Men Plan, and God Laughs

I don't know where along the way, that happened. I've always loved to write but, never thought of myself with anything to glean from the dating/relationship experience that I could bring here, in any way a man to advice. To that end it is important to know readers that, I don't consider myself an expert. (from the Greek meaning, ex...used to be, spurt, a fast drip) These are but the ramblings of a man who has made just about every mistake out there, and to that end, one who has seen, just about all of it somewhere else, and in some other couples destroyed hearts.

Today I consider how God and the relationship relate. I've been on several sites similar to this one, even one dedicated to "Christian" couples. You might be surprised to know that I was most appalled by the behavior of those, on that site. What I know is this, the word Christian is rooted, no joke this time, in the Greek meaning, Christos. Or, one who is, "Christlike." Now, I know some of you out there will moan about more religious dribble. Still, I can't think of too many people with the faith of a child, who wouldn't come together and at least agree, that Christ was a good man. At the very least. The truth is, that while He was a man, He was the only, perfect one.

None of us can do that. We are, by default, flawed. Sinful. A hot mess, if you will. It was at the root of the decision, the reason why He was sent here. None of us could ever hope to come unto the Father, except by Him. So, how does this relate to the relationships we are trying to build?

Well, think about it. In the few sentences I have left her to post, if we can not come to the Father without Him, how can we expect to come to a blessed relationship, without God in it. I know that some of you will turn to the next blog and disregard this all together, and what you'd be missing out on is 40 years of having made every mistake I could. It has only been since I put God back into the relationship, that I've had the chance to know the one I wanted to. Come on readers, do any of us actually believe that we have control over anything? There is an adage I learned a few years ago, and it's simple enough for us all to discern.

"Men Plan, and God laughs"

Those Christians out there looking for love in the all the wrong places, search you heart...consider that simple thought, and change the way you do the things, that you always knew you never wanted. Maybe that will effect the change that has, for me.

Stay tuned for blogs concerning addiction rescue and victory, and how being perfect is not a job you can live up to. Be the you that you can be, and don't sweat the small stuff.
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I use to say, "God, help me make this relationship work" without questioning if this was a relationship built on a fondation that was strong. I had to hit rock bottom to see God is the rock to build a foundation strong for a lasting relationship. I now work on my relationship with the Lord and He will lead me to a relationship that holds Him as the highest and guardian of what is of his choosing.
Well said. I encourage you to continue. You just never know who might be reading. There might be only one on this site. Remember, "He" left the rest of the flock to go and search for the one that got lost...

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