Democrats In Full Panic Mode: They Are Stuck With Two Losers And A Split Party With No Way Out

I'm wavering, which is unusual for me. Usually I'm pretty decisive on political issues.

I think there is a significant chance that if Sanders is the Democrat's nominee, not only will they lose big to Trump, but they will lose big on the downballot as well.

I think that if Biden is their candidate they will lose big to Trump, but maybe not as big on the downballot.

However, here's the hard part.

I think there is a significant chance of a catastrophic split in the Democrat party regardless of which one of them wins. Part of it depends on HOW they win. If, for example, the Democrats again rig their primary against Sanders (and they already have tried, but he's too popular so they would need to make the fix stronger), like they did in 2016, then I think a large portion of their electorate will be infuriated and either stay home on election day or maybe even some will vote for Trump. They are still reeling from the Democrats 2016 scandal that stole the primary from Sanders.

I personally know a few brain damaged die hard Sanders supporters and they are STILL furious with the Democrats for rigging their last primary against him. These are not sane people. I think they would go ballistic if it happens again and may even go ballistic if it doesn't happen and Sanders is not their candidate even if the primary was legitimate.

It's not inconceivable that they may even leave the Democrats altogether and maybe form a third party which has the potential to literally end the Democrats as a major force in US politics.

It's inconceivable to me that the Democrats will let Sanders be their candidate. He has much more potential to permanently damage their party than Biden. Biden is just a loser, Sanders is a die-hard communist. Either one will lose to Trump, but Sanders can destroy their party forever.

So the Democrats are in a serious pickle. How can they stop Sanders without destroying their party? Should they even try increasing the risk that his supporters might rebel?

I don’t have any doubt that the DNC already decided they would rather lose the 2020 presidential election to Trump with Biden than have Sanders be their nominee. But how do they stop him without destroying their party? They have already put landmines all over the place, quietly changing the rules to make it much more difficult for him to win in various places. But he charges ahead in spite their corrupt election rigging.

If Sanders loses they are in trouble. If Sanders wins they are in trouble. Either way they lose in 2020. Right now I think they are thinking that if all they do is lose, and the party doesn’t implode they will be elated!

So why am I conflicted? Why am I wavering? Don’t we have them right where we want them?

I’m not so sure I want to see their party fall apart. I want them to lose in 2020, and I think there is a good chance they will. Call me naive, but I am not sure the destruction of their party is the best remedy for the country. I think the best remedy is for President Trump to serve a second term and to continue down the exact same pro American road he has been on in his first term. I still believe that even those afflicted with TDS, after 8 years of pro American policy will recover from their disease and help the rest of us move America in the right direction instead of trying to destroy it. I want to believe that it is curable.
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Comments (17)

Articles are finally surfacing revealing the truth that investors may be in stark fear of a sanders presidency.

If that communist wins, it's curtains for the U.S. Too bad the demonrats are so concerned with power and control that we haven't been teaching enough of our youth better.
Perhaps they could do a Biden/Sanders ticket.dunno

As far as any of them getting over their TDS. I think the best chance of that is if all the incentives to have TDS were removed. Like free health care, free college, free whatever it may be.
There are very few things that are more satisfying then the sense of accomplishment that comes from a hard days work and a hefty paycheck to boot.thumbs up
maybe even some will vote for Trump.

I read somewhere 22% will vote for The Donald.
I could care less if the demonrat party faded away. Another will rise. Most likely, independent.

Either way, as long as the next party can actually center on issues instead of corruption, power, and control at all costs, we'll be better off than now.
COVID-19 is the wild card.
Maybe, although when Biden was VP and Obama was President, and H1N1 broke out, they didn't do anything until 1,000+ Americans were killed.

President Trump is doing the best job in the history of the presidency controlling this virus. I think people are going to recognize that in spite of the Democrat's attempt to cover it up and hope for more dead Americans.
That is a blatant lie and you know it.
The Obama administration declared a public health emergency and gave extra funding to the medical agencies fighting the disease when only 20 confirmed cases (not over a 1000 deaths) of H1N1 existed in the United States.
That was in April well before the WHO declared it a pandemic, as soon as the pandemic was voiced by WHO in Oct Obama declared a National emergency and diverted even more funding nationwide to try and fight the virus.
Your lies will soon come back and bite youbarf
Russia,Russia,Russia?rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Conrad73•2 hrs ago•Zurich, Switzerland

AA is the way Conrad! There's always hope!rolling on the floor laughing
what do you think the "73" in my Profile stands for you Lunkerhead?comfort
Conrad--remember when the low info slugs rant, as in all tedious meetings, it's progress over personalities, my friend. They are mostly HALT.
Verk the last part of your statement causes me to imagine the most common thought that runs through the minds of the Dems & Rinos have when dealing with the enemies of the US. daydream Bribery will get you everywhere.
Great comment V, but PLEASE! ... use paragraphing!

It's a testament to the quality of your thoughts that I read your post... I usually ignore walls of text, it's one of my pet peeves. Exceptions only made for people on the right (meaning correct) side of the issues.


rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Have not heard that one.

You made some good points... may have cured my wavering. I want the guy who will do the Democrats the most damage. How could I ever have considered otherwise!

And that would be Sanders.

Thanks for waking me up from my delusional nap!
And our friend Raph is definitely FINElaugh
Conrad73•19 hrs ago•Zurich, Switzerland
what do you think the "73" in my Profile stands for you Lunkhead!Conrad73•19 hrs ago•Zurich, Switzerland


rolling on the floor laughing
More BS from the frightened little chap too scared to reveal his identity or true location or how many fake profiles he has, and he believes his lies will make people start to support the Liar in chiefrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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Wainscott, New York, USA

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created Mar 2020
Last Viewed: Apr 22
Last Commented: Mar 2020
Last Edited: Mar 2020
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