RE: Sayings

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

RE: Sayings

I just remembered another one:

"Never let it be said, that it goes without saying."

I like that one.

RE: Sayings

Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.

RE: United States Get Together Where and When?


Ya know, I tried to vote for Spring time in the South, but I could only vote for the season, or the place, and once I voted for one or the other, then the vote was closed. So I think the results are skewed (screwed ?) a little.

But I vote for Nashville in the Spring, because the coastal cities are expensive, and Nashville is somewhat centered and lots to do.

Or maybe Dallas of Austin Texas. Or Denver.


RE: Obama's Birth Certificate... View It Here!

" I feel that you have not done enough to find out whether what you are saying it true or not "

Why do you feel that way??

Because we disagree?

You don't know how much I have researched, but I have posted several nationally and internationally acknowledged facts about him and his administration, facts that are not disputed by his administration.

So, those facts and others forms the basis of my distrust for him and his administration.

You are not making sense.

RE: Obama's Birth Certificate... View It Here!

Now you sound condescending.

You are so illuminated and us poor poor Americans are so "brainwashed and conditioned."

"We are not able to see anything or not fear any other views but our own".

Thanks for the put down.

You sure don't give us any credit.

Only you can understand.

What makes you think you are not brainwashed and conditioned?

What makes you think you understand?

RE: Obama's Birth Certificate... View It Here!

No Gingerb,

I don't have contempt for you- I respect you as a human being.

Yes, I don't admire or agree with your political perspectives.

But you wrote : " according to what you all write here you certainly lack knowledge."

And you are stating we all lack knowledge, and you imply that you are the only one who "sees" the truth.

That is why I got the impression you were smug about it. Only you can know, the rest of us who disagree are ignorant.

Isn't that smug and elite?

RE: Obama's Birth Certificate... View It Here!

The United States has never been a very socialist country and the majority of citizens have preferred it remain that way.

And I would not call it "anti-socialist propagands shoved down our throat". You are spinning things pretty fast with that comment I would say.

We just have always been a Capitalist free enterprise society.

"Home of the brave, land of the free"

Ever heard that statement before? That is an old reference to the United States.

Capitialism is a form of freedom, that socialism cannot offer. Socialism takes away a good number of freedoms, depending on the degree of Socialism being implemented.

And that is not Capitalistic propaganda. It is just the basic truth.

RE: Obama's Birth Certificate... View It Here!


When a person runs for public office, they give up their right to privacy in a number of areas: Their income and tax records become public, their birth certificate has to become public in order to qualify them for the office, and often health records become public.

Of course the degree of privacy given up depends greatly on the actual office the person is running for: local or national. But the presidency of the United States, requires the greatest release of privacy of any office.

RE: Obama's Birth Certificate... View It Here!

Haven't lost my cool yet, but thanks.

Don't you think, in this day of the internet, I can see the same news as you?

I don't, and a lot of Americans don't get their news from the legacy 'news' outlets such as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and the major 'news' papers.

They are part of the liberal entertainment industry now. They are a beyond disgraceful in their lack of objectivity. These have become a disgusting disgrace.

I don't know where you get your news or why you think it is more truthful than the news Americans can read, but you are coming across as elite and smug, that you know so much, and anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant and hateful.

I don't hate anyone.

But I do have contempt for certain policies, ideas, and agendas.

So I don't hate Obama as a person, just what he is trying to change America over to.

Get it?

RE: Obama's Birth Certificate... View It Here!

"Ignorant people are holding a kangaroo court and finding him wanting according the their standards"??

Who are you to judge???? What Kangaroo court. Who are you to decide who is ignorant? What standards is Obama supposed to be judged by? Only YOUR standards???

That is kind of hateful and judgemental on your part. '

What qualifies you to judge citizens of the US in their judgment of this administration??

The problems with this administration are well documented nationally.

The income tax cheats in his administration is a fact.

The lie he told in his speech on health care is a fact.

His reversals on 2nd amnedment rights are facts.

His idea to redistribute wealth is a fact.

His support of the corrupt ACORN organization is a fact.

His attending the church of the United States hating Jeremiah Wright for 20 years is a fact.

And I could go on- these are just off the top of my head.

But go ahead and bury your head and ignore these facts, because they don't 'fit' with your liberal agenda.

The old: "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up" position.

RE: Obama's Birth Certificate... View It Here!


Obama ran for president and was elected. It is EXPECTED that his actions and performance will be judged. It is our duty as citizens to judge his performance and actions.

It is not like Healthy Living singled you out to judge your actions or motives.

When a person runs for political office, they know they are going to be put on a pedestal and under a spotlight. That is the expectation, and that makes it different.

Leaders need to be judged on their performance, and we should all be involved with that. That is the way\ a democratic republic works and functions.

The pro and con debate is not pointless and negative, it is useful and valuable.

And my opinion differs from yours: I don't think Obama is bringing this country into the 21st century, he is dragging us back into the last century with his socialist values, which was tried in the USSR, Cuba, China, Viet Nam and for the last 100 years, has not been proven to work.

But Capitalism has been shown to work.

The problem is, Capitalism takes courage and hard work.

BTW, why do you even mention that Obama is black??

That has absolutely nothing to do with his role as president. It is a non-issue, and liberals continue to bring it up??

Do you think because he is black, he is more qualified to be president or something??

I think it is great the US elected a black man president, I only wished he held traditional conservative values. Like respect for the Constitution and it's amendments, respect for Capitalism, respect for life, respect for states rights and so on.

It is Obama's radical left wing Ideology that I am against. And I think he tries to conceal that as he moves to implement it. That puts him at odds and in conflict with conservatives, and we will always fight against him because of that.

RE: Ahmadinejad says Holocaust was a “lie”

That Ahmadinejad is one dangerous man.


And the entire regime is dangerous.

I think it is a good thing that the US is now allied with Iraq, and we can keep a few armored divisions right across the border from these guys to give them something to ponder.

They need to be kept in check.

And if the US won't do it, who will???

RE: Securing your country's future

Canada needs to have its free socialized healthcare fixed????

The liberals in the US 'think' we should make our health care like your 'free' health care.

I guess that figures.

BTW, I doubt any government run health care program will ever find a cure for cancer. Government programs lack the innovation and inventiveness required to find new cures.

There is not enough incentive, and too much bureaucratic red tape.

And I imagine that has to do with the reason Canada does not have enough Doctors and Nurses.

INCENTIVES are needed. Private health care offers the these incentives.

RE: USA and Western Europe are doing iconomical racialism?

ALL countries and ALL people pursue their own self interest.

AND, it has ALWAYS been that way.

Where have you been?

RE: What I seek.


But not at any price.

RE: The World's Fastest Indian


That was a great movie.

Quite inspiring.

In fact, now that you bring it up, I think I'll watch it again. It has been a number of years since I watched it initially.

RE: The Great Republican Candidates ....

One of Rubios quotes regarding cap and trade legislation: "Cap and trade legislation will do nothing but make America one of the cleanest Third World economies."

I don't know how many people have read and looked hard at this legislation, but last week Kiplinger report states it will add $2.00 to the cost of a gallon of gasoline, double electrical rates, and really, accomplish very little toward eliminating CO2. It will destroy our economy too.

So if health care doesn't wreck Obama's presidency, Cap & Trade is sure to. Kiplinger says Cap & Trade legislation is a good bet to pass, if not this year, then next.

RE: The Great Republican Candidates ....

Yesterday's National Review magazine has a photo of Marco Rubio on the front cover, and an article indicating he likely will play a significant role in the GOP's future.

He is a conservative. For those of you that do not know, conservatives normally promote: capitalism, limited government, individual liberty, responsibility and accountability, strong national defense, and support for the Bill of Rights, especially the first two amendments. Conservatives argue for traditional values, marriage being the union of a man and a woman and home schooling, and rule of law.

Conservatives do not feel the need to apologize for America, or blame America for everything. Conservatives are usually not pro-unions, as unions limited the individual, and promote the collective.

So, with that said, Marco Rubio is a 38 year old son of Cuban exiles. His father worked late nights as a bartender. and is mom was a hotel maid and a stock clerk at KMart.

He is getting set to run for Senator from Florida.

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

Yeah, I was with you last night! Remember?!

How could you forget about me so soon???

I am crunched.


(You might consider why you are so outnumbered you know?)

Don't follow the old "Don't confuse me with facts; my mind is MADE UP! path.

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

Well Ruby, as they used to say in VietNam, I kinda F------- doubt it.

As I said, I looked into it, and I did not see where an American president has to bow to Anyone. Period.

Regardless of respect; our protocol is to simply shake hands.

Show me where you get your info, if you please.

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

Hey! !

Where is your stamina ?!

Quitting so sooooon???


You have to go to the bathroom???


(Just teasing you back a little he he)

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

So, only 30% strongly approve. 41% strongly disapprove, and the other 29% do not have an opinion.

Your in the 30%, pretty small group.

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Monday, August 31, 2009
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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

No, I don't think so RR. Buckingham does not write protocol for the United States. We write our own.

We are not subservient to any Monarch, that is what the American Revolution was all about.


RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

So Rubyruby,

I got curious about this protocol issue and looked into it. Apparently YOU were wrong:

From Miss Manners, Washington Post

Dear Miss Manners:

What should an American president do when he greets a foreign head of state? What about his wife? And would that be any different from an average American citizen greeting a foreign head of state?

A handshake and "How do you do?" seem appropriate everywhere, but what about curtsies, head nods and genuflecting? Is a bend at the waist considered different from a bent knee? If anyone can have a final say on this, I believe it would be you.

"Final say? If only that were true. Miss Manners has now watched at least half a dozen administrations get this wrong. They go to one extreme or the other, behaving like other presidents' buddies or like monarchs' subjects.

Where is the Office of Protocol, for goodness' sake?

Yes, yes, Americans pride ourselves on being warm and open and spontaneous. But heads of state are the symbolic embodiments of their countries, and the greeting gesture is itself symbolic. If they improvise mistakenly, they can expect a spontaneous outburst of American disdain.

The American greeting routine used to be simple. Because we officially consider all people to be equal and equally worthy of respect, the same gesture, the handshake -- simple, dignified and egalitarian -- would do for all.

We knew it wasn't universal, but it was our way. We felt superior to people who had to bow down to their leaders. And we found it side-splitting to watch news footage of French generals bestowing kisses on their soldiers when they gave out medals."......
....."But symbolic subservience to a foreign ruler is worse. When Miss Manners sees American citizens delighting in bowing or curtseying to royalty, she tries to remind herself that they are just being silly, not treasonous. When an American official does it, we can only hope it was because he was noticing that his own shoelace was undone -- and not that he recognizes the divine right of kings in general, or the authority over us of that king in particular."

So.... There you go.

BTW, I do not hate Obama, (or whatever his real name is), but I do have real disdain and contempt for his Ideology. Other than that, I see him as just another flawed individual like all of us.

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

Well, enough of this.

Time to go to sleep.

Tomorrow is a another day; we can continue then.


RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy


Do you really believe that??

Besides, since when is it the government's responsibility to revitalize a neighborhood?

Real Estate investors can do that much more cost effectively.

All the government needs to do is get the zoning right.

That should not cost $4.2 billion I don't think.

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

I don't know of an American president, other than Obama, bowing to anyone actually.

I recall them usually greeting with a handshake.

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

Ya know, you need to realize that the government doesn't create wealth, generally speaking. The private sector normally and most often creates wealth.

What this administration and this congress are doing is borrowing against the future. In a HUGE, MAMMOTH, and foolish way.

They are putting generations of future Americans in debt, and risking the long term health of the US economy.

It was dumb liberal policies regarding home ownership, (Bareny Frank) that is largely to blame for putting our economy in the tank anyway.

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