On watering cans, procrastination and other things

As I walked around my garden this morning, watering can in hand, I fell into a reflective mood. Something I’ve been doing a lot lately, partly as a consequence of staying up too late reading blogs that inspire and provoke, and partly because I’m avoiding tackling the barely begun doctoral thesis waiting for me on my dining-room table. Procrastination has for ever been my weakness..

My life has certainly been, and continues to be, a journey of discovery. Every experience, whether good or bad, has added a new nuance and facet to the young girl I once was - my idealism and romanticism, tempered by reality, remains an integral part of the essential me. I’ve learnt that arrogance is no substitute for quiet confidence; that independence of thought and identity is an essential component of who I am; that achieving happiness and fulfillment is my responsibility and not someone else’s; that human dignity is an innate right of everyone; that all are deserving of respect and compassion; that my moral compass is mine alone and to accept that others may follow a different one; and, above all that I am a flawed human being like everyone else.

It’s the flaws that make us the incredible beings that we are, complete in ourselves whether alone or accompanied. And it is the flaws that drive and challenge us to achieve, to grow, to love. Of course, not everyone accepts the challenge....

But my watering can is empty and reflections must be put aside for another day. Yet, I cannot help but wonder how others view themselves and whether they too have challenges to face.

So I ask you, my fellow CSs:

Are you happy with who you are?
Are there things you would like to change, to do, to experience?

Or perhaps you’d rather procrastinate and leave such thoughts to another day...
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Comments (24)

i am happy who i am i not change for nobody cheers wave
I'm not happy...you're not here with mekiss

Speaking of inspiring and thought provoking blogs...

thank you

I'm really happy with whom I am. I enjoy my life as good as I can and I think I will not chance anything in my life, bygones are bygones, nothing to do about that. I live a perfectly good life right here, right now, and I am proud to say so.
Lady, morning

1. Yes, i am very happy with who i am.

2. there are always "room" for improvements...

Jarred, Welela: wave That was what I was hoping to hear, Positive self affirmation! Love the song Jarred, one of my favourites.

Hi Conc wave Thank you! bouquet

Hi B wave Cheer up, I'm with you in spirit if not in body. hug
Morning Bogart! When we stop learning and improving is when it is time to shake off this mortal coil. wine
Oops, sorry Cocheta, did not mean to misspell your name. bouquet
And I did it again! Chocheta. blushing
It's so funny! I water my plants when I want to procrastinate. Or maybe I just "forget" with no reason at all. It's just to procrastinate!
I am agreeing to think about thinking about it. After my 'staff' serves me breakfast and I assign them some more stuff to clean before taking my nap, I will take the nap and think about wondering if I am happy or what needs changing. It sounds like a lot of work though. I am intrigued by the concept of new experiences though.
Third time's the charm! laugh
Hi all... hi Lady kiss

I always thought that I needed strives to improve of myself
apparently this was the feeling of uncertainty over whether what I was doing something right.
But today I am very pleased that I could not change myself and I am glad that there is a who I am.

Hi Fotinia wave I'm glad you are who you are, too! We need only change for ourselves - to change for others, or try to change others is futile and just plain wrong. wine
Lady, do agree with your statement. as today i am into Camus, i have also to quote him. "You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”

I like living, thats all!

Me too, Bogart. cheers
What will the dissertation be about, lady?

To answer your questions: I'm content with myself but there are so many things I'd like to experience that I try not to think about it laugh
Yes, I'm happy with my life. Had some tough times like lots of other people, but got myself going every time.

There are things that can happen without me having any influence on them, but after that, it's me who is in charge of my life and my happiness. If I don't like something, I have to change it.

There are lots of things I still like to do. wave
Frustrating sometimes, but I'm very happy with my life. And of who I am, I'm contented.. Nothing much I'd like to change, but more I want to experience.. thumbs up
There is so much truth in what you said. I think there is always something we would like to change in our life.
Great Blogwink wink wink
LD, Everything is perfect as it is, even when it feels a little uncomfortable to me. There is a magnificent synchronicity to all that happens and, being comfortable with that, I am confident that everything works out for the best without my orchestration. I don't judge people or circumstances. They are as they are and my choice is to accept them as they are, or be unhappy. I'd rather be happy than insist that what is is wrong and I am right for wanting it to be otherwise. What we resist, persists after all.

There are experiences I yet intend to have and they will materialize in their proper time -- or maybe not. Am I happy with me? What good would it do to feel otherwise? We are all always doing the best we can, given the prevailing circumstances. Have I flaws? Certainly I am polished to less than the hi res reflection of Love/Truth that I aspire to be. But I have no character flaws and I am pleased with the progress I have made given all I come through. I have discovered how to turn leaden adversity into the gold of valiance, patience, compassion and ardor. Not bad for one life's work. Were I to depart the world tonight I'd be quite satisfied with all I have accomplished. heart wings (Well, except there are a few more books I'd like to write. Maybe they can help someone else make shorter work of learning the alchemy it took me decades to perfect. That would be grand, as legacy goes.) grin
LD..I am happy with who I am and there is a lot of things that I would like to experience...working on a few for the near future.wink
Answering your first question.... Very happy with myseld.And your second one,Things are how i dreamed them,so no need for change or to do differently,my dreams fulfilled as about experiences,i experienced, what i wanted to experienced,and have no wish for more.-
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by Unknown
created Sep 2013
Last Viewed: May 3
Last Commented: Sep 2013

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