Alan Dershowitz: When Trump Is Acquitted He Will No Longer Be Impeached – The Impeachment Disappears

Former Harvard Law Professor and noted author Alan Dershowitz had more bad news for Democrats on Friday night.

When President Trump is acquitted next week he will no longer be impeached. It will be over. It will be removed from his record.

Sorry, Nancy.
The charade is over.

"Alan Dershowitz: Nancy Pelosi has pulled a real sharp one. She’s said even if he’s acquitted and vindicated he’s still impeached. That should not be how it is. Why? He did not have a fair trial. He was indicted. And what happens if a person is acquitted after indictment? The indictment disappears… And when you deny someone due process saying, “Well we’re only indicting him.” You can’t come back and say, “But he’s still indicted!” If he wins this I think no one should regard him as having been impeached anymore than you would regard someone who’s indicted as still being indicted if he won a unanimous twelve person jury."

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Comments (9)

I heard it said that Trump's lawyers may take it to the Supreme Court to get a ruling on the constitutionality of the impeachment
There were procedural irregularities & I've heard the possibility raised, Chance.

Really ? does this mean Clinton has not been impeached ? Clinton was impeached because he was a rotter , Trump was impeached by rotters , think it should be left at that . No shame for Trump being the target of the most spastic house of reps ever .
Some might say it's a GOOD thing, ep. laugh

Will one look better in history books being part of that Congress?
Or opposed to it?


It is amazing when a intelligent person
loses sight of what is logical and true
for political purposes.
confused dunno doh
Rewriting History is GOP talent which generally has little to do with reality of things
Dershowitz singlehandedly slam dunked the liberals with his testimony. And stating the Rule of Law, the anathema to left wing fantasies.

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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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