Last single friend is going to be married

Over 2:35am in the morning, after my long day with working, studying, missing people who I love, etc... I was going to bed then she called and said she decided to be married! End up her single life.

She is my only single friend left. So, I'm going to be the only one single among friends around. Later, she will became same as all others, I guess, means: will al the time talking about her husband, her husband's family, her kids, ect... One good person less for me to hang out with whenever I feel sad... :(

Feeling more lonely today...sigh
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Comments (7)

You can get some more friends. That's single too!......hug
Time to go out and meet different people Mimi.

Most of my friends are married and / or have kids and believe it or not, it's not all bliss there. conversing

I moved for a job and it gave me the chance to start over, it was hard in the start to meet new people, but I have built up a nice circle of people to socialise with and made some new friends (on top of my existing ones). yay
nothing like being selfish, id being celebrating for my friend, and priorizing her happiness rather than feeling poor me dunno
Dear Mimi.... (hi ladies !!!)

What the ladies said is true. in the other hand I understand your feeling as I was in your situation with different case.
find new single friends, be happy for other and move to other place is indeed one solution you could do. I did all. I moved country from Oman to Indonesia a year ago then I found new single friends and so on and so on. But my mood is change when I started changing my mind set about me being single. what keep me want to be single? what make me think to keep my celibataire? It doesn't mater where you move or who you associate with, if you keep your old mind set then you will always be in old place.

move on my dear Mimi... open your heart. DO NOT compare new men with your mr croc. There is someone much better than mr croc is waiting for you our there, maybe in front of you I don't know. or change your taste of men (if mr croc is Caucasian, don't look other caucasian, try to see yellow or blue or red or even black. there is always a beauty on each color). soon after you are able to open your heart to change your mind set, soon you would be able to mingle with married ladies, following and enjoying their conversation. Soon you would enjoy your life, people would see clearer your beauty.

All is in your head mimi.... heart will follow.
Aww sorry to hear that
You can talk to me
Married folk and single people can not be friends. The presence of the single friend threatens the marriage and they know longer have anything in common anyway. So, as advised. It is time to make new single friends.
Thanks everyone.

And to the ideas keep telling me moving on or do not compare cocrodile with others, sorry but I'm too tired for hearing those! Everything reading from books are far difference from actual life. I don't want to spend any anymore energy to argue about this. Just let you know that do not have to feel sorry for me, and do not talk to me as if I were a teenager, Thank you!
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by MimiNGUYEN79
created Nov 2014
Last Viewed: May 13
Last Commented: Nov 2014
MimiNGUYEN79 has 205 other Blogs

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