RE: Which horror movies do you think is the scariest

Fear is not a word in my vocabulary.

(Just a little joke.)

RE: Teacher Slams Obama

Yeah Stress,

I clicked on your link to the election results, and there, big as life if you could interpret the statistics, is reported Obama won with 52.92% of the vote. So the only 2.92% over half. That is thin. Damn near half the people did not vote for your messiah.

And the fact that the 18 -29 year olds voted like sheep for Obama only shows the young have a lot to learn about the world. You have probably never heard the saying: "When youth and vigor meet age and treachery, age and treachery will prevail." Do you remember when you thought you knew more than your Dad, and then when you got older, you were amazed how smart he really was? That is the way it is in life. The longer you live, the more you experience, the wiser you are.

And you never responded to my post about the Acorn election fraud that probably gave him the 2.92%.

Left wing liberals really like to put the spin on things. Everything looks a lot better after it is hyped all up real good.

BTW, you like to refer a lot to this 'new' world and 'new' way of things. Sorry to have to tell you that Socialism, huge deficit spending, unions, relying on the government to solve all your problems is not new Stress, it is just new to you.

RE: Teacher Slams Obama

I think you are presumptuous that you think you can speak for the majority of Americans, either overseas or anywhere.

Do you not know this administration was only elected by a 2% majority? That is very thin, and if it were not for the corruption by Acorn, and the corrupting influence of the teacher's unions, United Auto Workers and the rest of the unions, this administration would be in the dust bin of history.

Further, since his election, a significant number of Americans are questioning his leadership, so I kind of doubt he will be re-elected for a second term.

So, you would be better off if you would only speak for yourself.

RE: International QUIZ ...... What is a CLYMORE

Hey JJ,

I think you mean a claymore. I think that is the proper name of the explosive mine used during WWII

RE: Notice: To all who Care.... and those who Don't...

I like you Zee, and I know I will like you as the 'new Zee' too. So, good luck with your adventure in Identities, and we'll be kicking it around here again soon I bet.

You are too funny.


RE: What do you call an event which has not happened....YET?

Yeah Naked:

call it:

****** The coming event *******

Now is that thinking over the top of the box or WHAT ???

RE: What do you call an event which has not happened....YET?

I don't think anyone called it a:

Get ready.........


But maybe it is not scheduled.

So ...

Planned event that is yet to be schedlued.

That is what I would say.

RE: MY 1 day employment

Aaaa HA HA HA HA HA Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sooooo funnnnnnny SSB!

You are SO witty?

Did you really say that to her ??????

Or, are you just making this up??????

RE: We Need a Wedding, Canada & the U.S.A., Mexico can be the Maid of Honour.

I read your whole post, so therefore, I must have a reasoned opinion.

And I realize you don't get it. And I wish I had the time to try to explain the value and benefit of capitalism to you, but you probably have had it explained to you before and didn't get it. So I won't waste the time and effort.

I would just say however that your're correct that unions are a socialist institution, and they played a large role in the bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler. Unions, in conjunction with management operating without courage to confront the unions and management operating with a short term outlook.

I have been a member of a couple big unions in my life, and I didn't like what I saw. They are very corrupting, and they create a lot of unnecessary antagonism between management and the workers. They hold back high performing individuals, and they cover up lazy and incompetent workers.

I would hate to see any marriage between socailist Canada and US. The US will recover, and Canada won't. The world has needed a dynamo economy like the US to fuel it. If we went socialist, what country would the world depend on? Canada? Uk? France? Germany? Nope.

Be careful what you wish for.


You state that other religions also have followers who do not really believe or have faith in the teachings or their particular religion?

I disagree. No other religion is as militant with the thread of death or harm for not believeing. Only Islam teaches that.

And regrading keeping the holy Koran, it is my understanding, the Koran is where all the militant teaching origninates regarding killing those who leave Islam, killing infidels who don't believe in Islam, the teaching about Jihad and so on.

Who is kidding who??

Why so much confusion and violence towards humanity in general and even Muslims themselves??

RE: Republican Talking Points Generator

I looked at your link, and instead of seeing humor in it, I just thought it was stupid.

And lame.

Is that all you got???

RE: Joe Biden... "Oopse I did it Again"... He opened his mouth!

You mean that: "Also, Al Gore still prefers to call the internet the super-inforamation highway."

Or did you mean Al calls it the: Information Super-Highway ??

Most of us used to call it the information super-highway. But you are probably too young to remember that.


"100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. For every 1 male convert to Islam, 4 females convert to Islam.

They're discovering the FACTS and not basing their decisions on biased media. They realise they deserve to know the complete unadulterated truth."

On your personal profile you display your religious persuasion as "New Age". Yet in your posting here, you say women are discovering the 'FACTS' and converting to Islam?

How come you haven't discovered the 'FACTS' and converted to Islam yourself?????

BTW, I am not buying your statistics or your argument. It is true that Islam is the world's fastest growing 'religion', by statistics. but most of the followers don't really believe in Islam. They only profess that to keep themselves and their families from being killed.

RE: CS Periodic Table

Obama is the Savior of the Whole World

Capitalism is Dead; Socialism Rules

RE: Pistol Packing Mama

That is frontier justice alright. People make choices, and then there are the consequences. This is a good example of why the government (governments: state, county, municipal) should never take away our firearms or hinder our ability to protect ourselves.

The police are not very good ( not good at all ) at protecting citizens. They do a pretty good job of investigation and apprehension, but protection? Nope.

Protection is up to you and me. If everyone carried a gun, there would be a lot less of this type (and probably all types ) of crime.

This kind of activity occurs a hundred times more frequently than the Columbine High School scenarios ever do. And armed citizenry could have stopped columbine way, way sooner than the police were able to.

The Bill of Rights was a very wisely and intelligently crafted document with foresight that the politicians of today cannot even imagine. It should stand as it was written.

RE: how do you like your eggs?

I like eggs a lot of ways, but in the morning, I often like them fried, sunny side up in a little olive oil. Before you drop the eggs in , mill a little garlic and salt and pepper into the frying pan and olive oil.

Then, after you have dropped the eggs in the pan on low heat, mill a little more garlic and salt and pepper on top. Cook slow with lid on.

Then make rye toast with plum jam. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, and enjoy!

(Actually I learned when I was in Spain that cooking eggs with garlic is great.)

RE: Who has been on this site the longest ?

September, 2008

And I am a much better typist than I was when I started, thanks to some of the more controversial forums. I put in my 2 cents, plus 2 cents more,. Then I get back my 4 cents in change. But some of the forums actually don't make much sense.

I think CS is pretty good. I have noticed that I look forward to logging in an seeing what's up. I never thought would feel that way.

RE: If women made compasses


A woman made compass often has a lot of :




RE: If women made compasses

I do!

I do!

Whenever I see a pretty lady, I always stop and ask for directions.

And it is interesting some of the places they tell me to go............

RE: Lets write a song!

OK Starshinebright- you got me on a little roll here -

My love flows across the ocean

My desire reaches under the stars and moon

I hope to find your fluid motion

In a candle-lit bedroom

RE: Lets write a song!

I want to look into your eyes,

I long to hold your hand,

please think of me tonight

and tomorrow let's meet in another land.

Oh baby oh baby.

RE: no bathing suits in the lobby

Sort of appears that was just the excuse he was looking for!

RE: Lets write a song!

I feel so empty when you're not here,

How can I continue living, and be full of cheer?

Please come and hold me near,

Or I'll be sad and crying, till I am with you dear.

RE: Ever hear of a Coolidge computer?

Maybe it is one of those custom made computers, built from variety of components to a particular individuals specifications. And the person's name was Coolidge. You know?? Maybe?

Did your hear about the New York City Stockbroker who......

That is a cute response NMP. Deliver me.......

OK . Where to ?????

RE: Hang on......

Ha Ha Ha.

Boy were those guys dumb.

RE: first job, weirdest job and fave job

I worked for the BNSF (Burlington Northern Santa Fe) Railroad for a couple summers during college as a Switchman / Brakeman. The Rio Grande RR used to refer to the BN railroad as the "Big Nothing".

That was an interesting and exciting job at the time, riding freight trains across the plains and rolling through small towns in the middle of the night or day. Worked on lot of in-town and in-yard switch engines too. Saw a few derailments, and experienced a lot of good and bad. That was during the Viet Nam war, and a lot of munitions were being shipped with placards instructing the railroads not to "kick" the cars. The crews I worked with kicked them anyway. I thought that was kind of wild, but nobody asked me what I thought.

Did your hear about the New York City Stockbroker who......

Did you hear about the New York City stockbroker who had enough of the rush and crush of the big city and wanted more peace and quiet? So he cashed in his chips and bought a cabin in the backwoods. Nice and peaceful and quiet.

About a week after he moved in, he was standing on his porch sipping his coffee, when he noticed way down at the end of his road, an old pick-up was heading up to his place.

When the old truck pulled up, a beat-up toothless looking backwoods boy climbed out and said: "Hi thar!!!" I noticed ya moovin' in thar las week an I wanted to invite ya ta a pardy at my place tamorra night! Thar's goin ta be eatin, an drinkin, an fightin, an f-ckin. Whadyasay! Wer're gona have a real good time! Can ya come??"

Well, the broker had been a little culture shocked with all the peace and quiet, thought it might be good to drop by and get to know some of his neighbors, so he replied: "Sure, that sounds fine! What should I bring?"

And the backwoods fella says: " Bring? Ya ain't gotta bring anything!......

"It's just goin be YOU & ME!!"

RE: Imagine how would be a party with all CS forumists...

Reminds of the NY city stockbroker who had enough of the rush and crush of the big city and wanted more peace and quiet. So he cashed in his chips and bought a cabin in the backwoods. Nice and peaceful and quiet.

About a week after he moved in, he was standing on his porch sipping his coffee, when he noticed way down at the end of his road, an old pick-up was heading up to his place.

When the old truck pulled up, a beat-up toothless looking backwoods boy climbed out and said: "Hi thar!!!" I noticed ya moovin' in thar las week an I wanted to invite ya ta a pardy at my place tamorra night! Thar's goin ta be eatin, an drinkin, an fightin, an f-ckin. Whadyasay! Can ya come??"

Well, the broker had been a little culture shocked with all the peace and quiet, thought it might be good to drop by and get to know some of his neighbors, so he replied: "Sure, that sounds fine! What should I bring?"

And the backwoods fella says: " Bring? Ya ain't gotta bring anything!......

"It's just goin be YOU & ME!!"


I appreciate your thoughts, but disagree with you on a number of points.

Mainly, I want to point out that the US is NOT a warmonger country. If you think it is, then we will have to agree to disagree. The US has done more for the overall good of the world than any country in modern times. Sure, the US pursues it's own self interests, but so do all other nations. But the US has stepped up and given more for human liberty and freedom and to reduce human suffering than any other nation. If you disagree, name one other nation that has fought to free people.

I don't appreciate the way our president feels he has to apologize for this county. I don't think we have anything to apologize for.

Second, nations are just people. And people have not changed in millenniums. People are still envious, greedly, lusting, prideful, angry, lazy, and glutenous. And when a country's dictatorial ruler exhibits these traits beyond a certain degree, there probably will need to be a war sooner or later.

BTW, how many times in the last 10 years alone have you read about instances of genocide? It happens and will happen again.

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