i just luv Israel and anything it does especially when it comes to its territorial disputes with Palestine, its strong opposition of using military action against Iran, its blockade of its borders to humanitarian aids that do not conform to their own terms, construction of settlements in Gaza, Jerusalem, and the West Bank, and i seem to be staunchly behind them in whatever measure they do to make sure they are not intimidated and molested by the EXTREMISTS of the Middle East and the Arab World.........

However, on the other hand, i seem to oppose almost everything (if not all) that the Middle East and the Arab World has been trying to impose on Israel........ Just recently, is the Flotilla attack, Israel is protecting its borders from these EXTREMISTS, cos they can do the undo...

i dunno, if am being so partial when i judge anything Israel does as being right .................

Seriously, to me, i think Israel is always right....... REALLY.....
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Comments (12)

sorry, strong opposition of using military action against Iran should be strong support of using military action against Iran
No but are they always wrong? Neither side is right and both sides have made many mistakes; there are also those that don't want this to end and their hate fuels this. The u.s. should stay out of it either way.
Nothing lasts for ever.

Allways in human history there were empires.
Roman, Byzantine, Othoman etc...
They were born, they grew big, and in the end they died.

Now days, we are living in the middle of US and Israel Empire.

This will also have an end.
Unfortunately we won't see this end.
Maybe our kids will see it, or maybe the kids of our Kids...

The fact is, that SOMEONE will see it..!!

I envy him...!!!

History is repeated.!!!
thaks for remind me this .i called them the days of evil. no talking for me just run away.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
You feel this way, umeakuka, because it'snot your family being attacked for generations. I go this in the mail today:

An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly and made the world community smile.

The Palestinian Representative's Speech at the UN

'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you a story about Moses. When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!'

He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.
When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished.
An Israeli had stolen them.'

The Israeli representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? There were no Israelis there then!'

The Palestinian representative smiled and said:

'And now that we have made that quite clear, I will begin my speech.'
I think Umeakuka has posted a sarcastic and tongue in cheek comment.. and lady in waiting tat was smart as well..
Sure, Israel is always right...As long as such "People" like you still exist..
Israel is a state that invole in telererism.its never be right never.
Israel is a state that invole in telererism.its never be right never.
I will admit that I have pretty much no knowledge of Israel or any of its history....or anything on the topic for that matter. Sometimes I wish I would have paid more attention in history dunno cool cheers
Who decided to stir up the Muslim pot? Got any more seasoning? laugh
I won't go into too much depth. I was raised christain and the bible states the the end of the world will begin with a Holy War. Now this war has been going on for over 50 years and it will go on further and further until that time of the end is determined. What I really want to say is that Isarel is the holy land and we were told in the bible to take care of Isarel and her people. The chosen ones. It' really history in the making and a sign for things to come. Sometimes you just don't know what we are to believe, but all these natural disasters and loss of life, sickness and evilness and the earth being neglected, oil spills and fires and everyday you hear of unspeakable tadgedies around the world, it all means something. That's proof enough that all the countries and the countries people are all doing something terribly wrong. We see it happening and no one takes it seriously. It 's all just what you believe in and we will learn of the truths in many many years to come, maybe not even here on earth and maybe not at all, in this time.
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