WORST DATE EVER. share yours here.

Im sure everyone here has had one of these, share it, i could use a laugh and im sure everyone else could too.

Heres mines, it happened to be a blind date, well almost blind. We met i think it was on myspace this was while i was living in arizona, i had just moved there from chicago and was trying to network my self with new people, and decided if i got a date out of it why not. Anyways so i check her out and she looked great, lots of face picture shots very beautiful, and a pair of gorgeous green eyes. So we set up a time to meet, i had planned a dinner for us at mimi's which is a restaurant that specializes in italian cuisine. The restaurant had a dress code so i was lookin my best and ready for the date. She calls me up and tells me shes on the way. When she had finally gotten in front of my condo i took a peek outside to see her, as she got out of the car, i heard a sigh of relief from her small civic CX as she stepped out of it. Out comes this 300 pound beast. From there i went into a panic trying to decide if i want to go through with this, i was debating not opening the door. Anyways the better side of me decided to open the door and i went on the dreadful date.

She can totally tell as we were eating how disappointed i was, she didnt say it, but i could read her face. I didnt even eat anything and i order my self food, which she ended up eating no joke. lol. I paid for both us made the best of it and we went on our separate ways. So what did i learn from this? Always have to see body pictures before i decide to do that again.
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This is what your next blind date could end up looking like.
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Comments (12)

One more poor butcher on the floor.laugh rolling on the floor laughing laugh rolling on the floor laughing
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Same experience with me dude..i got blind date like that 3 times man!! always tricked by the photos (face photos) grin doh yeahhh you're rite man!! ask for the body picture n not only the face..LOL drinking drinking banana
Worst date?

Friday the 13th tongue
@jefry yep you know it, now theres nothing wrong with big women its just not my thing, theres alot of chubby chasers out there.
@jode come on lets hear the worst date you have had, was it on friday the 13th? Scary movie didn't go so well?
Wow @chupse im happy you have taken that so well, thats not cool at all, but you seem to have a sense of humor about it, id be breaking skulls at that point. Well im happy you took care of the problem hope you have better luck in the future.
hahahahahahaha OH GOSH !!! Poor you !!
i mean no harm on the poor gurl as well ! she may turn to be this great gurl but why would she hide the truth about her weight !? dunno anyways !! im glad you survived ! lol tongue

to tell ya my story !! I met this Arabian guy in this website who looked just fine !! good lookin ! face & body ! well educated , good work and he lived most of his life in UK !
anyways ! we've arranged our date to be in one resturant .. i was well dressed , lookin' good for my date & WEARING MY HIGH HEALS !!! uh oh i wish i was NOT !!! cuz as he turned out to be so much SHORTER than what he told me !! and i was like WTF
cuz im already really TALL !! and he told me and made sure that he was over 180 Meters ! while he really was below 173 Meters crying !! so when he first saw me , he got shocked and he acted all so WEIRD while having our dinner and i didn't like it !! it was all so Strange lool I hated that date !!

my lesson !! if a guy acted like that with me again !
i will be using my high heals for sure loool teddybear

Take Care
hi Piers, poor u....if i were u i'd call any friend of mine then, and we both wud enjoy this terrific sight...
conversing wow wow
btw there re a lot of different excuses..if u want i can share..
lets hear it oly i want to know.

@swan well im not sure what a 180 meters is we use inches and feet here.
rolling on the floor laughing Ya piers he probably did.. lol..Too bad for him he couldnt get the opportunity to use the ky that day..
It still amazes me some people refuse to hear what another person tells them..I told that idiot on the phone I wasnt the type to put out easily and I wanted a guy who knows how to show respect..He must have just mouthed words to me he thought I wanted to hear so he could meet me..I suppose he must think he is all that and can get what he wants anyways? LOL...He found out he was wrong after meeting me..laugh I'm glad you got a laugh though out of some of our bad date stories..
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