If Democrats weren't so awful, we'd never have gotten Trump

Many in the media, politics, and entertainment are apoplectic over Donald Trump as president. They fail to realize that his election and potential future election weren't and aren't about Donald Trump the person — his personality, personal history, or the appropriateness of his tweets. President Trump is the tool the Americans used and may use again to apply their wrath upon their enemies domestic.

Inappropriate behavior, unfit to lead, mentally unstable, doesn't reflect our values — these are the laments of the Democrat party. The most delicious irony is that eight years of their savior, former President Obama, was the exact recipe for a President Donald Trump. Were it not for the poster child of their socialist beliefs, the country would never have elected Donald Trump. The cause and effect are so clear that even they must — somewhere, deep down in places they can't allow themselves to admit — recognize that Americans were and continue to be so repelled by the force of federal government cram-down of the Democrat ideas that even a Donald Trump could be elected as president.

The propaganda arm of the Democrat party, the liberal-speak mainstream media, have shown their hand the most clearly. No longer is the allegation of impartiality even attempted. The mask has slipped, and the ugly face of the real enemy domestic is in full view of the Americans. The mainstream media's contempt for the Americans is palpable.

The Americans are the peasant class, to be manipulated by daily propaganda on behalf of the mainstream media's political party, the Democrats. Mutual benefactors, or perhaps better described as altruistic parasites, is the relationship between the mainstream media and the Democrat party. The mainstream media peddle their outlier viewpoints daily on a national level and in many instances locally in print and televised "news."

Entertainers — whose main achievement in life is the ability to act as a person they are not — look slightly odd, considering themselves worthy to be adulated as deep thinkers of political or social engineering. While interdependently stroking their fragile egos in their cloistered communities, they live their bubble-lives completely out of touch with the Americans. The juxtaposition of the celebrities' lives with the Americans' is as stark as the differences between fantasy and reality. Apparently unknown to them, their celebrity opinions of President Trump and his supporters are of no value to the Americans.

Most repellent of any of the groups to the Americans are the establishment Republicans, the Republican NeverTrumps. After having been directly and clearly provided an agenda election after Trump's election, they continued to block the will of the Americans. Never said by any Democrat is the word uttered relentlessly by the Republicans — "can't." We don't have the House or Senate, so we can't. We don't have the presidency, so we can't. We don't have 60 votes in the Senate, so we can't. Ad infinitum.

Apparently unknown to the clueless Republicans, Trump was put in place and continues to be wildly popular specifically because of their uselessness. The Republican Party's utter failure to achieve the American's agenda is the exact reason for the past and likely future President Trump. After repetitive past and ongoing failure to put in place the Americans' agenda, the cluelessness of many of the Republicans is bizarre.

Combine an unbiased mainstream media, a rational Democrat party, and a faithful representative Republican Party, and there would never have been, nor will there be again, a President Trump. One step short of torches and pitchforks, the Americans chose and may likely again choose President Trump as the blunt instrument of their wrath.

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Comments (16)

Good blog, yes right on.
A demonstrationi vot (voteur de la protesta).

BUT, with that pointed out he did a surprisingly good job!
There are at least 3 things wongg with that preface..
A.) Voters Don't determine elections..
....vote counters determine the Electronic winner.
B. Back to the Future | Bart to the Future
...$cienter & lesser magic over n over n over.
One in 1985 the other in 2000, telling in plane English, President Don Trump Cometh.
C.) All doubt removed by Casey @ Enterthestars
61 films/ series showing Scienter on Trump..
And all 61 de Crypts removed by A I upon the selection of Joe Biden. Not to worry, Trump's $ERTA comms. Still speak louder than words for those with eYes to see....sheep being put to sleep while being OUT FOXED.
Should say premise...not preface.
roll eyes ...a eYe always trying to correct me.
Mom called the Dems the tax and spend. Obama led the charge and now his toady Biden is running the ball. 3 years of the Dems and him and this country will be so far down the tubes...They want a welfare dependent country of serfs to feed off of. The fools hear free this and free that and vote for the Dems. And the Dems print worthless money like German marks. People need to ask why they have no jobs, no health care, pay taxes on everything they buy and earn and retirement is a silly dream for most. Work and pay taxes to give handouts to illegals while vets live in the street.help
Well they might get another chance at it.
I'm hearing chatter of Trump and Hillary 2024.
Yhe headline of this blog is the most accurate assessment of what happened I have seen yet. professor beer
YUPPY someone finally said it!!!!

applause applause applause applause
Tho i wonder how the frack they have been able to win the elections...
In italy last time central govt elections democrats took BARELY 20%, went to vote lil over 60% of citizens not sure but close enough...
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
You got trump because you voted for him. Anything else is an excuse. The electorate needs to understand that they have a responsibility to vote and to vote sensibly. Funnies simply have no place in administrative positions.
Myrta, u r an american and I'm not. So
respect to you and your opinion, I'm hardly enitideled to one in comparison as I'm far away over here.
But I have to tell you one truthful thing: you see it this wey cos you been fed a narrative that you like.
I think Obama will always be respected, also in your country. That race card is false.
The rest you also got a 180 degree wrong.
Think about it: NO sane person will try and overthrow an election with a handful
half-loonies pushing themselves through a half open door.
It was theatrics and created by your side. I hope that fact reach you one day.
U been fooled Myrta, cos none of what you been told is true. It's political propaganda.
In privet I could show you, but it would take an open mind from your side.

Anyways, there will most likely never again be a peoples man like the 45th pres ever again sadly.
In private I meant. Here is a limited arena, we can't dig too deep without boring everybody to sleep.

Respect fellow human being handshake
That is the sort of tortured reasoning I might have expected.
Buyers remorse? That is too rich rolling on the floor laughing
If the dems weren't so awful, we wouldn't be in this mess like we are now. Bring on the RED WAVE!!!
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
very mad


rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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