samlaunchsamlaunch Forum Posts (42)

RE: Ladies!! Please tell me what it takes to get you to respond to a guy?

LOL. If you have to ask, you haven't got it. The answer to your question is, "Looks and/or money." Of course, either will do. If you have more of one and less of the other, that'll work. You have to ask yourself, "What kind of woman is this? Does she value looks over money or vice versa?" You can make a pretty good guess by the way a woman acts, as to what she wants. Now if the woman is in her 60s, she just doesn't give a damn about looks or money, she just wants a man. Can I get an "Amen?" lol. You know it's true.

RE: Obama's unpopularity is soaring.

It really doesn't matter who is in the White House, nothing ever changes. Back in 2008, the entire country wanted to run Bush out on a rail. This time around, it's the same smell, pretty bad. Can the country ever elect a real American instead of these leeches that suck off the lifeblood of the citizens?

RE: afghanistan taliban

What they want is for their opium fields to be left alone. Unfortunately, the drugs in Afghanistan is a $300 billion a year industry. There's always a money angle to these modern wars. Countries can't leave all of that money behind.

RE: I'm totally confused.

Northern women get mad at being called "Dear". So, it's better to keep the "Dear" term for southern women. I would have to say from experience and observation, southern women have more elegance and class. Northern men are probably the same way. It's better to save the endearing terms for southern men. Southern men understand elegant terms.

RE: Glenn Beck like or not.

If he stuck to one thing, I'd like him. But, he will tell the truth 95-percent of the time but the 5-percent lies are distracting from his message. He should tell all lies or all truth. You're either hot (truth) or a liar (cold). There are no in-betweens.


The end is at near only when I sit down. When I stand up, the end is further away. It's better for people to stand up and get things done rather than to sit on it, to sit on the end.

RE: what is the best food to cook for first date?

The best food to cook on a date is spaghetti. If no spaghetti is available, call Dominoes.

RE: America stands behind president Obama! Big challenges to solve!

He's nothing but a puppet, like the rest of them. I wish it was not so but nothing ever changes. If it does change, it's for the worse.

RE: Very depressing.

It's not depressing if you don't watch television. They tend to hype things up. I like to remain in my cool, calm and collective state. I very rarely watch the idiot box. Let me know how long they feed off of the deaths of these poor souls; usually about a couple of weeks and then it tapers off. I feel sorry for the 9-year old little girl and the media bashing the parents of the girl. The parents who don't want people's rights taken away or have people groped at the airports. Of course, the parents are right.


It boggles my mind on how silly people get when their rights are stripped away. I suppose you all believe in Global Warming as well:

House Committee On Ways & Means Republicans
November 7, 2009

Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.


I hate that bill: 220 to 215 in the House. They'll play the same game in the Senate. It's like watching a wrestling match on TV; you know the thing is rigged but enjoy the entertainment. There's a $250,000 fine if you don't buy the insurance. Would you like me to quote chapter and verse? Send me an email and I'll give it to you. It's fine if you like your freedoms stolen from you. There's a thing called brainwashing and I'd like to suggest to you: please wake up and smell what our Congress is shoveling us.

RE: Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

We need to be realistic. We're in Afghanistan for the opium and oil. Building a pipeline for oil from the Caspian Sea and the opium (production has increased 10 times since 2003). In Iraq, it's another case of stealing oil that isn't ours. The President makes no decisions on his own. He does what he's told to do by the bankers.

It's doesn't matter what anyone says: the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will continue because there's money to be made. It's all about the money: drugs and oil.

RE: would you ever consider getting a big cat,to keep as a pet?

The only cats I like are of the women variety. They can be seen in the concrete jungle sporting stripes, spots, sharp teeth, crooked teeth, lots of hair, no hair, eye patch, parrot on their shoulder, hook for a hand, peg-leg and they talk like this, "Argh, ahoy matey. Playeth with my kitten, now, before I hoist ye up the yardarm!"

You take your chances with any animal even if they purr nicely. They purr nicely before they pounce on your pocketbook.

LOL. You, have a good week/weekend!

RE: Was The Bible Plagerized?

Not the King James Version. 70-scholars worked on that Bible: they were poisoned and their families were killed off. What we've been experiencing since the 1960s is a stripping down of our minds through the theories of evolution. The trick of evolution is to make people feel like they are nothing better than an animal. We are not animals. We are living breathing human beings. If you want to be a monkey, go ahead and be a monkey. Plus, you must consider that I've just thrown a banana your way.teddybear

RE: Americans are viewed around the world as

Americans are viewed as intelligent people. It's the American government that commits terror attacks against their own people like 9/11. It's the American government that will stage more attacks against their own populace. It's the American government forcing their population to take the poisonous Swine Flu vaccination, drink and eat fluoride that causes osteoporosis, bone cancer, bad teeth, IQ lowered by 15-points, etc. The American government is evil incarnate. The American people are waking up.bouquet

RE: American Police Force

Yes, I know all about the American Police Force in Hardin, Montana: Serbians, soldiers from the Czech Republic, Germany and England. There are 400,000 foreign soldiers on U.S. soil. 90-percent of the police in Arizona have refused to go door-to-door and force citizens to get the Swine Flu shot. We have the foreign military stationed across the country to force us!

I won't take the Swine Flu shot or get the microchip. Joe Biden told the Supreme Court that they would rule on having the entire U.S. implanted with these tracking chips.


RE: Red Flags

Are there really any sane people out there these days? I don't think so! You've probably noticed that almost all of the people you date have some strange quirks/mental imbalances. Share some horror stories with us (here on the board).

RE: Why do we need Government?

Our Congress has been bought and paid for by the banksters. That's why Congress screws us at every chance they get. These banks have stolen $23.7 trillion from the American taxpayer. Has Congress stood up to the banks? No, they haven't because our Congressional ranks are filled with spineless gutless cowards. They try to play us off against each other by using Democrats or Republicans. We're all Americans but you wouldn't find that via the media bias. The media is paid to lie and it's very tough in finding the truth about health or politics.

I do know that I will not be forced to take the Swine Flu shot. Even if they hold a gun to my head, I'm not taking that poisonous vaccine. Hospitals in Massachusetts and Virginia are forcing their workers to get the shot. The governor of Maryland is lying when he says that, "it's your patriotic duty to get the shot." In a world full of liars, at least we have our Congress (Den of Thieves) we can flip off as we see them shopping around town.

We do need Government but not the charlatans we have masquerading as politicians these days. They should all be fired and normal sane persons should be hired to take their place.


Well, I've travelled (King's English) all over the world: have been stranded in the Mojave Desert for a week, attacked by killer bees in Panama, knocked in the head with a yellow oxygen tank, pounded on the Helsingborg Castle door at midnight in Denmark and asked, "Are there any ghosts in there?" Only to be greeted by a sleepy security guard, I've lived in the sub-zero weather of North Dakota, driven recklessly in Korea and survived, parachuted into the night with 200-lbs. of equipment strapped to my body and have been baked (well-done) under 125-degree plus desert heat. It's everyone else's turn at action and adventure.barf

RE: What do you do??????

Since you've said that it's a small river, it might be a rivulet so I'd watch. Old people are tough, this person would claw their way out of the water and make it on their own. I have faith in people to take care of themselves. Watching people struggle and succeed in the end is always the best outcome. Besides, fat floats. It's the thick-boned people we have to worry about...barf

RE: How much are you in debt ???

Each and every American is in debt by: $333,333 apiece.

$100 trillion is owed in unfunded liabilities, a national debt of $12 trillion but for arguments sake we'll just say $100 trillion although we are on the hook for $1.4 quadrillion via the derivative implosion.

$100 trillion divided by 300 million Americans is our final fee of: $333,333 each (per man, woman and child, of course).

We can also throw in the bailout of the banks to the tune of $23.7 trillion.

Actual debt is $1.4 quadrillion + $100 trillion + $23.7 trillion + $12 trillion and you can divide those correct numbers by 300 million and see that this debt can never be paid which makes every American bankrupt. I don't care because there's nothing I can do about it.uh oh

RE: Is Obama doing a good job?

About 99.9 percent have no brains when the entire United States is being sold out from under them. Goldman Sachs owns Congress, the Stock Markets and the Presidency.

As in this article from the Post: August 5, 2009 --

GOLDMAN Sachs boss Lloyd Blankfein has warned his employees to avoid high-profile spending, as The Post reported -- but his wife evidently didn't get the memo.

Laura Blankfein and her friend Susan Friedman, wife of another Goldman honcho, Richard Friedman, caused a huge scene at Super Saturday in the Hamptons last weekend when they arrived at the event before the noon start time and balked at waiting in line with the other ticket-holders.

"Their behavior was obnoxious. They were screaming," said one witness. Blankfein said she wouldn't wait with "people who spend less money than me."

-->Needless to say, we did not get any of that $15 trillion blown by Congress thus far.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and blind trust.

I'd like to hear more people say that they think for themselves because there is still traits in this world called good and evil.

RE: Is Obama doing a good job?

Obama is just a puppet and a distraction for the real people who control the country: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, etc. own America. Of course, you already know that in 1913, Congress took away the power to print money from the U.S. Treasury to a handful of private bankers who call themselves, The Federal Reserve.

I tend to keep my eyes on the prize as the bankers will use any angle/tactic to distract wandering minds.mumbling

RE: Pro-Gun/Anti-Gun?

I'm pro-gun! Don't own any but have fired off a few thousand rounds in my lifetime. I'm looking at buying a .45 at the end of August and would like to practice my quick-draw with an empty weapon of course!

Great Thread and Topic!professor

RE: What's the weather in your area?

It has been cooler in Tennessee this summer. I've heard that the last 15-years were hot and the earth is currently in a 15-year cooling down phase. Feels like 2009, is the beginning of the cooling off period.barf

RE: What song is stuck in your head right now?

Boys Don't Cry: "I Wanna Be A Cowboy"head banger

RE: What are u eating or drinking now?

Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in for good measure.professor

RE: Is Obama doing a good job?

Obama is letting Goldman Sachs get away with murder. Goldman paid back the TARP of $10 billion and still got $12.8 billion through the AIG bailout. Goldman Sachs has been stealing $200 million a day in the stock market by using their proprietary trading software to rig markets. Anyway, if you are into stocks, here are a list of the best manipulated stocks (symbols) to get into:

1. C
2. GS
3. JPM
4. WFC
5. AXP
6. BAC
7. CIT

Obama is selling America out just like Clinton and Bush had done before him. With 20.5 percent unemployment and tent cities springing up all across the country, the President needs to give money to the people and quit bailing out bankrupt banks. We'll still enter hyperinflation this year but it's better to enter this runaway inflation by being debt-free than leveraged to the hilt (by debt).

All 535-members of Congress have sold us out. Obama is doing a bad job because he's not taking control of the Depression that this country finds itself in! They've spent $15 trillion with a total of $23.7 trillion yet to lose on derivatives (toxic assets: legacy assets: gambling debts).professor

RE: Just a good conversation

if it's free, why not? free is helpful in this economy. as we are in a Depression and headed toward a bank holiday in September and Hyperinflation in November.

RE: Favorite Places to Visit in TENNESSEE

I like Nashville. The Nashville Zoo is amazing! It's awesome. Parents should take their children to the zoo on Halloween night. Free candy and prizes for the kids! Clarksville has a great museum downtown. A place to take the family after church on Sunday. It's free on Sunday.bouquet

This is a list of forum posts created by samlaunch.

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