Its a shame , we have lost another one

who could not handle simple humour or negative comments on their blogs , awwwwwww another cry baby , the rest of us can handle it , and move on quickly wave kiss kiss
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Comments (33)

how about you , how do you cope with the mind games kiss
so no one has ever listened to david bowie ?banana wink
I like the humor (if it's not caustic sarcasm) and try to reply normally to a negative comment but if I see it's hopeless I ignore the following ones wave How about you virgo??
@virgo.....rolling on the floor laughing blues crying j You hurt my wittle feelings. I'm telling my mommy on you!!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
I'm great jana , how are you , we will have to take someone's blog for a spin again some time banana teddybear
Who is gone? And did you make them cryblues
Mind games are only effective if you do not realize that the person is playing a game. I noramlly play along. Sooner or later the person realizes that I caught on and then they go in search for someone else to try to play with. I neither like or dislike them, they are what they are.

I did respond to the photograph question you asked. I found that the blog was not getting responses, so I deleted it to make room for more enertaining blogs, like yours.
Virgo, The trouble with some people is expectations greater than reality allows us. People will come into and people will vacate our lives . The ones that stay, are the ones to invest the time in . The ones that go, are best left to memories . . . . .cheers
Lana, OK, I lied . With that red outfit you still look like Betty Boop . . . . .boop boop be doop ! . . . .laugh laugh laugh
Virgo wow you and Jana take peooples blogs for a spin wow doh and nobody tells me about these thingsmumbling roll eyes
I did this as a responce to replying to your blog duckie and just as I posted it on your blog , bang , it was gone banana
hi lana , I have some tissue's if you have a issue kiss kiss hug hug
yes vos, some people need a little push to get them back to reality and get back on an even keel ,I only try to help them reach their full potentual

AND some people need a kick in the ars to get them to wake up!thumbs up laugh wave
Wasn't it John Lennon who knew all about mindgames?
yay ,thank you , you have won first prise , heres a hug from me hug hug kiss
I left the blog up for about 30 minutes. No one was reading it or responding, it was just taking up room. So why leave it, just so that your single reply could be read by others? What point? If you wanted to know about my photograph, then you could have emailed me and asked. Do you enjoy embarrassing people with your comments?
you could have left it there and been a better person wave
You are missing the point. How can I say this where you can understand. I will try again.

It sure takes a big ego, to think that we are the only one who matters on this site...But if it`s well fed, it will keep groving.
Here, have a bite...burger pizza
I was responding to it , and as I was repying to it you took it off , at the time I thought it was great and fantastic , and a little bit much to get my head around it at first to make a quick reply , and it took a little time to give you an answer its your fault for pulling it too soon wave

I am not hungry, but thank you for the offer.

Just in case anyone wants to know what the blog was about. I was thinking that in the past there were some interesting people that I would like to see come back. I asked if anyone else missed them. That was all there was to it. The only response was a gentleman asking me to post my photograph to which I responded that although I appreciated his interest that I was not inclined to post one at this time. Perhaps later.
Ducky, my comment was not adressed to anyone spechial... But it showes how easy we assume everything point`s direcktly at uss...
I have often felt this way myself, and even left this sight just to wine hug
Duckie, I read your blog and was just trying to remember all the people I would mention in my comment, then I saw the blog was removed. From my experience here 30 min is not enough to see if the blog gets interest or not. So don't assume your blog was not interesting or good...
And maybe you don't know virgo and baltus yet but they are nice guys! handshake

Thank you. Things happen so fast around here, I guess that I need to slow down and let things take thir course. I will keep your advice in mind.
@ Duckie :"lana1234567"

Thank you. Things happen so fast around here, I guess that I need to slow down and let things take thir course. I will keep your advice in mind.
Is it addressed to : Jana or Lana?doh confused confused
Sorry. To everyone. If I should post again, I will leave it up for a sufficient amount of time to allow anyone with a comment time to post.
Duckie, Well I too was going to post on your blog, however it stoped when I hit the send button . I just surmised that you knew it was me and pulled out just in time . . . .rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
No problem Duckie, you have the right to create and delete your blogs whenever you want! I have deleted all my maybe 100 blogs laugh And some of them shortly after posting them because I saw they weren't good enough or were not clearly explaining my point so people got confused.
Good luck in blog area! hug
I'm confusedconfused uh oh blues drinking dunno laugh
Duckie, No need to apologise . I was just being a little silly there . I do have a sense of humor ( read my profile ). I will also look forward to much correspondence in the future .
Just came online did I miss much?
Virgo, I try to send you a message but you don't accept messages from other countries? crying
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greymouth, West Coast, New Zealand

Its a cool winter here on this side of the earth , another year of single life for me yay ...another virgo wishes for a perfect world sorry I don't chat off site hey if you are huge get out and get into shape and get thin and save yourself ...hi...I [read more]

About this Blog

created Aug 2011
Last Viewed: 19 hrs ago
Last Commented: Aug 2011
virgosingle has 409 other Blogs

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