Oswald Chambers: Many people today are pouring their lives out working for Jesus Christ, but are not really walking with Him. One thing God constantly requires if us is a oneness with Jesus Christ.

Oswald Chambers: Never rely on the clearness of your presentation, but give your explanation make sure that you are relying on the Holy Spirit. Rely on the certainty of God's redemptive power, and He will create His own life in people.

Once you are ((rooted in reality)), nothing can shake you. If your faith is experiences, anything that happens is likely to upset your faith. But nothing can change God or the reality of redemption. Base your faith on that, and you are eternally secure in God Himself.

Man I love this guy lol. I had an idea last night and thought of some verses and such to back me up and well with me I searched some Oswald and bam got the nail on the head there lol. So what matters in my walk with the Lord?? People's approval?? saying I'm of God?? a label??? acting like someone other than who I am>??

None of the above you don't need a man's testimony to say your of the Lord or not. Searching for that you'll get your feeling hurt a lot and never have confidence in the Lord. The fact is others of the Lord will discern you are of the Lord and they will respect you, I do for other believers the Lord testify's for them through the Spirit of Grace.

You can't find root in opinion's or acceptance of men and women, that is a hindrance in most people's faith. I believe in fellowship and I love people, but reality is I don't need your approval in my walk with Christ, if He testify's for me it's a done deal. To find my faith in the opinion of others I'll never know the Lord personally that search for opinion is my god.

I can't stand stumbling blocks for people totally consumed in His Love to be transformed and renewed daily in that. I will think and pray and I will shut the mouths of you stumbling blocks who hinder God's Love in people's lives. So love hindering person with issue's here's your knock out punch. A list of what matters and what doesn't in my salvation and walk with the Lord.

Matters: Prayer, staying in His presence, asking other Spiritual Believers for prayer, studying of His truths.
Being a offering to His people daily in His Spirit.
Having a conscience in the Holy Spirit, and being real to the one's around me to prove I'm full of Grace and not crap.

Doesn't Matter: How you serve as long as you serve.
Popularity contest, tradition, labels, men's approval and testimony of or not of the Lord. im better than you.com, claiming everything but the presence of the Lord, being a dry withered hindering spirit to men and women to the Love of Christ.

Personal Relationship means one on one, so find that for yourself. I am the man I am today, because I shut my ears to ((everyone)) and learned in His presence.
I said I'm not going to be some confused religious nut, cramps my personality.

So I went to my salvation, my hope and my Lord for truth and I learned from Him. Do that <<<<<<< ((Know your Lord)) The only way anyone can get on the same page if this happens reguardless of tradition or belief's that is pointless without knowing the Lord.
It's that simple and it has never changed and never will know your Lord ((personally))
God Sense 101
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