what I have earned
Because without what I received
Upon the day I was conceived
The choices that I make, today
They wouldn't matter, anyway
Without the life God gave to me
And so I say this, thankfully
That come what may, both good and bad
For all these things, I will be glad
Because I have a heart that yearns
For all God's gifts, both twists and turns
When I think back on all that's been
The what, the why, the where, the when
Then contemplate what they have cost
And what's been won, and what's been lost
And what may yet still come my way
I thank my Lord for every day
I bow my head in humbleness
Just glad He didn't give me less
And so, my friends, I beg you, “Pray!”
And thank our Lord for each new day
And for the life He's given you
My friends, I think that much is due
Is that so very much to ask
To thank your lord for all your tasks
Well, maybe I don't know the score
But life, to me, is worth much more
And all I have could never pay
For all that God gave me, today
For all that God has given me
I'll thank my Lord
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2017
About this poem:
“Due Thanksgiving” is a poem I wrote a couple of weeks before the American holiday of Thanksgiving. The American "Thanksgiving" is, basically, a harvest festival/feast. This banquet became known as “Thanksgiving”, because it was meant as a “Thanks Giving” to God, for the bounty He had given to His people. And this harvest banquet became an annual event, which, over the years, spread to all parts of what is now the United States of America. And it’s celebrated on the last Thursday in November, each year.

And, a couple of weeks before the actual holiday, I got into a reflective mood, thinking about that first Thanksgiving, (Which has devolved into a very commercialized excuse for a “family feast/get together”, now.) and what it was about. And I ended up writing the poem, “Due Thanksgiving”.

It’s my take on what “Thanksgiving” is really SUPPOSED to be about. Although it rarely is, today. And there certainly is a religious aspect and context to the holiday, as well as the poem. It started as a Celebration of God’s bounty to his people. And the particular people who started this great “Thanksgiving” were, in fact, “Christians”. A small offshoot branch of “Christianity”, but Christians, nonetheless. And, for such a long poem, something that you may find interesting, is that, from start to finish, this poem only took me between 2 and 3 hours to write. It was almost like there was a hand guiding mine.

But the poem isn’t meant to proselytize Christianity. Most people that know me, will tell you that I’m NOT a “religious” person. And, if you’re speaking in terms of “organized” religions, and/or churches, that’s true enough. But I DO have a “spiritual” side. But I think that a man’s “spiritual” nature is his own business! Between him, and HIS “God”. (Just as I don’t feel MY relationship with MY “Higher Power” is anybody’s business, but mine and His!

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by Let_Us (2 Poems)
on Nov 2017
in Ode
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