RE: if stranded in the wilderness,which animal would you fear the most ,if you had no weapons?

I think it would depend on which continent you were on. In N. America, it would probably be the bear family. Then again, it depends on which part of N. America you are in. Farther up north and then out west, I'd probably say the dog, bear, and cat family. Out west you have the mtn. lion, grizzlies, and gray wolves. Where I live the biggest thing you have is the black bear. Next to that it's coyotes, foxes, and the bobcat. If I were in S. America, I'd be more afraid of the extremely large snakes. In Africa, it would definitely be your large cats. In Australia...the kangaroo. Have you seen how powerful they are? They have some fierce leg muscles. I'd love to have some thighs and calves that were that strong.

Then again, with my interest in wildlife I would do my best not to get stranded in the wilderness. I'd try to be safe and not be alone. That way, I can be excited about seeing the wildlife in its natural habitat.

RE: AGE? To young Old

I think it depends on the person and the person they are dating. Personally, I couldn't date a guy that was too much younger than me because it would be too close to my brother's age. He is 8 and a half years younger than me. I don't see myself dating a guy that is more than 10 to 12 years older. I am 30 years old and dating a guy that is too much older seems kind of like a health risk. I mean, there are age related health issues like impotence, dementia, arthiritis (sp?), and others. I know that not every guy will have these issues and some issues may start at an earlier age. I just don't see myself being 40 years old and having to be a caretaker. I realize that there are a lot of active seniors but I think about the long term. So, let's say that within the next 6 months, I met a guy that is 50 years old. We date for a couple of years and then get married. We could be married for 30 years and he could die or need to have some kind of home health care. Again, I know that a lot of seniors are living independently and are very active. My grandfather will be 89 in a couple of weeks and if it hadn't been for his back surgery and having a leg amputated (due to poor blood circulation) he'd still be going strong. He'd be out in the yard working, driving to Florida to visit my uncle (his son) and aunt (daughter-in-law), and a lot of other things. But there aren't many people that are like my grandfather. Another reason why I wouldn't want to get involved with (or marry) a guy that was a lot older than me is because I know what it's like to be a caretaker. I take care of my grandfather while I go to grad school. I did a lot before this all happened but I have to do more now. I have to make sure that he has all of his meds, do all the yardwork (which is quite a bit), pay his bills, deposit checks, etc.

Again, I think that the age difference depends on the couple. A person can also look younger or older than they really are. Like I said before, I am 30 but I look to be about 5 or 6 years younger. I have always looked younger. It has confused people, especially when they heard me talk. I souded older than I looked.

RE: Do you believe in Survival of the fittest?

I see where you are coming from but think about it from a different persepctive. In nature, survival of the fittest is all around you. Plants and animals that can't adapt to their environment die off (become extinct). It's difficult for plants to move to a new location but for animals they can move to another location. Another example would be to look at animals that travel in packs or herds. This could be a bit of a stretch but it can work. The weakest (old and sick) and youngest are typically the ones that get killed by predators. Why? Becasue they are easier to catch. If you want to use humans, think about college students. When a student starts college for the very first time (traditional age in the US is ~18), many don't make it past the first year. There are probably just as many that don't make it past the first semester. What's my point? If first time college students don't adapt to the college life, then they won't make it and they will flunk out of college. It's about balancing the social and academic aspects of college. Again, I do see your point but people did die before the current medical technology came about (since the early 1900s).

RE: Fat people.

thumbs up

RE: Fat people.

You are absolutely correct. cheers

RE: Fat people.

I think I know the place that you are talking about. It would be great if it were easy for everyone to be within the normal weight range. I agree that being overweight is treated as a behavior and not a condition. To some extent it may be a behavior (eating too much, not exercising enough) but I wish people would keep an open mind before judging people.

RE: Fat people.

You are very correct. This is why so many young women have eating disorders. They think that they are too fat when in reality they are too skinny.

RE: Fat people.

So, if a guy won't date a woman that is over 250 pounds would he date a woman that is only 15 to 20 pounds overweight (height anywhere from 5 feet, 0 inches to 5 feet, 9 inches)? What about if she is more than 20 pounds overweight but not over 250 pounds?

I am 5'0" and 19 pound overweight (19 pounds away from being within normal weight range). I have lost 23 pounds since January 2011. Like I said, I'm 19 pounds overweight but, to reach my goal weight, I need to lose 27 pounds. I have been trying to eat more fruits and veggies and workout 5 days a week...doing A LOT of cardio and some weight lifting. I feel better and I think that I look better (even better than the pics that I have posted on this site).

Why did I bring this up? Because looks do count, unfortunately, when you look at someone you may not realize that they have alreay lost a lot of weight. Also, you may not realize that the person that you are looking at may have a problem with their thyroid or have insulin resistance (not diabetes). I know that guys want to be with women that they find attractive but women want to be with guys that they find attractive. Women, like men, may be hesitant about dating a guy that is morbidly obese. Anyway, you don't know how they eat at home or if they even work out (even if it is a 20 to 30 minute walk 3x/week). I'm sure that there are a lot of skinny people that don't eat much at all or eat a lot of junk food. Being thin doesn't mean that they are healthy.

RE: Losing weight

Do you do any kind of exercising? How much fiber and protein are you getting each day? In January of 2011, I gave up drinking Mtn. Dew (a very, very sugary drink) and haven't looked back. Yes, I still drink a soda but it's one that is 7.5 ounces and most of the time I don't even finish it. In August of 2010, I started using the gym at my university for at least an hour (excluding the 5 minute cool down). I go 5 days a week (Monday through Friday) and do an hour of cardio each day (excluding the 5 min. cool down). I make sure that I do some weight lifting/strength training at least once a week for 15 or 20 min. If my schedule allows it, then I'll do a second and third day of weight lifting. Sometimes, I'll do use the rowing machine for about 10 or 15 min...if I have the time. Going back to the cardio. When I first started going to the gym, I used the elliptical and that helped me lose a good bit of weight during the fall semester. Every couple of weeks I would increase the resistance. As the semester started to wind down, I noticed that it was harder for me to lose weight. So, when the spring semester started up in January of this year, I started using the treadmill (for an hr.) instead. I have increased my speed and the resistance. I'm at a point now where I am going a little over 4 miles in 65 minutes. So far, the best that I have done is 4.25 miles in 65 miles.

Since January 2011, I have lost 22 pounds. I still have 20 pounds to go before I am within the normal weight range and 28 pounds before reaching my goal weight. I'm not eating like I should but I am eating better. I don't eat fast food like I used to. It's kind of funny because whenever I eat the french fries (from any restaurant) they tend to taste the same. I think that it has to do with the amount of salt that is in the food. Even the cheeseburgers taste very similar. I do allow myself to have a treat (like an eclair, or some other kind of treat). I figure that if let myself to have a treat instead of banning all sweets or junk food then I am more likely to stick with the workouts and making a better attempt to eat better.

In terms of food, if you haven't already done this, switch to whole wheat. What I mean is, instead of white bread get whole wheat bread. Also, drink 1% milk. I used to drink 2% milk all the time but I've switched to 1%. It has less calories and it doesn't take long to get used to it. If you don't eat a lot of meat or other foods that have a lot of protein, you can drink milk. I do enjoy drinking some lowfat chocolate milk after I workout. I eat some of the high fiber cereals too. Eat a double dose of that in the morning before working out and after you workout you're not hungry and you've burned off ~90% to 95% of the calories from the breakfast.

RE: USA ability...

thumbs up

RE: what is the most beautiful eyes colour?

What about hazel eyes?

RE: rude or not

Reasons I don't respond:
1) The messages I get creeped me out.
2) I didn't understand what they were saying.
3) The message seems like it's from a scammer.

Those are the main reasons. Sometimes, I don't have a lot of time. When I come here, I may only have a few minutes. I'll read the message, but not have time to respond. I think that I'll respond but then I forget about it until I get another message.

RE: Women and men with disabilities...

Do you considered a learning disability and ADHD to be a mental disability? I know that isn't exactly what you were talking about. I think that it depends on the woman. I could ask how men would deal with a woman that has a mental, emotional, and social disorders. It depends on the person. I wouldn't share that information on the first date. I'd wait to see if the relationship looked like it is going to get serious before saying anything. I mean if you're prone to seizures or are allergic to bees (or something that could cause major problems - aka life threatening) then share it...depending on the situation...or date.

RE: americans full of them selves

I agree. I'm from the southeastern US and you'll definitely see that we are quite friendly. What you see in movies and hear on the news is not the way we are in are in real life. Yes, we have our share of idiots and people that are full of themselves but I think there is a stereotype of people from every country (or regions of the world).

RE: Wo will you cuddle up with on valentines night?

I will cuddle up with my cat who is spoiled (110%).


Thanks for the laugh. I love puns. My mom would give me a look. It's the look that says, "I want to laugh but I don't want to encourage you." Yep...these are right up my alley. I might share these with my mom anyway, just to drive her crazy. I'm such a good daughter.grin

RE: Do you like a cat or a dog for a pet in your home?

Apparently, you've never been in my house. My cat is indoors only and I keep the litter box clean. I'm very particular about smells (food and human bathroom smells) so I tend to keep candles and air fresheners around...but I digress. Her litter box doesn't stink. I thnk that the smell tends to be from the male cats that haven't been fixed, but once they are fixed the problem goes away. If the litter box is cleaned regularly, then the smell shouldn't be a problem. Of course, my cat has been known to pass gas but it doesn't happen frequently. Less than 2x per year.

RE: Do you like a cat or a dog for a pet in your home?

I like both but prefer having a cat as a pet. My cat greets me when I come home, she sleeps on the bed at night (at least she does for awhile), she lets me know when it's time for me to play with her, and when there is a cat or two outside. There are so many things that I love about having a cat in the home. Besides, you don't have to take a cat for a walk or let them out so they can go to the bathroom and they don't bark loudly or try to lick your face. But I do like dogs, I'm just not sure I'd want one as a pet. I guess it would be ok as long as the dog got along with my cat and realized that the cat ruled the house. I don't rule the house because my cat rules the house.

RE: Would you consider trying to form a relationship with someone alot younger/older then you?

It kind of depends on how much of an age difference. I wouldn't get involved with a guy that is close to my parents age. Also, I wouldn't get involved with a guy that is too much younger than me. My brother is 8 and a half years younger so if he's closer to my brother's age, I'd probably end up treating him like he was my younger brother. For me, I think up to 10 or 12 years old may be ok, but I'm thinking that closer to my age up to 8 or 9 years older. I think that guys tend to be ok with younger women more so than women being ok with younger men. Of course, personality and intelligence and humor have a lot to do with it too. Yes, looks count personal hygiene and the physical attraction to the guy. If I find the guy to be physically attractive, funny, and smart then you have me. Of course, I expect to be treated right. I don't mean that I want things handed to me on a silver platter but to be treated with respect....but I have completely digressed.

RE: ForNonUS-Would you choose to be UScitizen or otherNationality?

You're just a ferry boat away from the US. I love Nova Scotia. Very pretty...very comfortable during the summer.

RE: ForNonUS-Would you choose to be UScitizen or otherNationality?

Ireland is gorgeous. I love the people....the humor is fantastic. I was there in the mid-90s, when I was in my teens.

RE: ForNonUS-Would you choose to be UScitizen or otherNationality?

I love Canada. I was in Nova Scotia back in 2010. If I could have my US citizenship and another one, I'd choose Canada. It's beautiful and the people are nice as well. Of course, I think they enjoyed my southern accent. I tried not to sound too southern but I think it was noticeable...what with me saying, "ya'll" and "bless your heart." doh grin

RE: ForNonUS-Would you choose to be UScitizen or otherNationality?

We may be friendly but that doesn't mean that we're all easy to get into bed. That's just something that Hollywood has created. But like you said, it may be the women that you've met.

RE: facebook will go down soon...

This is so true. This is why I only add people that I know. For me, it's an easy way to see what my friends and family are up to. It's funny because about 90% to 95% of the people I have added to Facebook contacted me. If someone is really hard up for friends then you are correct about playing the games.

RE: facebook will go down soon...

I have had people that I don't know send me friend requests. I don't accept them. I'm not on Facebook to meet people that I don't know. I may talk to people in some of the groups discussions but I don't add them as a friend and I may not add them as a friend. Some people may use Facebook as a way to meet people that they don't know, but for me, it would be a bit weird. Why would I want share my personal life with people I don't know or haven't met? On sites like this, you can share things about yourself and still keep a lot of things personal. Of course, I don't post a lot about myself on Facebook either...since the people already know me. It's just up to the indviduals using Facebook.

RE: facebook will go down soon...

I don't add people to Facebook unless I know them. A couple of years ago, I did add about 5 people that I had never met but met them when we were volunteering on the same project. I don't have Facebook to add a bunch of people that I don't know. I figure I can meet people in the real world and if they have Facebook then it's one additional way for us to keep in using email.

RE: if You BELiEVE Women are created for Men, what does that mean?

Women are a companion for man and man is a companion for the woman.

RE: Rate Yourself.

I would've voted but I think some of the choices overlap...

RE: You can’t find ONE wife, haha, he has 39

I don't know why men would want more than one wife. I've chatted with my dad and grandfather about topics like this...asking them what they think, etc. All I have to say is that they say one wife is enough. My grandfather said that my grandmother told him that if she died before him, that he'd be married again within a few years. Well, she died in 1993 (a few weeks before Christmas), when I was 12, and he hasn't married anyone else...although I know that there have been several women that would have been interested in getting involved with him. He says that he has never been interested in getting remarried...that my grandmother was the only one for him.

Anyway, you'd think that there would be some jealousy between the women, even if they didn't say anything. How could he remember the kids names? I don't know. It just seems hard to comprehend. Maybe it's a cultural thing.

RE: health benefits of pets

I know how you feel. My beautiful Siamese seal point cat, Princess, died on 31 October 2010. It just about killed me. I still grieve her death. She was 15 and a half and had been with me for almost 7 years. Princess was my best friend and baby. I did adopt another cat about 6 or 7 months ago. I did feel a little guilty for loving another cat but I know that my Princess would understand. My new cat isn't a Siamese but I will adopt another Siamese one that my new kitty will have a friend.

This is a list of forum posts created by fieldworking.

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