Bureau of Land Management

Tonight’s news showed a story about a Rancher who’s family has grazed their cattle across government land for over one hundred years. Certainly not uncommon unless you consider that the government has never bothered to collect grazing fee’s until recently and has based their calculations on the 100+ year debt which puts the money owed at over $1,000,000. Not exactly pocket change for most and certainly not for ranchers that have been fighting drought, loss of cattle, etc. Now, I’m not suggesting that this fellow doesn’t owe the government money, after all, he is using the peoples land to make a profit so he certainly should pay his fair share, but the question is for exactly how long a time should he pay?

I also have a much more simple question. Has the Govt. BLM collected all the oil leases that have been unpaid for the past 100+ years from all the oil producers? And if not, why not? I mean after all, we are now allowing those same corporations to contribute everything they want to political campaigns, so shouldn’t we require them to settle up all their debts to the government BEFORE they give their money away to someone else? Certainly, if they have money to give away they have money to pay up to all of us! Another good example of the GAO needing to post a regular balance sheet of each corporation that shows their outstanding debts to the citizens in the form of taxes and fees.

The government has gotten very good about going after the private citizen for all sorts of things. We learned tonight that the IRS has garnished a woman’s wages for mistaken Social Security payments that were made to her parents when she was five years old. We are talking about money that was paid over thirty years ago and it wasn’t her debt, it was her parents! Fortunately there are a few Congressmen that are demanding an explanation from the Social Security Administration and the IRS. Certainly a shame that rancher isn’t getting that kind of support from his elected representative.

Seems to be just another validation for all those nuts that want to overthrow the government. Of course, right now some of them aren’t looking quite so nutty and it reminds me of one of the best quotes of Ronald Regan, "I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts." As well as his other quote "Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." The present administration would be wise to remember that, especially in these times when the recovery could be stifled by such foolish missteps as we are seeing out of these Federal Agencies.

Our government spends an exhaustive amount of time criticizing other countries on humanity issues, among many others. I can think of few actions more inhumane that steeling a person’s hard earned money or trying to destroy a business built by a family and successfully operated for over 100 years. I am reminded of one last Regan quote, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Please take the time to explain that to your children; our combined future will certainly depend upon it!
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Comments (7)

jst wanna say, I like your blogs, I read them, but don't comment, but I learn a lot from just reading them, thank you.
there must be some way of reclaiming all of that hot air those politicians pore out of their mouths every day .......think of how much money could be saved from your tax bill ...applause applause
Bundy, whose Mormon family settled, farmed and ranched in Bunkerville since the 19th century, claims branded and feral animals on the range are his — and that he has the right to graze his cows on open range.

Personally, I see Cliven Bundy the one who is in the wrong. His family didn't purchase the land but rather were squatters or land grabbers. Mr. Bundy owns his ranch but not the land he released his cattle onto. If you notice he claims ownership of branded and FERAL animals. He is NOT managing his heard. I have no respect for him as a rancher. He's just allowing cattle to reproduce year after year never taking them to market. His herd is destroying the very land they are grazing/foraging on.
It is easy to look at ranchers grazing their cattle on BLM land and saying that he should give something back. As you stated in your blog that he was billed $1 million for what his family owed. That is ridiculous and once again our government stole our tax money and now they are looking for more money to steal elsewhere. BUT there is another side to grazing on public lands. People do not realize that these animals keep the vegetation down tremendously and it has a huge effect on wild land fires. If they want to bill the ranchers a ridiculous amounts for grazing the ranchers will just take their stock elsewhere and the government can eat the hundreds of millions it will cost to fight these fires that will have a seemingly endless amount of fuel on a rugged terrain where access is limited. But then again that may be the plan as well. To find another reason to mismanage American's money in hopes the whole thing will cave in on itself.
Where was the Federal Government's concern for those poor Desert-Tortoises when they used Nevada as a Testing Ground for Nuclear Weapons!

Me thinks Federal Government is speaking with forked Tongue!

BTW,can anyone say Holder,Stooge for Janet Reno at Waco,Ruby Ridge and Miami(Elian Gonzales)?
good one fish,they robbed all pension n soc.sec.funds/big business rules the the day/via elected officials,pay no taxes n john q.public picks up the tab,wake up usa PACS are running the country/greed,as the last days!
Excellent blog! Our government is soooooo corrupt, they make Al Capone look like a choir boy! I remember Bill Clinton bragging about how he balanced the federal budget while he was president. What he didn't say was, he took 2.5 trillion dollars from social security to do it with! As a consequence, social security is in deep trouble! He robbed mine and many other seniors livelihoods! I depend on that check each and every month!

Where is Thomas Jefferson when we need him?
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by Unknown
created Apr 2014
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: Apr 2014

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