General Kellogg: Milley Must Resign Or Be Removed

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

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If reports that Gen. Mark Milley made secret calls to Communist China’s Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army are true, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should resign or be removed, says retired Gen. Keith Kellogg.

“If what is in the Woodward book is true, then Mark Milley needs to resign or be removed from his position immediately,” the former acting National Security Adviser under President Trump said on Fox News’s “Brian Kilmeade Show.”

“I think what you’re heading for is what we saw decades ago in that book ‘Seven Days in May’ that they made into a movie with a chairman who tried to remove the sitting president and that’s what you got. I think he’s lost all credibility,” Kellogg said.

The Pentagon’s attempts to clean up the controversy surrounding Milley by claiming then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper requested the phone call almost makes things “worse,” Kellogg suggested.

“There are only two national command authorities: it’s the President and the Secretary of Defense. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs is not in that line. He should not be calling his counterpart or anybody else out there without informing the president of the United States on what he is doing. So they violated that. Even Esper violated that,” Kellogg said. “The one who should have picked up the phone was Esper if he wanted to do it and then he should have told the president, he should have actually asked the president beforehand and said this is what he was going to do. I mean, that just shows him, very candidly, some real incompetence on the part of Esper and Milley as well.”

If you'd followed the events during the Trump administration, his inner circle was lousy with Obama stay-behinds and saboteurs. If there was a flaw in Trump is that he trusted too much. He trusted Esper (whom he should have fired immediately), he trusted McMaster, Fauci, and so many others, who'd had their daggers out from Day One.

The takeaway lesson is: ALWAYS start with a clean slate, with completely new, vetted personnel.

Allowing treasonous stay-behinds is a recipe for failure.

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Comments (17)

Bit of a larf , Flyn greats an ambassador and its treason , Milley tells the chinese if the US is going to attack them he will let them know and its nothing .
Uncle Fester is at it again!barf
Milley could have triggered a pre-emptive strike from the chinese , guess that would have been blamed on Trump to . Now that North Korea is firing missiles towards Japan have they been told there will be no repercussions from the US if the hit Japan or South Korea . Weaklings like Biden lead us to war .
what a larf
Raphy ought to become a Paperback-Writer!
He'd do almost as well as Ian Fleming!rolling on the floor laughing

big favour has been done outing Milley

There simply has been no denial from Milley , if it was untrue the whole administration would be saying so .
Woodward will be looking over his shoulder for punks with nail guns

If true then he should be tried for treason, but the information comes from an author who was said to have lied about Trump in his books, if he lied about Trump what stopping him lie about Milley?
Milley has publically denied any wrongful actions on his part.
When it comes from the Left itself, it's in the character of an admission or statement against interest.

Such statements are used every day against those who said them, or adopted them.

Although I will agree that the Left has a serious credibility problem, being pathological liars.

If your defense is that a Leftist liar makes an accusation, only this time you don't want us to believe him...

Oh, the irony.
Milley as far as I can find has not denied the content of the call , just that he see's no problem with it .
Maybe Riz can give us a link to Pravda or its ChiCom equivalent, proving that turncoats' denial.

(What? No emoji for popcorn?)
The irony is that you can not see that your own misinformation is drawn from hard-right sources created propaganda.

Irony is rarely understood by Americans.
There you go with baseless lies and DARVO.

Every time you've trotted out a source, it's been from a political hack. Not a doctor, surgeon or virologist... unless you still consider the Fauci crowd paragons of truth or knowledge.

This is no different.

You are political.

"Far Right" is what you see as a Far Left radical looking at Normal citizens.
Post the info that Milley did not say whats been attributed to him by him .
Milley has said that his action wasn't wrongful.he didn't say "I didn't do that!"
Bit of a difference!
He claims that he has the Duty and right to leave the CINC out of the Loop if the fancy hit him!
Same attitude as Esper!
And fancy Shmancy was mixing in that deal as well,an absolute no no for a person that is third in line for succession!
Where was the VP,btw?What was his function in this Putsch?