Different shades of a much hackneyed word, "Love"

If there was love for humanity,
we wouldn't be having wars in the world,
If there was love for children
we would not have child prostitutes
If there was a love for nature,
we would not have millionaires
logging precious forests,
animals getting shot, for what they own,
birds and butterflies ending in boxes
to be exported.
If there was love, there would not
be divorces, or separation.
If there was love, will there be betrayal?
If there was love will there be so much hatred?
Would people yearn for separate states & provinces?
Will there be murder? Will there be arson?

Love is difficult to express.
People use it all the time,
wonder how many know the true meaning of Love?
It is in a multitude of shades..
A hackneyed word in all the languages used.

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