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Please mind my mind

Its too late I should get a life and go to bed.

I will.


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Listening to your heart

is a forgotten art. It is my heart that responds to the intent of words; tests and tastes the air and speaks quietly to my gut and glands requesting and suggesting paths of action. My eyes read, my ears hear and my heart gathers information, triggers withdrawal from attack, unkindness, softens into an outpour of compassion, stiffens my spine so I can take my place in a line of defence when needed.

But I have to listen to hear the message in those tom tom beats that move me forward, carry me through life. I have to stopper intellect which dashes like a feeding bat after this idea and that, the guru phase, the magazines that know so much a five year stack will give you three hundred and four rehashes of the same tired pop psychology without committing the crime of an original concept. It must all be true; it is in print.

The root of education roughly means 'leading out' suggesting that all the knowledge that we need is already housed within and merely needs the door to be indicated, the path to be shown. I remember one school term we had a new teacher for mathematics, a subject that escaped me no matter how I read or studied. Then Mrs. Grannum spoke and wrote and my heart beat quickly, pushed blood to synapses near dry with frustration and there was the door and on the other side a new world of wonder and fascination as maths became something I knew and recognized.

So I listen to my heart and know when I am loved, when I am judged, when a fallacy is being fostered as a marvellous insight, when someone is being unkind. And when my heart says run, be silent I take a breath and when my heart says speak, I release it.
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Astrology - What the Stars Tell Us Today - by Joe Schlock
In this, the year of our lord, two-thousand, we still gaze in wonder at the firmament in pursuit of meaning and answers. To be, or not to be... looking at the stars... but that is not what this is about.

We are gathered here instead to determine what the future holds in store. For us. And that is why we often seek wisdom in the stars.

Having said that, it is necessary to point out that this essay does not attempt to answer all questions that all humans may trouble themselves with. It is rather an attempt to say nothing, but to say it with conviction, as though there were simple meaning hidden within the configuration of our reason. Wise men have toiled insatiably with this conundrum. Have they come to realization?

Only to the very wise can these thoughts seem complex. For in their complexity we find simplicity.... reality bearing with it many fruits. The universe abounds with motion... and space... vast vistas of vacuity sparsely populated with tiny morsels of information holding within their juxtaposition secrets for which man hungers.

It is within this discipline, quite by chance, that your humble host has discovered a proclivity for subliminal deduction... to wit.... the prediction of the future.

There will come a time, perhaps in the near future.... perhaps not.... when cataclysmic events shall occur. Some of these events will have a direct impact upon you, gentle reader. Look back and see to storm clouds receding. This is your time.

If you gaze upwards in wonder, you have taken the first step toward full self-comprehension. A new age is upon us. And with these utensils, we commend our hopes and dreams to the almighty. If it were done any other way, there could only be chaos, as the lunar landscape clearly opines. When order derives from these precepts, the chaos gives way to boundless spiritual conformity. But this is not to be lamented! NAY! Say I.... this is to be rejoiced! For we are the chosen derelicts of the cosmic embrace. Ours is not to render unto Caesar! Ours is not to render unto God! Ours is to hope, our breasts beating fluently that ancient rhythm.... that gas prices won't go up any more.

But they probably will.
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Can you fall in love and have a relationship onlin

Is it possible to meet someone online and fall in love? How safe and effective is this? Does it really happen with great results and happiness? Im wondering because Ive been talking to someone who seems to be perfect for me and Im beginning to have feelings for himbut,Im a little scared. Espcially when it comes time to perhaps meeting in person. Were from different states too! I would love some input from people who have done this or knows someone who has or just opinions periodconfused
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The landscape changed here!

My, the page has a different look this morning!

On the agenda for today: some of yesterday's tasks because the system was down at the station so I could not finish editing and assembling the new project. A new lesson learned, always burn a CD so I can edit at home in case of need. And I need to get to the gym, pitting myself against unyielding inanimate objects may burn off some adrenaline hangover, especially since my second feature last night turned out to be far from frothy. One of those strange films that makes one ask why did they make it? Oh sure the concept is pure and inviting but the execution fell short on too many levels. Back to today: phone calls that must be made and three pieces of music to track down then type up Friday's running order - I had discounted the sheer volume of music required to cover 6 hours on air even with my chat and features interspersed. Just the audition and selection process takes up several hours so I think any plans to do this more than once a week will go on hold for now. Maybe when I am not the only one involved in the process...right now it is more important that the existing drive time shows be spruced up and the general programming be shaken up a little bit. And content added. Then there's the sister station which will stay fully automated for the next few months. At least I have finally learned NOT to try to do everything at once. Whoops, kettle just boiled time to make breakfast and get the day on the road. Literally.
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How to find a Job and Get Off Welfare

If you get invited in for an interview be prepared. Try writing a list of questions you would like to ask and familiarize yourself with it. Some good questions might include but need not be limited to:

How much vacation do I get?

How long are the coffee breaks?

How much is the pay?

Are alcoholic beverages allowed on the job?

Do I have to bring my own pillow or are they supplied?

Are the chicks here good looking?

If you have long hair get a haircut for Pete's sake. Make sure the barber shaves most of your head down to the skin leaving only a few areas untouched to preserve that "splotchy" look.
If you really can't stand the thought of getting a haircut at least dye your hair green or purple or something.

If you are an American pretend you have some kind of disability. An easy one to fake would be Tourette's Syndrome. Every few minutes blurt out some insulting remark like, "eat shit" or something. Then apologize and tell them you have Tourette's Syndrome. This may scare them into hiring you in case you were to sue them later for not hiring you (ADA).

One indicator of extreme kewlness I observed just last summer involved guys going to a dance or nightclub carrying a workout towel. Most of the time they just left the towel wrapped around their necks with the open part at the front.
It always seems odd the way more than one person starts doing something no one ever thought of doing before..... like wearing a workout towel to a bar or a dance. Perhaps it is a way of stating for the benefit of the world at large that individuals so attired are in some important way part of some "IN" crowd.

It might be a good idea to carry a workout towel as well when looking for employment. In addition to demonstrating how kewl the wearer is it almost might suggest to potential employers that you have come prepared. After all, a workout towel could have numerous on-the-job applications such as:

Waiters, waitresses and bartenders can use them to wipe tables etc.
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How to find a Job and Get Off Welfare

People employed in the health care delivery areas could use them to wipe noses and asses and clean up puke. After work they can go straight to a dance or nightclub fully prepared.
If these techniques don't seem to bear fruit at first keep on trying! Perseverance pays off.

Don't be afraid to lower your expectations somewhat. If you find you can't get that $60 thousand dollar a year job you had your sights on maybe you should aim for something somewhat more modest.

Consider opportunities in advertising or vacuum cleaner sales. There is always a demand for people who can wash dishes or cars, shovel slop on a pig farm or drive a taxi or deliver advertising materials. Some of these jobs can be very rewarding.

Give some thought to starting your own business if you think you have what it takes. Keep in mind that most small businesses don't last. Here are just a few ideas for excellent small businesses that can be started with next to zero start-up capital:

Sell flowers, chocolate bars, apples or pencils at the mall or on a street corner.

Find a grocery store that forces people to pay a quarter to obtain a shopping cart. After people have loaded their groceries into their vehicles offer to take their shopping carts back to the shopping cart coral. You keep the quarter.

Find a beer store and stand by the door. Open the door for customers coming and going. Have a paper cup handy.

Sell dope.
I had a job once where I would interview a random sampling of people to get information about their labour market participation. A number of respondents were welfare recipients.

One of the questions the respondents were asked was, "Have you done anything to find work in the last x weeks or so." Many of the respondents answered "No." If they answered "No," they would then be asked why not. Here are some of the reasons respondents gave for not seeking work. I have included some advice for circumventing these obstacles should any of these responses match your own thinking on the issue.

Answer: I don't have enough education.

Don't have enough education for what? To look for a job or to obtain a position in the upper reaches of the corporate hierarchy? God grant me the wisdom to know the difference it says in a well known prayer. Face it. If you can't program your digital watch it's unlikely you'll find work in the Management Information Systems division of some corporation. However, you ought to be able to wash dishes in a Chinese restaurant.
Don't know how to write a proper will or power of attorney? Then law is probably out of the question. Lower your sights a wee bit. Maybe you could learn to operate a spray gun and get a job in a car wash.

Answer: I have a bad back

So do millions of people who have jobs. Avoid seeking the kinds of jobs that require a strong back. If you have a bad back then working for a furniture moving company is probably a bad idea. Consider instead going into security work.

Answer: I don't have a car to get to the interviews.
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How to find a Job and Get Off Welfare

Many people who don't have a job find they don't have a lot of other things. Like cars. Unless you have rich parents or benefactors you need to put the cart back in front of the horse. First you get the job. Then you buy a car.

Answer: I don't have cab fare to get to the interviews.

Try taking a bus.

Answer: I don't have bus fare.


Answer: I don't have any shoes.

Try wrapping banana peels around your feet.

Answer: The last job I had was physically very hard. In order to ensure my body had enough fuel to keep up with the physical demands of the job I had to spend my entire paycheque on food. There was no money left over for anything else. (No, this did not come from one of the survey respondents, it came from an acquaintance of mine explaining why he had recently quit his job.)

That's just a pile of freaking bs and you know it.

Answer: I don't know where the jobs are.

There are thousands of job vacancies out there. You can find them listed in the classified section of your local newspaper, on the internet and posted in government employment centers. Here are just a few examples of the wonderful employment opportunities advertised:
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How to find a Job and Get Off Welfare

Truck driver helper. Move furniture. $8 per hour.

Multi Level Marketing - Someone trying to sell you something pretends he is looking to hire you. If you buy whatever crap he's selling, like phone cards, or herbal supplements, or knives, or life insurance or internet advertising you turn around and try to sell the same shit to someone else by pretending you want to hire them.

Security guard (courier, pizza delivery driver etc) - car required - gas provided. You work for close to minimum wage but you have to drive your own car all over Hell's half acre to get to the job sites. You think you are getting paid but you aren't supposed to realize that the wear and tear you are putting on your vehicle will eventually consume most of your earnings.
I met a guy who told me he drove his own car for a courier company for $7.00 per hour. They would pay for his gas. He would put about 400 kilometers on his car in a shift. Estimating that it cost's roughly 40 cents a kilometer to operate a vehicle these days this job was costing him about $160 per shift so he could earn $56 back. After about three months the guy quit the courier job.

Then the bills starting rolling in for car repairs. He had to sink about $3000 into his car practically rebuilding it. If he worked at this job for three months (about twelve weeks) for $7 per hour for a 40 hour week he would have been earning about $280 per week (before taxes and other deductions) or about $3360 over the whole twelve weeks. Subtract the three grand he had to sink into auto repairs and he is left with a grand total of $360. Wow! All of that however would likely have been scooped up by the tax-man so this guy was quite literally working for nothing.

Even if he got to keep the $360 his actual hourly pay for twelve weeks works out to $360 divided by (twelve weeks times forty hours per week) equals $360 divided by 480 hours for a princely wage of $.75 (seventy five cents) per hour.Well, try to look at it this way.... think of all the bananas you can buy for your weekly thirty bucks!
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Nothing Worse than a Bad Back, 'xept Maybe no Dope

thursday i hurt my back lifting stuff .. i've always had intermittent minor back pain, but it was really bad thursday and on friday it got worse, and on saturday it got even worse, it was so bad on saturday i couldn't believe how bad it got come sunday, until monday that is when it was even worse than it had been before. Then i got a headache, and finally went to urgent care at the end of the day. Then the headache got even worse on tuesday so i went to the emergency ward at noon. by wednesday, the headache was so bad i forgot all about the back pain and went to the morgue.

and that freaking character downstairs keeps on hammering that nail back up through the damned floor. I keep stepping on it in my bare feet. This is really starting to hurt. What's he trying to do down there anyway? Hang a picture on the freaking ceiling?

monday, i went to work at 8 and left at 9:30 because it was really bad.. and I was all out of booze and serzone. today, tuesday, i went in at 8 and went home right away, unable to do anything.

i slept most of the day yesterday, thought i got a lot of rest... but by morning i was in a hot, sweaty chill (the only thing i can compare it to is the withdrawal sweats, parts of my body very hot and parts very cold) and my back was hurting, and my head also aching as it has all weekend.

and that freaking character downstairs keeps on playing that freaking classical music.... "Everybody Loves Somebody" and "Do You Know The Way To San Jose" over and over again.

man I could use a drink right now. the case of beer i bought thursday with the quart of rum was gone before I even got to work.

so today when my usual doc's office opens at 10:15, i'm going to call for an appointment. i just don't know what to say when i get to the office. i am on a prescription for chloroform and valium.. i just started the chloroform and have been taking it faithfully for a few weeks (so it will show up if he tests for it i guess) and i ran out of my 30 10mg valiums a couple of days ago. i'm pretty sure this isn't benzo withdrawal btw.. on friday the urgent care clinic doctor told me to rest and gave me cyclobenzaprine and percocet. i'm out of both of those, too.
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