Gun Control, Again!

Once again we are faced with the aftermath of an insidious crime at the hands of a person that has used a semi-automatic weapon to take human life. Once again there will be pro & con on gun ownership, the 2nd amendment, and a call to “do something, anything, to stop these kinds of tragedies”. And once again, after all the excitement, political posturing and extensive circus atmosphere, things will return to normal.

There are some good questions that need to be asked, but I fear they are being overshadowed by all the more emotional ones. With so many states now having conceal/carry permitting laws, how was it that nobody in this entire theatre had a weapon or returned fire on the gunman? How was it that the gunman was able to get into a locked emergency exit (an accomplice?). Did the theatre have “no guns allowed” signs posted and if so, doesn’t that increase their liability for preventing citizens to defend themselves.

We want our rights but we want the government to protect us too. We want our privacy, but we want the government to keep tabs on every potential terrorist. We want free enterprise but we also expect the government to keep prices affordable and manageable. In other words, we want it all with little or no effort on our part, oh yes, and we want it all for free without added taxation too.

This country wasn’t founded by a bunch of kids, crying in a sandbox because they didn’t get their way. It was created by men & women willing to stand up and do something about the problem. The role of the gunman in this theatre is just another example of a coward that is afraid to stand up for really upsets them and take it out on a bunch of innocent citizens at a time they are most vulnerable. Let’s not loose sight of that fact. This is certainly not a gun issue, is an issue of the way we have become because we have allowed; no make this insisted that the government do everything for us rather than we do it for ourselves.

If we want control, we must take control, but my reasonable and lawful means. It doesn’t call for revolution but for resolution to put into office those people that will do the right thing, not just grab what they can get for themselves. We must insist that laws be created with full disclosure, not hidden in bills by special interest groups and that every penny the government intends to spend is fully disclosed up front without exception. And lastly, we must insist that anyone that serves the government as an elected official sign a contract that they will never attempt to lobby, solicit, or work in any capacity to which they will be involved in trying to influence our elected officials in any way, shape or form.

It’s another wakeup call folks. Just how many more of these are we willing to sleep through?
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Comments (13)

I respectfully disagree.

While I am not promoting discontinuing the right to bear arms,
this country needs tighter gun controls of WHO can get guns.
For instance, those with a mental health issues should not be allowed to get guns.
There should also be some sort of psychological screening/test done with the application to get a gun. A keyed trigger lock should be manditory as well as training to use the gun properly. Lastly, at least a week delay should be applied from application to delivery of a gun. peace
it's a very complicated all boils down to decency the case of people have a right to defend themselves...but, also if a person is good and also sane they would not do such a thing...there r always signs of mental who dropped the ball...also when there r so many different philosophies out there and so many new ones developing all the can big major issues be solved...a lot of thinking and digressing needs to be i quite agree w u on defense...if a bunch of people tackled the gunman that could have save at least some people and put the guy out of commissionpeace
Rubicon got to agree with you no guns are good. Boy can you imagine if we could shoot through the screen just how many fights erupt on here but with guns we would all be exploding each other. sure with such regret later as we would have to buy new pc,s You can not buy a new person though and life and reality is just as volatile.hug teddybear
Yes Ariel, you are right. There is no simple solution for them now.
Here we can't purchase or carry guns without sitting a police test and then you have to store them in proper safe so access to them without your permission is near impossible, but criminals still get them for the purposs af crime , but reduce access surely reduces the cases of this happening.
I can remember years ago English police went to america to see how it would be carrying guns all the time.
Conclusion they thought human nature being what it is they could evolve being trigger happy so a situation now must arrive and a special force trained in guns comes into play. I see what you mean ariel as people in England have found away to get guns but it does not happen so often. Yes hard to find solutions each countries cultures differenthandshake
I am curious to see some studies about the pros and cons of possessing so many guns in the US. Since I guess it prevents from crimes connected with the private property. And such crimes form the greatest percentage of the crimes in every country. I know such tragedies like this one are awful and drag people's attention to the bad side of the mass possession of guns. But what would it be if it gets prohibited and the criminals (which have always had guns, everywhere) will feel more free to act...
It's not the gun who kill's people it's the person behind that gun.
right, and all the talk shows r talking about how this guy planned it out...also if everyone carried a gun would he hae done it. i mean if out of the 150 people two thirds had guns to shoot back...what is so horrible isn't the guns, but, the assault weapons that r for mass can people be protected from these...what can be done about evil...let's call it what it is......
ps this is a national tragedy in my effects a lot of people...people have a right to self-defense...where is it really safe?!?!
Only fools would blame the firearm. BTW, can anyone of you folks who are for stricter gun control ever stop to think that there are actually MORE crimes stopped because of those who carry legally(concealed license)? Probably not, but in your line of thinking, maybe we should just outlaw cars, no more drunk drivers, since it is the cars that does the driving and killing right?
Oregon thumbs up
Guns simply raise the severity of crime, because you're placing more destructive power within the hands of the citizenry. However, gun laws are not directly associated with how likely you are, or not, to get some lunatic to commit murder - as they say, the gun doesn't actually kill anyone - the likelihood of this is a symptom of a degenerate culture, it has nothing to do with gun laws per se.

If the US had an effective law system that cracks down on the mafia, and didn't share a land border with the gun-toting, drug-smuggling capital of the world(Latin America), I'd move to restrict access to firearms.
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by Unknown
created Jul 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 20
Last Commented: Jul 2012

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