The cycle of life...

I find it Strange people !will happily buy death wrapped up in packaged processed trays but can't stomach seeing it happen...

I have ! to use a harsh word "slaughtered " birds, fish, and numerous animals for my own family and others and have no remorse for the deed...

We are the top of the food chain and the top preditor ...

We have canine teeth for ripping flesh and although some eat roots ,shoots , and leaves... we are meat eaters...

And yes animals were hurt in the making of this blog !!!

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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Comments (149)

Teeth Blue.....something you ain't got.....rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Dan perhaps a blog on Spanish bullfighting ?

Something for your lounge wall..

....At the end of a fight, if the judge feels the matador has dispatched the bull skillfully, he can award one ear, two ears, or both ears and the tail. If the matador agrees that he has fought a worthy animal well, he takes the award to a taxidermist, who preserves and mounts the parts on a plaque.

Don't be so high and mighty about animal rights and cruelty.. ...
If I were a cow (some may argue that I am ??), I'd prefer lazing around the fields, eating grass, and BAM! A bolt to the head.
Yes Blue,

I don't condone any form of animal cruelty, including practises of registered abattoirs in New Zealand.

There are, however, numerous organisations in this country that actively pursue any instances of cruel treatment to animals:

Abattoirs are monitored but more could be done, I agree.

Having said that, surely Bloody can't expect to upload a hideous video, such as she did....and not expect widespread condemnation.

Her goat herd may have a happy life, but they have a grisly ending.

I have full respect for Bloody in her managing her farm single-handedly but don't agree with the technique she uses for slaughtering her goats. It's barbaric.
121.....good for was for a worthy cause.....thumbs up

yeah, good for you 121.

Feeding my kids is not a worthy cause.
Jaaaz, you've never forgiven him, ai?
Don't get so excited Berry. I've said "stone me", and said it all, really.
As I said Blue in my initial comment....I've seen it all.

Times are certainly changing however. Calf induction is now being overseen by a veterinarian with an injection in 40% of dairy farms in New Zealand.

Hopefully SAFE will continue the pressure to campaign for more humane practises on our farms.

Still a way to go, I know.....but moving in the right direction.
Berry, you wouldn't like the pig industry in Canada. Despite many laws preventing cruelty, they are mostly ignored, even by government inspectors. It was all brought to light a few years ago by the media.
I probably wouldn't Track....blues

I'd be in boots n all in an undercover operation to expose the culprits or be campaigning on the streets with placards.

We have issues with both our own pig and chicken industry here.

Farming was never for the faint-hearted, but surely defenseless animals are deserving of more humane treatment.
Animals have all of the feeling/emotions of a person. Can you imagine living in those kinds of environment's?
In some places around the world in the poultry industry, they have a process called debeaking. A set of hot jaws chops off the chicken's beak, chickens are given no anesthetic, no nothing.
I can't bear even thinking about some of the horrendous acts on animals in certain parts of the world. sigh
Oh I can only imagine.
Meant to add i have ever seen on the blogs and i have been here 9 years.

teddybear teddybear peace and love to all
mmmm after thoughts, By the way who said about bull fighters ???? Daniela does not do that, Who said about abitiors what happens, yes but i assume the good bloggers on here would complain if the saw cruelty happening, if the worked in abitaors.

How can anyone make excuses for barbaric cruelty just has me beat.
Note.... Instead of butchery....learn the skills of a clean, painless death...

This comes hand in hand with looking after any animal.....regardless!...
I doubt Bloody Blue would ever change their way of thinking.

Bloody will continue on with her hideous slaughtering.

What purpose other than the ultimate shock value to upload it to video?

To prove how "tough" she is? Nah, sick.

They have no remorse. It turns them on. barf

They're well suited for each other.
Bloody" you go girl applause
and never mind some of the ridiculous harsh comments made around here, if not for you and the likes, we'd all be eating wabbit food bunny

Question".. is there a reason why you keep the head up straight and firm as you do?

PS, tis a grand figure you have on you there girl wine
Red,when i mentioned feeding my kids was to draw the comparison on Berrys answer to 1to1 .It is an example how the same person gives different opinion on the same act. Obviously, it is not about what is done, but who did it. .....means if there was a man on that video, the act would be seen from a different angle.
I quote oGod :" and for a woman to post a video of themselves on youtube wielding a knife and holding down a terrified animal is, in my opinion, horrifying......".

I do not have a need to excuse me about anything.
We all know you hate cats, i can quite see you performing this procedure with glee....

*Give your animals a good life.....and a dignified end...*

If this video was of a dog....or any animal people see as 'cute'...there would be uproar......
Berry, you're right. My slaughtering method is as less cruel as it can be. I always make sure that the knife is very sharp.
As i have said to Red, if there was Blue on the video, you would have given softer critics.
Now, shut up, and confess that you are still weak on him.
Witchie, in general, my chin is always up and my body straight.

Swimming does me good.
I'm horrified by this blog, I didn't watch the vid, people's reactions said it all.

Thank god I'm a vegetarian very mad
Its very sweet that you presume the women bloggers are hot on blue.....but honestly....he ain't that hot girl...uh oh
Makes no difference if it'd been a man or woman in the video.

I would've still had the same reaction. It's not about gender. It's about the act itself and choosing to share it with the world with seeming delight....uh oh

You can have him Bloody. I don't want the sicko.

As I said, "made" for each other, you two.

Berry i know more than you think. So.....chill out.
Naturally, of course you do Bloody....laugh

I'm chilled, thanks....grin

You? sad flower
Serene, i dare to put you in the same box with those who wommit about anything that is upsetting for their comfort zone. I bet you would wommit even if you saw me helping with complicated births and the vet can not come.

No more time to waste girls. Off to mow. Cheers.
or people for that matter.
Bloody.. .... I would meet you...have an early morning swim in your Lake....then go out and find you alovely Croatian Man...who can help you with your workload...cos you are obviously a busy you do all that being a beyond me....
Bloody, i should of made my question more clear.
what i meant was the head of the animal, your determined to keep its head up good and straight, i'm sure there is a reason why??? but maybe not dunno

Haha Cal, hate my cat" that i bloody do and when/if he ever dies i'll bring out a blog laughing and skiting making fun of how he died.. just how you did when your dog ate your parrot tongue

If you have nothing better for doing Cal then try to annoy me...laugh
might i suggest you run along go shopping and steal some lipstick ....

" i believe its another enjoyment of yours" .. grin
Thanks for reminding me Itchy....thumbs up ...running low on Lipstick....
Redex, if you think its me that's changed i'll not argue your view...
doesn't mean you are right though ... lets just say " sometimes when trying to be respectful to others" we must sometimes have to bite our tongues.... but that is yet again just another view you and I don't share.

Now i'm off out to enjoy my day off....
besides i think Sere hit the nail on the head, the reaction here isn't about the kid but the man laugh
Errrrr......cupcakes anyone??? uh oh

Embedded image from another site
Actually, so am i Cal .... mind picking me up a stick whilst your at it detective

A nice shade of pink if you don't mind conversing

gotta go
Blue ...I can't see how your comment about bullfighting has anything to do with me? confused

I've written 2 blogs about it as I am against this barbaric practice.
As for decorating my walls with animal parts wow I don't know where you've got that idea from.

You seem to have got in such a frenzy that you don't know who to attack next!
Maybe eating red meat has had this effect on you? wink

Anyway. . You've certainly got all the attention you were craving! doh
sorry that comment was for Itchy man or women rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
All the people that had commented on this blog (including me):-

Really guys to fall for a ploy of Ob's and Bloody's. (and yes they have been mates for quite a long time now)

This is obviously to get their names in lights (so to say). Ob has always done it with all his blogs, only to have u on. It does not show their personalities, but it does show their value systems. U decide what ?

I must admit I followed this, after my comment (quite a few of the views), and it's worth a good laugh, don't u agree?
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by oldblue54
created Aug 2017
Last Viewed: May 18
Last Commented: Aug 2017
oldblue54 has 76 other Blogs

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