LoganGerkenLoganGerken Polls (36)

PollOrder by Most ViewedOrder by Most CommentedCreated

any-What USstate would You rather Live/work in?

There are 50 States of USofA...
1,7591363Jan 2012

Whats Your Favorte Quote?

10,72932320Feb 2012

ForNonUS-Would you choose to be UScitizen or otherNationality?

just wondering......
2,6527678Jan 2012

ofListed, which is Your favorite cartoon?

FantasticPLANET(French), HeavyMETAL, Wizards&LOTR(Bakshi), ChocolateSoldiers& Fantasia(Disney) are W...
1,7411758Jan 2012

Whats Your favorite instrument(MUSiCAL)?

2,2633411Feb 2012

if You could have ONLY one vehicle the rest of Your Life without fuel/maintnance/insurance costs, wh

2,3363547Jan 2012

U.S.ONLY-WHERE would You choose to be permCiTiZEN if NO USofA?

Comment if Your preference is not Listed...
1,0561042Jan 2012

USPO having new buildings for USPOboxes for more revenue/boxes

expect Defecit reduction, inreased USPObox availability, increased security at manned post offices&...
888413Jan 2012

MEN, do You BELiEVE that Men were created for Women?

2,0022954Jan 2012

if You had to be an ANiMAL(same gender) in a forest...

1,3542348Feb 2012

if You had to be an ANiMAL(same gender) in the OCEAN...

786742Feb 2012

Whats the GREATEST comment You have EVER experienced?

1,909325Feb 2012

USofA SELLiNG some of ALASKA to Canada/UK&Japan

NWBrooksRangeArea to Canada/UK&westOfAnchorageToJAPAN...
1,5022529Jan 2012

whiteWomanReincarnateBLACK that Take BLACKseed

1,1971917Feb 2012

Have YOU everbeen physicallyTORTUREd?

the UN defines Torture....
2,0772864Jan 2012

How many Siblings did You growUp with?

suchAs Brothers&Sisters, iLoganGerken GrewUp as an ONLY CHiLD......
1,1251073Jan 2012

What COLOR(s) would You have for Your QUALiTY sportsCAR?

inCAiDELiVEREDtoTechniCOLOR as a NOWmessenger.....
1,0781655Jan 2012

Who is Your favorite of these fun&famous earthlings?

1,4981153Jan 2012

Did You know Venus emerged from Jupitor?

theEYEofJupitor's Atmosphere is the result of the PLANET Venus Leaving the PLANET Jupitor, Adam&Eve...
1,032324Jan 2012

if You BELiEVE Women are created for Men, what does that mean?

1,4612343Jan 2012

What would be best change for USPresidency?

somethings got to change?......
771227Jan 2012

How MANY concurrent Wives should a Man be LEGALLY ALLOWED?

iLogan TAKE Two OR more FiAN-CEEs that WiLLbe MyWives in HOLYmarriage After earth/HELL ends......
1,8282741Jan 2012

if You could own a NEW4wVehicle of your choice, what MAKE would You choose?

iWonder if PEOPLE would actually vote,, iKnow We ALLknow a POLL cannott include EVERYoption......
1,4912257Jan 2012

What of M.J.?

721113Jan 2012

Your favorite Living botanical of these Listed is

iLNG grewUp with AvocadoTrees, Gardenias, GrapefruitTree, iceplant, Junipers, MAGNOLiAtree, OrangeTr...
844948Jan 2012

What is Your favorite caliber?

iLNG WOULD utilize an UZiCarbine(.306) if iHad to bearARMs to defend Virgins&CHiLDREN...
2,6723541Jan 2012

What do YOU Trust LEAST?

Should this POLL be Twittered?...
1,4471836Jan 2012


The50(StatesOfA) NeedHELP!, Only YOU can VOTE!...
867517Jan 2012

if You were playing a RPG(AD&D,Everquest,etc)what RACE would Your character be?

The coice of a character's RACE can be indicative of personsal values in the real world....
920118Jan 2012


954413Jan 2012

OfTheNationsOfEarth, WhichWould LEAST-LikelyBECOME aKiNGDOM?

WhyWouldnt TheKiNGofKings(Jesus) BELiEVE in KiNGDOMs?...
713130Jan 2012

What is Your REALiTY experienceLEVEL?, Are YOU experienced?

AnotherRPGame based question, example=A17yrOldEagleScout couldBe a 3rdLEVELRanger.(SOCiOLOGY)...
903329Jan 2012

WHEN would You rather LiVE a Long LiFE?

When, variable as to ECOLOGY, specificPEOPLE, technology, entertainment, transportation......
716146Jan 2012

What new POLiTiCALparty do YOU think the 50 needs?

AmericanSOCiAL-PROBLEMs, Maybe because a NEW party is necessary......
845020Jan 2012

Do You have a favorite RPG?(ROLE PLAYiNG GAME)

There isnt a way to include all options, hope these were the most popular RPGames....
798111Jan 2012

if You were playing a RPGame, what ALiGNMENT would Your character have?

The choice of a characters ALiGNMENT can be indicative of personal ethics....
854015Jan 2012

This is a list of Polls created by LoganGerken.

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