Cousins and terrorism

There is no documented connection between incest and acts of terrorism. That connection, not even hinted at in the study comments posted in another blog, seems to not exist. One may as well say auto accidents only happen when someone in that country has drank water.

Terrorism is by definition (an act of violence, or a threat of violence, donee to accomplish or influence a political or religious (and really all choices involving religion, since someone somewhere will disagree, are political choices) outcome. That means terrorism is an act of behavior and choice, not a by product of genetics. One needs therfore to look to environment, not genetics for the factors influencing behavior.

Regarding doing one's cousin. Using as a source, contrary to yet another falsehood posted in the other blog:

26 states allow first cousin marriages; most people can marry their cousin in the US.
No European country prohibits marriage between first cousins. It is also legal throughout Canada and Mexico to marry your cousin. The U.S. is the only western country with cousin marriage restrictions.
Second cousins have little, if any increased chance of having children with birth defects, per the book "Clinical Genetics Handbook"
The frequency of cousin marriages in the USA is about 1 in 1,000. The frequency of cousin marriages in Japan is about 4 in 1,000
It is estimated that 20 percent of all couples worldwide are first cousins. It is also estimated that 80 percent of all marriages historically have been between first cousins!
Albert Einstein married his first cousin. And so did Charles Darwin, who had exceptional children.
Leviticus 18 lists all forbidden s*xual relationships. Cousin relationships are not included.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the longest serving US president in history married his cousin (not a first cousin, however they shared the same last name).
God commanded many cousins to marry, including Zelophehad's 5 daughters, Eleazar's daughters, Jacob (who married both Rachel and Leah, first cousins), and Isaac and Rebekkah (first cousins once removed)
US prohibitions against cousin marriages predate modern genetics.
Current studies indicate that cousin couples have a lower ratio of miscarriages -- perhaps because body chemistry of cousins is more similar. The verdict is still out.

There are other factoids to research on the site I cite above.

Since no related marriages are so rare, as are individuals who commit acts of terror, perhaps if one still seeks to prove a connection, that person should turn her eagle eyes upon individuals who are the offsprings of non-cousins.

Given prior efforts to sow terror and discontent across the blogs and forums, coupled with those persons insistence they is not like most of humanity (being the offspring of a non-cousin relationship) perhaps that is a connection worth exploring.

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