Democrat Great Story For 2020

We so sorry. We so busy with failing impeachment last 4 year we don't get single thing you want done. But vote for us and we will do now. We promise to you.
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Comments (4)

Still misleading people despite the Asian act.

The House of Representatives passed 307 bills that are currently being sat on by Moscow Mitch's Senate, still awaiting a vote.
It is not the Democrats who don't want to get good things done. It is the Republicans in the Senate.
If they do not vote to remove Trump from office, they will likely be deservedly replaced, when their term is up. They have not been public servants. They have been serving the lobbyists.
doh you solly barstool , dnc ok'ed 3.7 billion dollar towards Trumps wall . Should have given border guards impunity and sack of ammo , china show the way .
Too bad those 307 Bill's won't get to the Senate floor for a vote, but that's how checks and balances work. The House with its majority gets to write laws, the Senate with its majority gets to confirm or not. With the Executive branch being in the hands of the Republicans the leader of the Senate with the guidance of the President decides what policies to approve. That's the way it works.

Majority rules like it or not and we are in the majority. Political correctness is on the way out and so are the liberal policies that began under Osama. Our great President Donald Trump swore to 'drain the swamp' and their uber liberal sentimentalities, that is why so many of Osamas laws and regulations are being rolled away. We want nothing to do with the 'stench' of Osamas 8 years, and with continued Republicans running the government and the judiciary for the next 4 years it may be hard to find your safe places....we certainly hope so!

KAG. Pence in 2024!

An intelligent person would realize, that Moscow Mitch's Senate didn't even vote on the 307 bills. It's one thing, if they vote against bills. It's another to tweak the bills and send them back to the House. But to not even vote at all is ridiculous.
They have done very little and don't deserve to have a seat in Congress.
They are not representing the people. They are not working for the people.
They are working for special interest $$$ who doesn't want things to improve for the people and instead just block bills.
It's time for a change in leadership in the Senate. Moscow Mitch has overstayed his welcome.
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Wainscott, New York, USA

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created Sep 2019
Last Viewed: Apr 30
Last Commented: Oct 2019
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