First Dates Part One

I've been wondering and adjusting my thoughts about the roles of men and, the rules of first dates. You know what I'm talking about guys, and ladies, do you need me to remind you that, you make all the rules!

At this age of life one takes stock, and measures their lifetime in terms of that which needs adjustment. Or, at least, that is what we should be doing. Have you heard the adage about doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result? Well, some might think this to be the purist form of insanity, ever. I'm that one guy who your momma told you about ladies, the guy never satisfied with just being the gentleman and hopeless romantic. Yet, even these simple concepts need tweaking as we go, as not every woman in the world responds to such a man.

It begs the question, "...what should be the agenda of the first date..." and, no fellas..stop that! It might be the ulterior motive but here's the facts men, nothing but the facts.

If you're expecting to light a fire of ecstasy, don't! If you're keeping your fingers crossed that she'll ask you in for a drink, forget about it. Now, if the hope is that you'll see the sun set and then, the sun rise...well, that might happen if you were in Paris, sitting by the Seine River, but, don't expect that your park bench will yield all that much fruit. That is unless your intent is honestly to speak to the one topic a woman understands. Her very own Heart!

See, I've mentioned this before, but it bares repeating all.

Men fall in love with their eyes, and women, with their ears.

Alright, so I am not the most polished man that ever walked the earth, nor am I a widely respected expert on the topic of the ladies! What I can say is that I've pushed through this life learning the difficult lessons as well as the easy ones. Does it really take a front snap kick to the boys to get your attention my brothers from another mother? I've spent most of my life around athletes, and have myself spent more time on one field or another, than any other two guys, likely will. So, I know the banter...the hub bub, the chatter, the once around the bases approach to guy talk. Here's the bad news fellas, if you think it, you believe it, and that is no where to be if your intent is to find even one, special woman. If at this age, or any other for that matter, you're looking to notch up the bedposts, so to speak, then...the lessons life will teach will not soon be forgotten. Unfortunately you are equally likely to be alone a lot of your remaining time.

O.K. I get it! There are women in this world who love the bad boys, and shame on you for you will eventually get what you're asking for. For those of us looking to make a difference with the last love in our lives, here is some insight into 38 years of the dating age I've known, and, remember it's just one perspective about that "first date."

For more, see part two.
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