Celestial Readings Astrological Update for Oct. 23

October 23-30 2011

Sunday (the 23rd) starts the week off with a “POW!” ~as the Sun enters all-powerful Scorpio. With the Moon in Virgo forming helpful sextiles to both Mercury (communication) and Venus (relationships), plans made this week-end will likely fall into place at exactly the right time, in the right moment. However, Scorpio is without compuncture, so try to refrain from a compulsion to be too direct, particularly if you are feeling slighted in any way. Hurtful words spoken in the heat of the moment can sometimes do irreparable harm and permanent damage. New Moon (Oct 26th) will also occur in Scorpio, along with Venus, Mercury, the Sun and Part of Fortune. Bearing in mind that the keywords for Scorpio are, “I desire” and that desire is essentially at the core of all things in the manifest world, we may then get a sense of the potential of this powerhouse stellium (grouping) of planets… therefore, this is an especially significant new Moon. As a rule, the once-a-month new Moon is always a ‘jumping-off-point’ and a key period of growth, encouraging new projects and goals. But keep in mind that Scorpio also rules extremes ~beginnings and endings and often, immediate karma, so these can be dramatic moments. Under such influences, tempers may flair and door can bang shut! However with proper temperance, this can also be a moment of tremendous and promising productivity (or fruition) leading to profound new beginnings. If we remember that reality is what we make of it, that our ‘perception’ of reality determines our choices, and subsequently our choices produce the outcomes of our lives, it may serve to give us pause. Let us examine, then, our own perception of things. Is our perception fraught with emotionalism, anger, fear, passion or jealously? Or are they fair and just, with all mitigating factors weighed carefully and logically? Remember, the choices you make now will determine outcomes of your tomorrow, so make sure you are thinking with clarity and fair-play for all concerned, including yourself!

Since so many of the ‘personal’ planets are in Scorpio, it is comforting (if not empowering) to know that at least you are in the driver’s seat and in charge of your own destiny. It might not be easy to make the changes you know should be made, but as the laws of the Universe will have it, the symptoms of any deeply-rooted problem will keep resurfacing (in different forms perhaps) until the necessary steps are taken towards betterment. Oct 28, Moon in Sagittarius (Friday and through out the week-end) should provide us with a surplus of impulse, as it trines Uranus in Aries. This is a buoyant, high-energy aspect, suggesting moods will shift and lift, providing us with that impetus we need to take. With the high-power tension that has been built up during the Scorpion planetary convergence midweek and the ‘spring-board’ angles of Uranus in Aries trining Moon in Sagittarius weekend, make sure you’re pointing in the right direction before surging forward! In the meantime, be of good cheer, ~all things work together for the good, in the long run. Trust your gut instincts, and rest assured that the Universe, indeed, has you carved in the palm of its hand!
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Comments (2)

does it apply only up to the 30th oct? im in the 31st
Hi mmanika,

My Updates run from Sunday to Sunday! So if you check the blogs on Sunday each week they will be there! I'm glad you are enjoying them... I also have a website (free) you can subscribe to at ...Thank you for your interest!

God Bless you!
Leah Zegouros
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Lisbon Falls, Maine, USA

Guided by a gentle inner spirit, I believe life is a sacred journey in self-improvement, a gift of time and an opportunity to become a more evolved being than the day before. We are here as intitates in Love, to serve others in the name of Love. Our [read more]

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created Oct 2011
Last Viewed: May 1
Last Commented: Nov 2011
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