
We all know, it is a drug, a legal drug, a drug, that destroys, not only the health or character of the depending person, it also destroys the life of the family and friends who have to suffer from just one more bottle. It should be forbidden, as so many people get killed by it.
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Comments (11)

Good blog!

I am fortunate that I have never had an alcohol problem. I drink 2 beers a week. One friday night and one saturday night in front of my computer while I blog or chat.

But I see the drinking problem all over and it's good to have reminders about overdrinking.

They once had prohibition but it didn't work. I am afraid it will never work.
Hi Ed1941, it is a sad thing, as it is common to drink alcohol everywhere, at every party, at home, at work, in public, well, is there a place where it really is forbidden? No! The man I love most "died" about the alcohol, means, he is still alive, but had 4 brain bleedings, 4 emergency operations, the blood did not clot, to had to be given plasma, as liver and spleen are completely damaged, just because about the alcohol. Did he listen to what the doc told him, what I told him, what everyone told him? No, as the bottle was stronger then anything ever could be. Now he suffers from it, can't move, talk, walk and has to be fed by tube. Will be in care case for the rest of his "life", well, it is not a life anymore, isn't it?! To rot away, and lay there like a vegetable. He is only 58 years old, was fit and healthy, charming and loving, I would have given my life for him, but, there is no change to win against the alcohol.
hello beagle28.. I am totally agree with you.. Ya its too dangerous.. For some instance it amuses but for a long time it affects our inner body specially our lungs.. As for as myself is concern i havent an experience of alcohol.. We are muslims and in our religion it is forbide.. And in our holly book Quran whay u are saying about that dangerous effects, Quran has said thousands years before..
So we have avoid it and try to request other that dont waste ur lives..:
i appericiate u for selecting such an important topic..
My dad see's the world though the end of a beer bottle and believe, it is the yeast, that keeps him standing. Looking at that all my life, put me off drinking like a fish out of water, he will pay with his life, in the end.

On the other hand, alcohol can be very benificial eg, many couples may meet over alcohol and then there was war, grandpa told me when his mate got shot in the WW2, the only thing that really killed the pain was alcohol..40% and higher alcohol. But yes, I can see that your blogging about the abusive side of alcohol, so I'll leave it at that...wave
i understand your pain. And the reason for your blog. You have my complete sympathy in this matter.

My sister had the same problem with her husband. This man did the same thing as well until he just became a zombie. Rotted teeth, bones so brittle they broke at the slightest touch or fall and a whole lot more. Crazy thing is he walked til he finally died.

My sister used to say, "I will probably die before him". And she did. I loved her very much for her strength and for the way she raised her 2 sons.

You have my prayers!
While we're at it let's ban autos, because lot's of people are killed in auto accidents. And let's ban food and cigarettes, because they also cause deaths.

Sorry to seem insensitive, but humans are given so many brain cells. Why don't we just use them?
Most people have a reason for doing what they do.

Most people have a choice in what they decide to do.

For those that dont have a reason or a choice then it is up to those who care for them to protect them from harm.
Alcohol brings a lot of money for the ones who produce it and from taxes and I think there are minimum chances to forbid it, but what people miss is the education. If people are not really conscious about the danger of excesive alcohol consume the problems are still there.wave
Hi, and thank you for you comments. To forbidd alcholo, it is not the right thing to do, but, the society should show a positiv example. Is it really necessary to drink alc at every party, dinner etc.? No, it isn't at all. It is just and only a bad habbit. Imagine, you are at a party, there is no alc around, what would you do, go home or somewhere else? Just try it for a day or do, it does not hurt. And the health insurance would be pleased not having to pay for all the patient, which have to be saved and healed again. Getting a liver transplanted is not very cheap, having a brain damage is not very funny. Of course smoking, eating too much and and and causes the same problems, but, there has to be done a challenge somwehere, otherwise never ever changes. Best to start by yourself, round your friends or family. Do it in small steps. Just one day per week without alc, not even in chocs. Your body would be thankfull.
Couldn't agree More !! Even though I use the EMOS on here as an expression!! ..It's Dangerous Stuff!!doh
comfort sad flower
Trouble with men who drink is they appear to be happy and fun loving ... for a while . Then the rot sets in , best to stay away from men who like their drink too much , you can tell on a first date , don't get involved with them , it is never worth it . They end up being embarrassing, thy can't make love properly, they live their lives all around alcohol .... TROUBLE TROUBLE TROUBLE for them , and for you ..... just as i have seen and experienced it ..... saskia
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by Beagle28
created Oct 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 25
Last Commented: Oct 2012
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