2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 8 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, and being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is Spirit.

John 15: 1"A)I am the true vine, and My Father is the B)vinedresser. 2"Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He a]prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

Oswald Chambers: If we walk in the light as He is in the light. For many of us, walking in the light means walking according to the standard we have set up for anther person. The deadliest attitude of the Pharisees that we exhibit today is not hypocrisy but that which comes from unconsciously living a lie.

Ok you are in the first day of school or college and the teacher or professor explains how he or she is going to teach you through the semester. Ok let's say he or she just laid down the material to learn and sit down in their desk and expected you to understand the material. You would be lost and say man this person really isn't doing their job and they stink. The class would be frustrated and just mad.

Ok let's say the teacher or professor had a teaching method and a plan on how to teach his or her students how to understand the material and to ease the pressure or burden.
Ok which method would work??? What method's gets results??
And what plan will make the students succeed and learn and grow?? The 2nd plan, because the teacher has a program to teach and a plan. Just throwing the material at someone and not planning to teach them......... no one learns.

The Lord is the good teacher, reality is us Christians are the bad teachers. We want to throw rules and legalism at people
and not offer the how to at the end. So what does that produce?? Mad people, frustrated people and people who say forget it man I can't be up to par for you people and they fall from grace and worst than before. Most Christians I've seen can throw all the rules impossible ones and have no idea how to present a how to or how to learn.

So I can't be perfect for men and women, and I can't be that trophy Christian everyone thinks is perfect. Reality is no one can, we pretend to and really takes a lot away from the Lord.
The Lord has given mankind all the tools and instructions to be stable and productive Christian and not exhausted and what I am doing?? confusion, mislead, and frustrated is what I see in many Believers today and that realllly bothers me.

I'll tell you my win win game plan daily. I don't set my expectations to high and expect to be perfect in my days. I simply pray, Lord Jesus please guide me in your Spirit today so I can be pleasing to you and a productive man in Grace. Jesus said ask and you will receive and not once not once in 6 years of serving Him has He not be faithful to my prayers. With that daily I gain a conscience given by the Holy Spirit, and I gain peace and stability given by the Holy Spirit as a tool to me able to be a stable person in my days.

The Holy Spirit working in and out of my conscience set's my standard. Even not being perfect and not being up to par for the world. I can still have peace and stability knowing He loves me and no one can take that from me or anyone that matter. Jesus is the answer, simple prayer and receiving the Love that changes us forever. Let the Love or Christ be your salvation and confidence not legalism and man's impossible burdens.
Religious bored nuts can be very dangerous people. Jesus is Lord not some bored cult.
God Sense 101
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Comments (4)

dear brother every thing you said is true
if the lord sets us free we are free indeed
jesus never came to earth to form a cult or religion
but to be savior of the world and teach us away of life
based on love. god bless youhandshake
amen God Bless you
have a good weekend
nice article! have you read the book "What's so AMAZING about GRACE" by Philip Yancey? Its highly recommended..a great book really! you should try reading it when u got the time..

God bless!heart wings
Thanks may look into it.

have a good weekend

God Bless
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