Tibet, South China Sea, India, Vietnam and now Hong Kong---with Taiwan next in the glory line up....

...Democracy Wall, Tienanmen, Uighur Gulag Archipelago, and so on ... Those with eyes and ears will know. Communist China has much to account for, at least for the fair minded. Many a thing not right with the failed Communist state. VERY not right.
Communist? Hardly. Repressive state run MONOPOL Capitalist, better said. But if not the economics, at least the repression qualifies as a far left arrangement.
That would be a ONE PARTY STATE, with national congress votes running almost two thousand for, to one or two against. In the case of the draconian new HK laws to subvert human rights/basic freedom of dissent, tellingly, only one vote against.
Like many such governments, the old MAN Han guard at the top, with totalitarian power, beyond challenge or input from it's citizens, is increasingly paranoid. Fear of loosing totalitarian power/civil revolt is behind almost all actions.
The royal scam of it all ---we keep the bacon on the tables, you all acquiesce,--- is facing strong water, food, energy, health and employment nose winds. The bacon is under threat, so the paranoia and repression deepen. More and more every day citizens know what cooks. Will the balance tip in favor of so many decent and talented Chinese people?
Disappearing, or worse, human rights attorneys. Bans on political thought or action for students, even at elementary school levels. Hiding important medical information. Silencing physician scientists. The Red Guard. Gang of four. The famines. Re-education protocols. Great leap backward, with back yard iron production. Confiscation of rural land, family farmed for generations, to build bridges and high rent complexes to nowhere. On again, off again (always off for high party members) one child dictate. Support for little Rocket haircut man. But don't take my words for any of it. The world is hip. Not least Africa, with belt and road up the well greased hind side. And I here digress not.
At the prestigious Vierk Institutet for Disorders of Cognition and Behaviors, we are considering the evidence.for another alt left human affliction. Horse Blinder Sinophilia Syndrome. HBSS. And the clinical evidence is showing it to be even more devastating, especially to the marginally educated, than even the formidable Trump Derangement-Hilary Deficit disorders.
Just keep an eye out for the signs of these two serious maladies. Cardinal, evidence based diagnostic clues include the inability to acknowledge all of the above, in the case of the PRC. Instead, actually supporting the new laws in HK as somehow appropriate, and even saying the equivalent of ---many other countries act these ways. Really? How quaint.
In the case of our Brilliant and Dazzling President Trump, a similar one track obsessive thought diathesis.. For the few TD-HDS victims writing/copying fake news here, substitute autopilot, rage-filled hate, ---for blind devotion to the many anti human rights crimes in China.
Calls into question more generalized co-morbid progressive deficits, as to character and judgment. So we see bragging over the most silly things, such as a job at the bottom of the academic pecking order, accomplishments in school days, and the pathetic rest of it. Fearfully correcting what's been written. Replying first to ones own blog.We assume it's all driven in large part by a need to overcompensate for many life failures, as with jobs, music, etc. In these cases, sooner or later, it surfaces, and we see many other such life disappointments, such as in marriage, parenting, finances. and more. And crippling envy/obsessive fear of their superiors in this life. Even school yard type bullying as to physical characteristics. There's a guilty need to admit these sins, and together with the braggadocio, it's a most striking disease complex.
But the sad attempts at overcompensation hide little. Indeed, it all supports the many diagnostic data and impressions.
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Comments (5)

It was Solzhenitsyn I think who coined the phrase describing the labour camps. As usual I read the first and last sentences only - the rest is dense turgid gibberish. Clearly you learnt to think and speak in a disorderly fashion, one that reminds me of a washing machine. Perhaps that explains your express contempt for teachers?
Profile deleted? Strange! It was me.
And I am a multi certified educator---high school and university. More to envy, more to criticize. Over-compensatory for life failings, and sad. I have great respect for educators of talent, and character. But some, right here, show the many worst sides of the calling.
Strange, indeed. Slips of several motor/etc. functions. Typing, spelling, writing? Progressive with age? Worried? Been to see a primary care professional for neurologic testing of late? And they still allow the teaching and indoctrinating? Bears scrutiny?
Oui, Je me souviens.
Aucun des camps ne prenait pas de prisonnier ou ne faisait de QUARTIER.
Ah, I have hitherto missed Oaf and Ogre, let me add them to the quiver. I just watched the Gligoric Smyslov game won by black in 18 moves ... A strange game denuding the queen side and white never castles. I like the 'indians' as black. The English as white.
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Ocean Coast, Maine, USA

Retired, but busy. Years left to enjoy. Handy, curious, multilingual (German, French, Spanish, learning Portuguese). Love animals. Live on a salt water ocean bay just south of Canada. Angling off the rocky beach. Mussels. Watching the oceans reclaim [read more]