Questions...maybe i should try..

I look around on the blogs and I can't .. i try.. but I just can't understand how someone can travel all over the world.. be in new timezones all the time and yet still be active on CS at exactly the same moments all the times... No matter if its night or day wherever that person is claiming to be at that particular moment.
Someone actually suggested some blogs and experiences would be fake.. and that made me think.. how difficult would it be to write a fake blog?? I really want to try this... So therefor.. I will write 5 short stories about my daily life/history. Some of them will be real, others will be fake. I wonder how many of you can find the false ones. I will offcourse need some time to prepare this so I'll think about the topics and i'll start writing them tomorrow evening. Let's see how good you are.

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Comments (25)

Hi teddywave

I think some people have such an active imagination that they believe it to be true???dunno
maryrachelle.. maybe they do maybe they use it to escape the harsh reality?

Frank.. I find it a very relevant subject and test since allot of people are worried about how honnest others are online.. So nothing wrong with testing how good people are at judging based upon some stories. AND I have put it up that some of the next ones will be made up.. unlike some others that always put up fake stories claiming that they are true.
I still fail to see the signifacance of being a phoney . If you post fiction as a story ( noticable ) that is entertainment . When you post fiction as truthfull experiences then you become a lier . Regardless of the excuse you use ( and there always is one ) posting falsehoods will only destroy your credability and put you in the realm of those that you seem to think are less than honest . Well you are a big boy now so do what you want .
If it smells like a .. then it usually is ;)

Amazing people or, just normal people whit narcissistic tendencies are capable of a lot :)
I guess this one's a fake Teddydunno Am I rightrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
I will put it clearly on the title when I post the small stories... that some are fake.. I will put them all in the same post.. So nobody should get confused. I hope to finish them by this time tomorrow.
krigi.. the person(s) i am refering to with this subject is/are actually really good at it and many believe their stories to be true. Thats just what I hope to achieve.. that people will become more aware of how easy it can be to be tricked into things.... Not sure if I'll be able to pull it off but I think it could make people think about safety online, about trusting others. We'll see soon enough
Teddy,at the very least we will be able to see if you have any writing talent. From this perspective it ought to be entertaining.
gordonski.. thats the spirit.. As long as I put it in the introduction that some stories are fake I don't see a problem with it. But maybe someone is trying to protect someone else by trying to prevent me from trying this and with that maybe endanger one of his fake idols.
Without any disrespect, I wanna tell you this :

For the ppl who spend most of their life 24/7/12....365/366 days in front of computer screen...Let me put it around 70% of their time...and rarely meet (and also interact of course) people in the real world...>>>>>> I will not continue this phrase... Find by yourself...handshake head banger grin grin grin cool cool
Interesting thoughts Teddy.
Personally i have difficulties in understanding why so many ppl, the good and the bad are infatuated with trying to prove ppl are not who they seem to be.
As you know i have been accused of being many different ppl here on CS, and to my way of thinking those ppl that wish to think that i am someone else, they have a few roos (Kangaroos) short in the top paddock. (not all there in the brain department).
I have never bothered about who is real or who is not real, if i enjoy the blog so be it, if i dont, well so be it as well.
I am not a judgmental person and treat all ppl on how they treat me, if they are real or not.
You are one of the good guys here who is not afraid to speak their mind and calls a spade a spade (although sometimes it may actually be a shovel), but you do have the capacity to admit if you are wrong if and when you are.
I applaud your idea of writing different stories some of which may be untrue and look forward to reading them, but do not be surprised if you do not get the response that you are looking for.
Just remember this though my friend Teddy, does it really matter if you prove someone to be fake or not? is there really a Santa Claus/St. Nick/Father Christmas/easter rabbit/God/Christ.....???
I remember being devastated when i learnt that Santa never exsisted........and that was only when i had to buy the presents for him to give to my kids.....doh doh
Teddy! Go for it. Let's just have some fun.
I agree with Bsooner, If someone wants to post fake stories etc then it only reflects badly on them.
Honestly, why should it bother you? dunno
TO WABBY! next week im flying over to new zealand for a short holiday, would you like to meet up?
laugh sorry a fake storyrolling on the floor laughing
Please don't get me wrong on this one. Its not my intention to expose anyone. I already did that and she is doing a fine job at that on her own each time she opens her mouth. The only thing I want to gain with this is to satisfy my own curiosity. I just wanna find out how difficult it is.
teddy dear will like what ever you write real or imaginery teddy you rock!!
Hi Teddy that's an interesting point ..... I know its very hard to log onto CS from a country that is not on the list of countries ... Your CS account will automatically be deleted ...
Teddy, I think you've got quite a good idea here but to my mind this is two blogs rolled into one & that has clouded the response to both of them, your feelings about being led up the garden path by false blogs should have been posted as a separate item. The idea about 5 blogs some\all\none being real could in my opinion be quite fun, but don't fall into the trap of making them member knocking blogs. wave
Teddy, don t go into the swamp of gossips and hints. I know they are very popular here and many will flatter such a blog with their attention but it s not a right way. Are we going to turn into cops and gossipers? There are enough sneaky blogs here already... Don t tickle the worst of the human nature... wave
Takemetowhatever... Quite some years ago they invented a thing called "smart phone" that in combination with mobile internet would allow anyone to be online no matter where they are... At home or on the road. I use a blackberry myself. Oh and you should read my blogs better... I don't travel entire Europe anymore.. I only work in Belgium or just over the border... I never go further then 3 hours from my house... Well for work I don't in my free time I always enjoy traveling. I do have days where I work 18 hours but thanks to the crisis we don't get them allot now. But when we do I usually start work at 2 or 3 am.. I'm very lucky that I don't require much sleep. And in case you are wondering I am at work now... Just waiting for a client to unload me.
Is this the first " fake " blog ? ? ? . . .confused
Frank rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
I just recorded some videos of myself at my work. I'll post them as soon as I get home because I need my laptop for that.
Just one question , are these going to be real videos or are they going to be fake ones . Inquiring minds want to know ? ? . . confused
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assenede, Oost Vlaanderen, Belgium

I'm not searching, I have found my soulmate. She is the most wonderful lady in this world. [read more]

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created Nov 2012
Last Viewed: 4 hrs ago
Last Commented: Nov 2012
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