Celestial Readings Astrological Update for Sept 25

Celestial Readings Astrological Update for Sept 25- October 2 2011
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September 25, 2011

Feeling the heat? Yes, it almost feels like a Retrograde Mercury… (but it’s not)! ~It’s Mars in Leo, which is only here every two years for a brief window of time… about 5 to 6 weeks. Mars ingress into Leo began on September 18th, and for the last week everyone has been airing their thoughts rather candidly, for better or for worse. And of course, whether it’s for better or worse is decided by you. ~You have the tools~ Mercury in Virgo is giving us plenty of insight (and more than enough details) …so we can plainly see what needs to be done, but right now, holding back the inclination to express ourselves freely is going to be a challenge! Expressing ourselves freely is the beauty of life and a jumping off point for many endeavors, but mindfulness and diplomacy determines the softness of our landings… so it’s in your own best interest to be vigilant with regard to how much and to whom you say it.

The energy is high right now, and the new Moon on the 27th will be in Libra, sign of relationships, partners and all those who are precious to you. This will be a very kinetic new Moon for it joins a host of other planets already in Libra, including the Sun (every new Moon is conjunct the Sun) Mercury, Venus and Saturn. This will present as buoyancy tempered with challenges…a rather paradoxical combination. But if you are aware that this stage is set, you can avoid the major pitfalls. Knowledge is power and empowerment can soon become skill. Let’s face it, life takes navigational skill and we, as spiritual beings are here to learn to steer our own ships through the chaotic storms as well as the calm and beautiful seas.

So many planets in Libra sets the bar high. Libra desires balance, harmony and perfection ~yet the imperfections of life surround us~ on a daily basis. During this week’s dynamic star patterns involving Libra, the challenge and the lesson is to remember that there is no such thing as perfection here or anywhere. If there were, we wouldn’t need to be here figuring it all out!

~When Jesus said “Be ye perfect…” He was talking about ‘accepting’ things as they are. Once we accept things as they are, it is easier to forgive yourself and those around you, who are also imperfect. Accepting that there is no perfection ‘out there’ instantly takes the pressure off you (as well as other people that you may be holding accountable) ~regardless of whether it’s at the workplace or at home. The secret is, the only perfect place to be found is from within, where the Kingdom of Heaven resides (Luke 17:21). And there ARE moments that will carry you there… In the midst of your busy day, a butterfly dances before you, the sun spills over the clouds, or first snow gently begins to fall. Let these moments carry you from your sea of troubles, to the quiet within, for these are the windows to freedom and to grace of being which touches infinity. These moments pass quickly and are irretractable. Each one counts. Enjoy them as if each and every one were a sparkling jewel. They are God’s gift to you and you deserve them!

Keywords for the week: Expression. Discernment. Discipline. Reward.
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Comments (5)

yes ,and dont forget to wash your feet ...banana
OK.. Tick...comfort bouquet
oh,My God...
As an old Polish TRUE witch,I say honestly:
do not believe in it:)
Please startfire,we are now in 21th century...that's what I believe inconfused
Hello Folks...

Why not observe, then comment! Hindsight is 20/20. : )

These posts are given of good will, and there are always skepticical people, I started my studies with the attitude of "prove it to me"... And the universe responded repeatedly over the 35 years I have studied. All of the skeptical people I have ever had the honor of doing a chart for were always pleasantly surprised...and honestestly said so...There have been many...

Astrology is as old as measured time, and is not a 'craft';
it is a science. Even the ancient Babylonians took guidance from astrology. They have found evidence of astrolical study within the pyramids of Egypt! I have found in my years of witnessing this phenomena that the stars are amazingly acurate messengers. I humbly defer all credit to the powers that be...

I have had many positive comments from connectingsingles too...
The beauty is we are free to choose and to express... I understand your skepticizm, it's alot to grasp...really.

With good intentions, I contend that you good folks may choose not to read these posts which are harmlessly meant only to entertain and make people smile...please try to be kind. That is all I would ask.
: )
Blessings of Light!

For scientific data on astrological phenomena, go to my Blog and read the intro on the 'home page'.
Birth info from my critics would be welcome and open for private discussion...

Many Blessings!
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Lisbon Falls, Maine, USA

Guided by a gentle inner spirit, I believe life is a sacred journey in self-improvement, a gift of time and an opportunity to become a more evolved being than the day before. We are here as intitates in Love, to serve others in the name of Love. Our [read more]

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created Sep 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: Sep 2011
starfire_girl has 37 other Blogs

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