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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I'll try to post more detail, in advance no offense intended however sorry is quite large amount...
Please find few extracts copied from a copy of transcript of Trump’s speech outlining his part brief of evidence being full of transcript President Donald Trump is alleging considerable abnormalities during the recent elections. E.g. it is now up to Congress!!

Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi are pressuring Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to strip Trump of his power by declaring him unable to fulfil his duties. If Pence refuses, as expected, the group will move forward bringing the impeachment case to the floor as soon as Monday.

Hundreds of thousands of American patriots are committed to the honesty of our elections and the integrity of our glorious republic.
Almost 75 million people voted for our campaign, the most of any incumbent president by far in the history of our country, 12 million more people than four years ago. I was told by the real pollsters, we do have real pollsters. They know that we were going to do well, and we were going to win. What I was told, if I went from 63 million, which we had four years ago to 66 million, there was no chance of losing. Well, we didn’t go to 66. We went to 75 million and they say we lost. We didn’t lose.
By the way, does anybody believe that Joe had 80 million votes? Does anybody believe that? He had 80 million computer votes. It’s a disgrace.
Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy.
Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear. You want to hear it?
Crowd: Yes!
In every single swing state, local officials, state officials, almost all Democrats made illegal and unconstitutional changes to election procedures without the mandated approvals by the state legislatures, that these changes paved the way for fraud on a scale never seen before. And I think we’d go a long way outside of our country when I say that.
There were over 205,000 more ballots counted in Pennsylvania. Now think of this. You had 205,000 more ballots than you had voters. That means you had 200 …Where did they come from? You know where they came from? Somebody’s imagination. Whatever they needed. So in Pennsylvania you had 205,000 more votes than you had voters! And it’s the number is actually much greater than that now. That was as of a week ago. And this is a mathematical impossibility, unless you want to say it’s a total fraud. So Pennsylvania was defrauded.
Over 8,000 ballots in Pennsylvania were cast by people whose names and dates of birth match individuals who died in 2020 and prior to the election.
Over 14,000 ballots were cast by out-of-state voters. So these are voters that don’t live in the state. And by the way, these numbers are what they call outcome determinative. Meaning these numbers far surpass … I lost by a very little bit. These numbers are massive. Massive. More than 10,000 votes in Pennsylvania were illegally counted, even though they were received after Election Day. In other words, “They were received after Election Day, let’s count them anyway!” And what they did in many cases is they did fraud. They took the date and they moved it back, so that it no longer is after Election Day. And more than 60,000 ballots in Pennsylvania were reported received back. They got back before they were ever supposedly mailed out. In other words, you got the ballot back before you mailed it!
Now that’s many, many times what it would take to overthrow the state. Just that one element. 400,000 ballots appeared from nowhere, right after the election.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Over 10,300 ballots in Georgia were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth match Georgia residents who died in 2020 and prior to the election. More than 2,500 ballots were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth match incarcerated felons in Georgia prison. People who are not allowed to vote. More than 4,500 illegal ballots were cast by individuals who do not appear on the state’s own voter rolls. Over 18,000 illegal ballots were cast by individuals who registered to vote using an address listed as vacant, according to the postal service. At least 88,000 ballots in Georgia were cast by people whose registrations were illegally backdated.
In the State of Arizona, over 36,000 ballots were illegally cast by non-citizens. 2,000 ballots were returned with no address. More than 22,000 ballots were returned before they were ever supposedly mailed out. They returned, but we haven’t mailed them yet. 11,600 more ballots and votes were counted more than there were actual voters. You see that?
150,000 people registered in Maya Copa County after the registration deadline. 103,000 ballots in the county were sent for electronic adjudication with no Republican observers. In Clark County, Nevada, the accuracy settings on signature verification machines were purposely lowered before they were used to count over 130,000 ballots. If you signed your name as Santa Claus, it would go through. There were also more than 42,000 double votes in Nevada. Over 150,000 people were hurt so badly by what took place. And 1,500 ballots were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth match Nevada residents who died in 2020, prior to November 3rd election. More than 8,000 votes were cast by individuals who had no address and probably didn’t live there.
In Michigan quickly, the secretary of state, a real great one, flooded the state with unsolicited mail-in ballot applications, sent to every person on the rolls, in direct violation of state law.
More than 17,000 Michigan ballots were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth matched people who were deceased. In Wayne County, that’s a great one. That’s Detroit. 174,000 ballots were counted without being tied to an actual registered voter. Nobody knows where they came from.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

The Courts in New York use New York State Law to prosecute Trump because it suits them. But when they don't get the Verdict they want from the Jury they twist the Legal Jury’s Verdict in order to achieve their desired wording.
If you want to see a recent example of this shenanigans look at the case of the 'Changing Room Affair'.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

This is what goes on in your mind. A lot of conjecture and sleepless nights I'd say.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I seem to have caught you at a bad time, I'll try again later. blues
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Thanks for the info about ballots all over the place.
Yes I know it was stolen. The famous spike on the graf around 3am too lol.
They had to have tea break u see...
Only, I'm worried the same pattern wall appear this autumn with the same result.
In the same five states that of some mysterious reason is the onle states
out of the 50, that somehow just has to count long into the early hours.
How come?
Stolen 2.0 this November is my prediction. Hope I'm wrong
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Did you contribute to the Lincon Project?

They raised $80 million in two years, mostly from small donations, probably from people who could only afford to pay a small amount.

They spent it on advertising from companies which were all controlled by the board members of the Lincon Project after which all but two of these directors have left.

In order to 'get' one grifter you get taken by a bunch of shysters.

I guess you just can't win. comfort

E&OE as I've put my own slant on this story.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Why are you being rude to one of the most gentle men on here sweetheart?
You say Merlot is making noise?

I have till date not ever seen any common sense from you, no.

In fact your unbridled language here tells on you.
If you really had something of value you would not need to use aggro.
Besides if you support democracy and free exchange of thoughts (a corner stone)
you would not need to shut down your opponent this way,
especially not a decent on subject guy like Merlot.

Let's see what u can cook up in response to that now hunnybee.
Give it your best shot but try not to blow too many fuses
as that ain't very good for you, trust me.

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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Was collected at the time, and to best my knowledge, it is what Trump attempted to have heard when he legally supported by Giuliani who played a key role in Trump's bid to overturn the 2020 election results. Giuliani was indicted alongside the former president gagging Donald & Giuliani , ti is much like Australia the judicatory is bent the politicians are bent. We have a Head of State King Charlies III a Constitution, both are been sidelined.
The posted information I lodged with an honest Australian Federal Minister.
I understand others got other views. doh
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Thanks for your kind words Oz. cheers

She'll be missing out on my pearls of wisdom in future. rolling on the floor laughing
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

it actually has,but the Courts hid behind the flimsy "No Standing"-issue,and refused to look at the evidence!
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Trump’s speech that ‘incited’ Capitol violence:
However Conrad I of course can't post it as the full transcript is 21 pages long.emmmmmm oh well.

Donald Trump is facing the imminent prospect of becoming the first US president to be impeached twice following an extraordinary breach of the country’s Capitol in Washington, DC, by his supporters.

Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi are pressuring Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to strip Trump of his power by declaring him unable to fulfil his duties. If Pence refuses, as expected, the group will move forward bringing the impeachment case to the floor as soon as Monday.

Trump is accused of “incitement of insurrection” after giving an incendiary speech on January 6 in Washington DC before a mob violently attacked the heart of the US government. At least five people were killed in the assault.

The media will not show the magnitude of this crowd. Even I, when I turned on today, I looked, and I saw thousands of people here, but you don’t see hundreds of thousands of people behind you because they don’t want to show that. We have hundreds of thousands of people here, and I just want them to be recognised by the fake news media. Turn your cameras please and show what’s really happening out here because these people are not going to take it any longer.

They’re not going to take it any longer. Go ahead. Turn your cameras, please. Would you show? They came from all over the world, actually, but they came from all over our country. I just really want to see what they do. I just want to see how they covered. I’ve never seen anything like it. But it would be really great if we could be covered fairly by the media. The media is the biggest problem we have as far as I’m concerned, single biggest problem, the fake news and the big tech. Big tech is now coming into their own. We beat them four years ago. We surprised them. We took them by surprise and this year, they rigged an election.

They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before. By the way, last night, they didn’t do a bad job either, if you notice. I’m honest. I just, again, I want to thank you. It’s just a great honour to have this kind of crowd and to be before you. Hundreds of thousands of American patriots are committed to the honesty of our elections and the integrity of our glorious republic. All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical left Democrats, which is what they’re doing and stolen by the fake news media. That’s what they’ve done and what they’re doing. We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I have already posted true copy of evidence in this thread, that Trumps legal council put together, that evidence has not been put before a credible court.
What one person e.g. Ken Block who founded the Rhode Island's Moderate Political Party and ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2010. Who then switched to the Republican Party in 2013 and made an unsuccessful run for Rhode Island Governor in 2014. Says or alleges is a complete nonsense in my opinion
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Morning Gs.

I'm not pro-Trump or anyone else.

When I don't condemn Trump people seem to assume that I'm pro-Trump which is why I pointed out that I'm not pro-Trump.

I hope I've clarified that.

I am solely addressing the issue, not the person. Specifically the accuracy of the statement that Trump could change the Constitution.

I pointed out that it is unlikely he could "destroy" the Constitution and I gave reasons for my opinion.

If you still can't understand then I'm done here because the reactions from some are ott.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

This question is still unanswered.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Can you tell me how he will actually accomplish these things.

"They believe he will destroy the constitution."


"Trump will force dictatorship onto a once land of the free."
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I pointed out that he's unlikely to be able to change the Constitution and gave reasons why in case people were getting worried about the impending doom that was being spread. If that helped to put some peoples minds at ease then I'm happy. The ones who want to rant like hysterical turkeys will continue to do so because of 'free speech' which they abuse.

If you know it's rhetoric then why fall for it?

If it makes you feel better to hear my opinion of Trump then I will say that he is not someone I would want as a neighbour never mind a President but I won't join the Trump Haters Club.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Would you please stop engaging in the usual dishonesty you persist in uttering.
Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio who's parents were Italian immigrants.
Jorge Bergoglio was head of the Jesuit order in the 1970s when the church backed the military government that overthrew the lawful Argentina's government during the "dirty war" of murders and abductions carried out by the junta that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983 when thousands of people were disappeared. It is estimated that between 22,000 and 30,000 people were killed or disappeared, many of whom were impossible to formally document.
The Argentine Catholic church itself made a public apology for its failure to take a stand against the generals.
In February, a court noted during the sentencing of three former military men to life imprisonment for the killings of two priests that the church hierarchy had "closed its eyes" to the killing of progressive priests.
As head of the Jesuit order from 1973 to 1979, Jorge Bergoglio was a member of the hierarachy during the period when the wider Catholic church backed the military government. Bergoglio twice refused to testify in court about his role as head of the Jesuit order. When he eventually appeared in front of a judge in 2010, he was accused by lawyers of being evasive.
The main charge against Bergoglio involves the kidnapping of two Jesuit priests, Orland Yorio and Francisco Jalics, who were taken by Navy officers in May 1976 and held under inhumane conditions for the missionary work they conducted in the country's slums, a politically risky activity at the time.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Nope! Trump it is. his policies worked. they will again if we can ever actually have a fair and honest election again.

what trump really said concerning the constitution were in reference to the mass fraud of 2020.

In December 2022, Donald Trump was pushing the baseless claim that he lost the 2020 election due to widespread voter fraud.

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," Trump wrote on Truth Social on December 3, 2022. "Our great 'Founder' did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!"

of course some fact checkers, a fat politician that thought he had a chance of being "potus", the mouth pieces calling themselves reporters or journalists, and many more; left out the full context to push the brainwashing deeper among the sheep.

i urge america to get the current, real threats, to democracy out of the white house and as many as possible out of congress to save what's left.

imagine all the law fare against the people if we can never have a leader working for the citizens and country again. trump was the last one that did and look at all the character assassination and more that is taking place against him.

funny how they started it with the russian collusion hoax and it's only escalated while his actual works and policies are still ignored.

demonrats can expand government, kill an economy, education, open our borders, mandate what ever they want, pass bills to dole out tax payer dollars to their donors and causes. massive damages and spending. call out corporations about paying their fair share but none of the green industry pays anything because they're worthless. we pay them. all they needed was the plandemic to push the bulk.

nothing has gotten better any where. only worse. what war will be next? will we end up fighting iran? russia? china? all of the above and more? trump didn't cause or do any of that either.

trump 2024. even our judicial system failed us in 2020. maybe it's for the better because now more people see the differences in working policies vs. dictators still pushing and doing what ever they want and the people be damned.
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

A fool and his money will soon depart. No I don't give my money to millionaires and billionaires. That would be bloody foolish. I have common sense to decipher validity from bullshit.

The Lincoln Project does not use E&OE, they replay the tapes of the con/rapist so the world can see what a jackass he is. Now I live in the USA and I do vote. I will not continue a dialogue with a person who has no impact on our voting and judicial system. If you are giving the con/rapist millions of dollars then that would impact our country. A part from that you are just making NOISE. moping
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

THE LINCOLN PROJECT is doing a great job showing who that con/rapist is. thumbs up
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

That is one of the most idiotic thing I read. A court does not change a jury’s verdict.
You must have jump on the band wagon to say Easter is ruined, and This is an assault on Christianity when President Biden recognized March 31st the International Transgender Day of Visibility, the same day as Easter Sunday.

I do not listen to idiotic people talking bull showing the world that they have a pea for a brain and wants to brainwash the ignorant few.

How much money did you send to the con/rapist? How much money do you continue to send so he can call you an idiot?

You are a Jimmy Jones follower 2024 version as con/rapist.
Continue to drink that kool-aid.

frustrated frustrated devil
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I have to sounds like someone is sleepless...but imagine anyone having the stamina of reading the whole piece the poster wrote?
I wonder if the current news of Trump is keeping people from sleep? Insider trading and much more...never mind Pence...he is the least of the orange man's troubles...
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The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

I heard on the news one airline booked an 'eclipse flight' that chased the phenomenon allowing travelers to take photos and witness it in several locations.
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The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

Okay... who got married during the eclipse?
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The sky is falling... The sky is falling...

As expected, the best view was in the South around Texas and Arkansas.

Follow this link and you will see children who were delighted to be part of 'eclipse fever' that they will remember for the rest of their lives!

thumbs up
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RE: Embroiled...

The company's stock closed 8.4% lower at $37.17 on Monday, a far cry from the record high of $79 it had notched during its debut on March 26. It is down about 40% so far in April.

Heading towards yet another Trump business venture failure
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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

Several formerly close allies of Donald Trump have turned against him.They include his former vice president, secretary of state, and attorney general.

Trump's political brand does appear damaged as he gears up for another bid for office.

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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I listened to a few podcasts about this. As much as Republican lawmakers despise dislike him, they also fear him... The Republican party has become the party of Trump and they will follow/support him as it's the only way they can remain in power.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

you mean,you never heard the expression,"Repubes"?laugh
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

oh no. i've never heard or read that before. grin

they earned it. they aren't democrats. every thing they push is wrong, evil, damaging, destructive, and chaotic.

they do the crimes then project on others and try making them do the time.

doesn't take any thing special to see that. just look around. even some of those self professed "rethuglicans" aren't what they claim and every bit as threatening when they support demonrat spending, bills, plans, and regulations.

we'll be lucky if we can get a decent election with all the illegal immigrants they're allowing in. another rigging for congressional seats.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

If you wanna go down that route: Joseph Biden, is he clean would you say,
Is that accurate?
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

But calling Trump racist and rapist is cool?
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

that's the problem. i do know that. many know that. now more truths are coming out. even some of the severely anti-trumpers are starting to speak out.

that's how we're able to realize the real criminals are getting free passes while they fabricate and stretch in corrupt systems against one.

it's no secret they called o'biden , basically,too senile to be prosecuted and no secret what killary did with evidence. it's also no secret what type of people were in charge of the "investigations?" and pushing the bogus garbage else where.

many reasons why the demonrats are dropping in popularity. the real threats to democracy have to be removed. if they aren't, things will continue to get worse.

at least some people are finally starting to "see".
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

they're creating criminal cases. they don't actually have any. even as the truth that trump offered and wanted reserve troops for jan. 6th has come out, the lies are still trying to be pushed.

o'biden is too senile for prosecution. killary has literally gotten away with murder and more. both protected under demonrat regimes when investigations started. both dismissed and white washed under the rug. even the Trump administration didn't enforce or go after killary. she did many felonious actions and no charges. she not only tampered with evidence, she destroyed it and more.

the only one being targeted is the one that fought to keep as many of their campaign promises as they could. also the only one with any executive privilege.

the real criminals keep getting a free pass. they have to stretch and fabricate against the one they're trying to stop.
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