Twitter’s Fact Checker Has History of Anti-Trump Tweets

So it turns out the guy in charge of integrity at Twitter once claimed that members of the Trump Administration were actual Nazis.

Yoel Roth is the head of site integrity at Twitter. In 2016 he mocked Middle America – said people in fly over states voted for a racist tangerine – his words, not mine.

And in 2017 he likened Kellyanne Conway to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. In January of 2017 he said there were actual Nazis in the White House.

Now you understand why so many conservatives including yours truly are being blocked and banned on Twitter.

This is a big deal in light of Twitter’s announcement that they will be fact-checking President Trump’s tweets.

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“No one person at Twitter is responsible for our policies or enforcement actions, and it’s unfortunate to see individual employees targeted for company decisions,” a Twitter spokesperson told Fox News.

Twitter vice president Brandon Borrman said in a statement, “No one person here is responsible for our polices or enforcement actions. People who decide to target one person for decisions they don’t agree with know damn well what they’re doing.”

The president accused the social media powerhouse of meddling in the 2020 election – threatening to strongly regulate or even shut down the social media platforms.

It’s unlikely that threat would hold constitutional muster – but conservatives need to understand they will not get a fair shake on social media.

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Comments (7)

There's so much leftwing bias from all the big tech companies today it's disgusting. They don't even try and hide it. I notice whenever I do searches on past political articles, Google's algorithm always takes me to articles that are from the liberal perspective first. It takes a bit of searching to find anything that supports the conservative point of view, which I usually find to be more accurate.
We don't have to look far to find an answer to your question Joy. What would happen is what has happened. We would have a whole generation of snowflakes indoctrinated into leftist ideology and unable to see the truth even when it is right in front of their eyes. We would have people voting against their own best self interests and contributing to the destruction of their own culture and way of life. Very sad. crying
Soony, not only the youth are affected, but the adults, no matter how intelligent are being brainwashed and indoctrinated... Repetition of propaganda was used by the Soviets and the Chinese Communist method. The MSM is so toxic that even smart people are influenced and they become dumb. Systematic fooling the masses and faking the news is swaying and influencing public opinion. That's why I'd say Americans are still not duped, the reason Trump's the President!teddybear
????????????????? NEXT......................
Nice picture of you Raphy. Could have combed your hair a little better.
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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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